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Vieira Riggs Words

6th Grade Riggs

employee a person working for another person or a business firm for pay
comrade a person who shares in one's activities, occupation, etc.; companion, associate, or friend
splash to wet or soil by dashing masses or particles of water, mud, or the like; spatter; to dash a liquid or semi-liquid substance about; the sound of splashing
canis Latin root meaning "dog"
canine a dog; dog-like
caninity canine quality or trait; dog-like in nature
Canidae the family of dog-like carnivorous mammals including dogs, wolves, foxes, etc.
shift to transfer from one place, position, person, etc., to another; to change (gears) from one arrangement to another such as when driving
concert a public musical performance in which a number of singers or instrumentalists, or both, participate
decide to solve or conclude (a question, controversy, or struggle) by giving victory to one side
feles Latin root meaning "cat"
feline a cat; cat-like
felinophobia fear of cats
Felidae the whole cat tribe, large and small, including domestic cats, lions, tigers, cougars, etc.
decided past tense of "decide"; free from hesitation or wavering; resolute; determined
design to plan and fashion artistically or skillfully
dictionary a book containing a selection of the words of a language, giving information about their meanings, pronunciations, etc.
leon Greek root meaning "lion"
lion the alrgest member of the cat family Felidae
dandelion weedy plant with deeply toothed leaves and golden-yellow tufted flower
chameleon a lizard with a large head able to change color for protection
weather the state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture, pressure, etc.
whether used to introduce the first of two or more alternatives, and sometimes repeated before the second or later alternative, usually with the correlative or
elephant either of two large, five-toed pachyderms of the family Elephantidae, characterized by a long, prehensile trunk formed of the nose and upper lip
Greek of or pertaining to Greece, the Greeks, or their language
mythology a set of stories, traditions, or beliefs associated with a particular group or the history of an event, arising naturally or deliberately fostered
odyssey An epic poem attributed to Homer, describing Odysseus's adventures in his ten-year attempt to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War; a long series of wanderings or adventures, especially when filled with notable experiences, hardships, etc.
fertile bearing, producing, or capable of producing vegetation, crops, etc., abundantly; prolific
frightened afraid; fearful
gallows a wooden frame, consisting of a crossbeam on two uprights, on which condemned persons are executed by hanging
equus Latin root meaning "horse" equus
equine of, pertaining to, resembling a horse
equestrian a person skilled in horse riding
Equidae scientific term for the horse family
grocery Also called grocery store; a grocer's store
groceries food and other commodities sold by a grocer
handkerchief a small piece of linen, silk, or other fabric, usually square, and used especially for wiping one's nose, eyes, face, etc., or for decorative purposes
caballus Latin root meaning "horse" caballus
cavalry a division of an army in which the soldiers ride horses
chivalry a code of conduct followed by knights in the Middle Ages
cavalcade procession of riders on horseback or in carriages
listened to pay attention; heed; obey
morsel a bite, mouthful, or small portion of food, candy, etc.
nickel coin of the U.S., the 20th part of a dollar, equal to five cents
desert a region so arid because of little rainfall that it supports only sparse and widely spaced vegetation or no vegetation at all
dessert cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, etc., served as the final course of a meal
coordinates define the position of a point, line, or the like, by reference to a fixed figure, system of lines, such as on a map
niece a daughter of a person's brother or sister
pistols a short firearm intended to be held and fired with one hand (plural)
purchase to acquire by the payment of money or its equivalent; buy
Persia Also called Persian Empire. an ancient empire located in W and SW Asia: at its height it extended from Egypt and the Aegean to India; conquered by Alexander the Great 334–331 b.c
democracy government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system
suffrage the right to vote, especially in a political election
purchased something bought
recess temporary withdrawal or cessation from the usual work or activity
sauces any preparation, usually liquid or semi-liquid, eaten as a gravy or as a relish accompanying food
hippos Greek root meaning "horse"
hippodrome horse race track, especially from Roman times
hippopotamus river horse
hippology study of horses
hippocampus sea horse
hippophile one who loves horses
hippiatric pertaining to treating the diseases of horsis
porcus Latin root meaning "pig, hog or swine"
porcine pig-like; fat; lazy
porcupine spiny or prickly pig-shaped rodent
porpoise a blunt, snouted, aquatic mammal, similar to a dolphin
pork meat from a pig
sleigh a sled
society an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes
architecture the profession of designing buildings, open areas, communities, and other;often includes design or selection of furnishings and decorations, supervision of construction work, and the examination, restoration, or remodeling of existing buildings
philosophy the rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct
wisdom the quality or state of being wise; knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity, discernment, or insight
source any thing or place from which something comes, arises, or is obtained; origin
speech the act of speaking
steak a slice of meat or fish, especially beef, cooked by broiling, frying, etc.
emotion any of the feelings of joy, sorrow, fear, hate, love, etc.
rhetoric the art of making persuasive speeches; oratory
reality a real thing or fact
telephone a system that converts acoustic vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound, typically voices, over a distance using wire or radio.
trolley a pulley or truck traveling on an overhead track and serving to support and move a suspended object
circle a round plane figure whose boundary (the circumference) consists of points equidistant from a fixed point (the center).
