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NRTC Perkins Urinary

Anatomy and Physiology

The ability to control micturition is often lost after a stroke, Alzheimer's disease, or other CNS problems affecting the cerebral cortex or hypothalamus? True or False True
Inflammation of the urinary bladder lining, usually from infection is called? Cystitis
Which vessels form the plexus that supplies the proximal and distal convoluted tubules? Peritubular capillaries
Blood enters the glomerulus by the: Afferent arteriole
Blood exits the glomerulus by the: Efferent arteriole
This structure filters the fluid out of the blood: glomerulus
This capsule collects the fluid filtered out of the glomerulus: Bowman's
Name the two segments within the loop of Henle: Descending and Ascending
The location where blood vessels, nerves, and the ureter enter and leave the kidney is the: Hilum
The portion of the nephron in charge of making urine is the: Renal tubule
Most sodium is reabsorbed from the glomerular filtrate in the: Proximal convoluted tubule
Which of the following substances should not be found in urine? Glucose
A triangular-shaped smooth area on the floor of the bladder is called: Trigone
Many diuretics work by blocking tubular reabsorption of: Sodium
This calyx collects urine leaving the papilla: minor calyx
Two to three minor calyx join together to form a major calyx
The kidney region that is the site for urine production: Renal cortex
The kidney region that is the site for urine collection: Renal medulla
These extensions extend from the renal cortex and divide the interior region into cone-shaped sections: renal columns
The point of the pyramid is called: renal papilla
The renal corpuscle consists of what two structures glomerulus and Bowman's capsule
The juxtaglomerular cells response to a drop in blood pressure and decreased blood volume. What enzyme is released? renin
Renin converts inactive plasma protein ______________ made in what organ,into what? angiotensinogen, liver, angiotensin I
Angiotensin I via the circulatory system goes to the__________ where it is converted into __________________, by what enzyme? lungs, angiotensin II, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE).
The adrenal glands are stimulated by what to secrete what? Angiotensin II, aldosterone
What hormone causes the DCT to retain Na+ and this in-turn causes an increase in what & other events? aldosterone, water retention and increase in blood volume in-turn increases your BP :-)
What always follows Na+? chloride and water
What does Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)do that the end result is decrease urine volume and increase in blood volume. permability to the DCT & collecting duct to water goes into the peritubular capillaries
The atrial natriuretic peptide is secreted when BP increases which in-turn causes what? That the end result is DCT excretes more Na+Cl- and water reducing blood volume and BP inhibits secretion of aldosterone and ADH.
The wall of the bladder is called the: detrusor muscle
Created by: perkins66
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