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Riggs 2014-15

Riggs words for 7th grade 2014-15

penultimate second to the last
strident loud and harsh; grating
partisan a strong supporter of a party, cause, or person
balk hesitate, shy away from
terrestrial of, on, or relating to the earth
promulgate to promote or make widely known
wizened shriveled or wrinkled with age
venerate to have great respect for
metalloid chemical element that is like both metals and nonmetals
isotope an element with an equal number of protons as another element but a different number of neutrons
transmutation changing into another form
tirade a long, angry speech of criticism or accusation
surreptitous kept secret, especially because it would not be approved of
affront an action or remark that causes outrage or offense
veneer a thin, decorative cover
static not moving, unchanging
venerable given a great deal of respect
vehemently showing strong and often angry feelings: very emotional
validate check or prove the accuracy, truth, or value
alkali an element in group 1 of the periodic table, some are so reactive they can explode when mixed with water
halogen an element in group 17 of the periodic table
quarks the materials that make up protons and neutrons
timorous showing nervousness, fear, or lack of confidence
oration a formal speech, especially one given on a ceremonial occasion
ballad a form of verse, often a narrative set to music
paradox a statement that seems to contradict itself but might be true
laudatory expressing praise
vagary an unexpected change in a situation or someone's behavior
mundane lacking interest or excitement; dull
benevolent well meaning and kindly
quell to stop
insipid dull or flat
obfuscate to bewilder
oblivious Absent minded
protean to take on a different shape or form
beseech to ask
censor to examine a book, movie, etc. and remove unacceptable parts.
dictatorial ruling with absolute power
constitution the basic beliefs and laws that establish a government
amendment a minor change in a document
autocratic ruling with absolute power
sovereignty self-governing
vicissitude an event that occurs by chance
strenuous requiring tremendous energy or stamina
obscure unclear, partially hidden
respite a break, rest
neophyte someone who is young or inexperienced
redoubtable formidable, commanding respect
salutation a greeting
arbiter one who can resolve a dispute, make a decision
refurbish to restore, clean up
vicarious experiencing through another
munificence generosity in giving
beguile to trick, deceive
virtuoso a person who excels especially in music
whimsical full of sudden wishes and desires
seminal crucial, important
relegate to banish
abduct to take away
mitigate to make milder, less intense, or severe
bard a poet, often a singer as well
renovate restore, return to original state; to enlarge and make prettier, especially a house
approbation praise
umbrage resentment, offense
sycophant one who flatters for self-gain
pert flippant, bold
qualm a sudden feeling of sickness
sedulously diligently
cupola rounded roof or ceiling
monarchy having a king or queen as ruler
imperialism extending a country's power through diplomacy or military force
annexation the action of adding territory
vindictive having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge
zealous having or showing eagerness
anathema something or someone that one vehemently dislikes
ubiquitous found everywhere, common
temperance abstinence from alcoholic drink
morass an area of muddy or boggy ground
abate to make or become less
vestige a sign of something that vanished
oscillate to move back and forth
temerity foolish or rash boldness
pretense something not supported by fact
mores habits
soliloquy the act of talking to oneself
satirical full of irony
affianced engaged
sublunary situated between the Earth and moon
rousing to wake up
irrefragable not able to be refuted or disproved; indisputable
sacrilege violation or misuse of something sacred
astounding surprisingly impressive
classification the arrangement of something
allotted give someone something as a share
manuscript document written by hand
abominable causing refultion
amities friendship
inscrutable mysterious
ken range of knowledge
stringent strictness, severity, scarcity
unmaning making weak or nervous
abject low in spirit or hope.
calamity great distress
diaphanous transparent
exorbitant above normal
undaunted unphased
denizens inhabitants
imperious dictatorial
annotated took notes to make simpler
baize coarse, felt like woolen material
farrago a mixture
hansom a two wheeled cart
turpitude evilness
blasphemies insults to sacred things
doggedly stubbornly
lamentation passionate grief
mottled marked with spots
peevishly showing impatience
scud to move in straight line
acuteness harsh or sharp quality
disparity great difference
ebullition the act of boiling
parley conference before war
pungent strong smelling
volatile changing
prodigy an extraordinary person
astute clever
feint to fake attack
acquiescence acceptance
blazoned published widely
insidiously slyly
militarism the act of expanding military
alliances friendships
disarmament the act of removing weapons
mitosis cellular replication
meiosis the making of sex cells
reagent substances added to a mixture to cause a chemical reaction
transcribe to write a copy of
replication precise copying
nucleotide the components of DNA
lysate formed by destruction of cells
extraction the act of taking something away
histone one of five basic proteins
amorphous without shape
insurgent one who revolts against govenrment
inherently permanently, essentially
avidity great enthusiasm
effulgence radiant splendor
buttressed supported
pneumatic using pressurized air
aversion a strong feeling of dislike
capacious roomy
conquest to take over
erode crumble away
inconspicuous not clearly visible
parry to ward off
inveterate always or often happening
peccadillo small offense or sin
irrevocable not able to be changed
multifarious many of various types
obsequious passive obediance
throes intense and violent pain
sieve a colander, sifter
pecuniary of or having to do with money
jalopy a dilapidated vehicle
convergence joining point
atomation a mechanical human
domicile a house or home
cyclops a one-eyed man
plunder to steal
perspicuous clearly expressed
tranient lasting for only a short time
provocation an action that annoys
awkward hard to do
perpetual neverending
rudimentary basic principles
premonitory giving a warning
insurmountable too great to overcome
execrable extremely bad
onerous troublesome or burdensome
gregarious sociable
elocution the art of public speaking
kisme fate
coerce to force someone by threatening
mawkish excessively sentimental
capitulate to give in, surrender
abdicate to give up power
etcetera indicates more of the same in a list
ameliorate make something better
inadequacy lack of required quality or quantity
luminary a person who inspires or influences others
solicitous concerned, attentive
tacit expressed without words
vacuous lack of content
brusque abrupt
stoic unaffected by passion or feeling
tedius dull, boring
troglodyte deliberately ignorant person
benighted ignorant
calcined heated to high temperature
mein a person's manner
phlegmatic calm
indolent lazy
gesticulation dramatic gesturing
avarice greedy
distemper thrown out of order/unorganized feature
impracticable impossible to do
Laconic lacking words
imperturbable cannot get upset
somniferous to make you sleep
predicament a difficult, unpleasant, embarrassing situation
taciturn doesn't talk very much
egress an exit
dessicate to dry up
ingress an entrance or access
belie to give a false impression of
repentant feeling sorry
trenchant clear-cut, effective, articulate
quixotic impractical
incredulous unable to believe
audacious having a lack of respect
jingoistic nationalistic/chauvenistic
exhort to urge
portmanleau a large truck
voracious wanting or eating great amounts of food
ingenious clever, original, inventive
profound having/showing great insight
acquirement the action of buying or obtaining something
authentic genuine
mystification confusion
sententious self righteous
incandescentce the emission of visible light by a body
mellifluous sweet, musical
arduous stressful
phenomenon unexplainable occurance
prodigious ridiculously large
Created by: JVenture
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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