ORNIS/ORNITHOS bird (greek)
ornithology the study of birds
ornithivorous eats birds
ornithopter an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings
AVIS bird (latin)
sincerely adverb "sincerely hope"
greeting noun or verb "friendly message"
concerned adjective "worried"
amphitheater noun "an outdoor theater"
Trojan noun or adjective "from Troy"
ancient adjective "really old"
Vieira noun "Portuguese surname"
build verb "to make"
construct verb "to make or build"
Socratic adjective "related to Socrates"
contribution noun "a gift or payment"
desertification noun "becoming desert"
accept verb "consent to receive"
except preposition "not including"
possible adjective "able to be done"
GREX/GREGIS flock, herd, group, troop (latin)
gregarious adjective "likes company"
egregious adjective "really bad"
segregate verb "to separate"
impossible adjective "not possible"
impossibly adverb "highly unlikely"
ordinary adjective "normal"
OMNIS each, every, all (Latin)
omnivorous adjective "eats plants and animals"
omniscient adjective "knows all"
omnipotent adjective "all powerful"
extraordinary adjective "unusual, special"
concern verb or noun "worry OR about"
automobile noun "cars, trucks, etc."
amphora noun "jug with two handles"
amphigory noun "a nonsense verse"
associate verb or noun "connect:
association noun "organized group"
parallel adjective "side by side"
AMBI on both sides, around, surround (Latin)
ambidextrous adjective "uses both hands"
ambiance noun "mood of a place"
ambiguous adjective "more than one meaning"
vary verb "to change"
various adjective "many"
decide verb "to make a choice"
lymph noun "fluid with white blood cells"
lymphatic adjective "type of body system or fluid"
vaccine noun "preventative medicine"
decision a choice
entitle to give a right
political to do with politics
EU (Greek) well, good, plesant
eulogy speech for a deceased person
euphemism indirect expression
euphoria good feeling
nation a united group
national relating to a nation
recent god reeling
MALUS (Latin) bad, ugly, evil, ill
malady disease
malediction a curse
malpropism mistaken use of a word
busy much to do
business a profession
refer mention
E, EX (Latin) out of, beyond, from, former
evacuate to withdraw
evidence proof
elaborate to work in detail
ought indicated duty
absence lack of presence
absent not present
ARCHOS chief, principal, primitive
archaeology study of humans
archaic very old
oligarchy rule by few
confer to discuss/check-in
conference a meeting
Wednesday a day of the week
ARCUS (Latin) bow, arc
arc part of a circle
archer person who shoots arrows from bows
archway passage under an arch
real not fake
really very
reality the world as it exists
CIRCUM (Latin) around, about
circle a round shape
circumference distance around a circle
circulation movement around something
realize become aware
realism representing things as they are
celebration an enjoyable event
KYKLOS (Greek) ring, circle, wheel
bicycle two-wheeled vehicle
motorcycle two-wheeled motor vehicle
Cyclops round-eyed monster
folk people
ache pain
amusement finding something entertaining
PERI (Greek) around
perimeter sum of the sides of a shape
perigee point where the moon is nearest earth
perihelion point in orbit when object is nearest the sun
biscuits type of baked good
bruise injury
bruised past tense of bruise
THEOS (Greek) god
theology study of religion/god
monotheism belief in only one god
theocracy government ruled by religion/god
history noun "study of past events"
historic adjective "famous in history"
historical adjective "relating to history"
DEUS (Latin) god
deity noun "a god"
deist noun "person that believes in a god but not in religion"
deus ex machina noun "unexpected salvation by powerful being"
issue noun "situation or problem"
burglar noun "person who steals"
burglary noun "the act of entering a place to steal from it"
DIVINUS (Latin) god-like
divine adjective "of god"
diviner noun "person who predicts events"
diva noun "famous female singer"
changeable adjective "can be changed"
chimney "releases smoke from fires"
choir noun "group of singers"
HOMO\HOMINIS (man, human being)
homo sapiens noun "human species"
humane adjective "having compassion"
ad hominem adjective or adverb "directed at an individual"
commence verb "to begin"
complete adjective or verb "having everything required; finished"
deceive verb "trick or lie"
ANTHROPOS (man, mankind, humankind)
anthropology noun "study of humankind"
anthropomorphize verb "to make human-like"
misanthrope noun "person who dislikes humankind"
discoveries noun "findings"
electricity noun "a form of energy"
exquisite adjective "extremely lovely"
VIR Latin: (man, manly, masculine)
virile adjective "manly strength and energy"
virtue noun "high moral standards"
virtual adjective "accessed or stored on computer"
disease noun "illness"
err verb "to make a mistake"
error noun "a mistake"
FEMINA Latin (woman)
feminine adjective "with female quality"
feminism noun "advocacy of women's rights"
femme fatal noun "attractive and deadly woman"
exceptions noun "not following the norm"
favorite adjective "preferred options"
handful noun " a small amount"
INFANS\INFANTIS Latin (inability to speak )
infant noun "a very young child"
infantile adjective "child-like"
infanticipate verb "awaiting the birth of a child"
shepherd noun "person who tends sheep"
exhaust verb or noun "to use up energy OR waste gas from a machine"
herb noun "plant used for flavor or medicine"
enlightenment noun "being enlightened"
philosophical adjective "to do with the study of knowledge"
romanticism noun "art and literature about imagination and emotion"
hymn noun "religious song"
arithmetic noun "math"
lily noun "type of flower"
PAIS\PAIDOS Greek (child, children)
pediatrician noun "doctor of children"
pedagogy noun "teaching method"
pedantic adjective "overly detailed"
lilies noun "plural of lily"
liquor noun "alcoholic drink"
medal noun "a metal, circular award"
discovery noun "a finding"
dialogue noun "conversation"
demystified verb "made clearer"
SCHOLE (leisure, free time)
LUDO\LUSUS Latin (play, mock)
IATROS Greek (doctor, physician, comforter)
MEDICUS Latin (physician)
SANUS Latin (healthy, not diseased or injured)
Created by: chpcs6
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