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Computer skills terms that deal with Telecommunications

What is needed in order to connect to the Internet? IP Address
A set of rules specifically for an organization's network such as a school's rules for Internet use. AUP - Acceptable Use Policy
A method of sending information over a network, simultaneously sending the same message to multiple recipients such as playing music over the Internet. Broadcast
Software programs like Internet Explorer and Safari that help you see web sites. Browser
An extension used in a URL, such as .com or .org; used to identify the type of entity to which a site belongs. Domain Name
Saving pictures, music or other files from a network or the Internet to your computer. Download
Examples of sources of viruses Downloading, portable storage devices, email attachments
A procedure that render the contents of a message or file unintelligible to anyone not authorized to read it such as scrambled credit card numbers when purchasing online. Encryption
A computer or computer software that stops unauthorized users from accessing private information; prevents network intrusion. Firewall
A satellite navigational system of satellites and receiving devices used to compute positions on earth. GPS - Global positioning system
A web browser feature that allows you to move quickly from one location to another. Hyperlink
The first or welcome page for a web site; the starting point for the entire site which may contain links from this starting page. Home Page
A global network of thousands of computer networks that offers e-mail and information services to millions of users. Internet
An internal Internet belonging to an organization such as a school. Intranet
A connection between one page in a hypertext or multimedia document and another page or document. Link
Two or more computers connected to each other in a local area; within the same building or room. Local area network (LAN)
What safety precaution should you always do before leaving a computer? Log off or log out
A device that permits a computer to transmit and receive data over a telephone line; it can be inside the computer (internal) or outside the computer (eternal). Modem
Software that is free for anyone to use. Public domain software
Happening at that moment; live Real time
Four examples of real time events Teleconference, webcast, instant messaging, chat rooms
Forwarding email to hundreds of people, usually junk mail is called what? Spam
Software that allows the user to block junk mail. Spam blocker
Two or more people who are geographically distant having a meeting across a telecommunications link. Teleconference
Occurs on the Internet where users post a questions or comment to an online discussion board and other users respond or comment. Threaded discussion
A program that destroys computer files or systems. Virus
Delivery of live or delayed sound or video broadcasts using web technology. Webcast
Two or more computers connected to each other over a long distance, usually between buildings. WAN - Wide area network
What should you do with email from people or companies that you do not know? Delete it
Secure passwords should include a series of what two things? Numbers and letters
The format most used for storing and transmitting photographs on the world wide web. jpeg
The standard for compression and storage of motion video. mpeg
An electronic document that carries its fonts, styles, and formatting which does not allow the document to be edited. pdf
The person who controls the access to the Internet. System administrator
Ten computers that are networked need a minimum of how many printers in order for all ten to be able to print? One
The sharing of computer data or space on a network which allows multiple users to use the same file File sharing
Software that can be downloaded and tried out but if you keep it you must send the creator a fee. Not Free software. Shareware
A company that provides access to the Internet to individuals or companies Internet Service Provider (ISP)
A program that seems friendly but is really very destructive; when opened, it will send a virus onto your computer. Trojan Horse
A program that gets into your computer and copies itself over and over; keeps getting bigger and bigger until it shuts down the computer. Worm
When sending an email if you want to send a copy of the email to another person, where would you put the email address? In the CC box
In a URL, what are used to identify the type or king of site you are visiting? Domain suffixes or file extension
How would you send someone else a copy of an email that you have received? Forward the email to that person.
Dialog over time where a person post a comment and others respond to it. Threaded discussion
If you have an application for working at a fast food chain, what equipment would you need to send an electronic copy of that application to a friend? Scanner
What prevents your credit card information from being stolen when making purchases online? Firewall
What technology is capable of gathering personal information without your knowledge? Spyware
The denial, refusal, or rejection of a right, power, or responsibility such as a sign that says "Swim at your own risk" or on a web page in regard to external links. Disclaimer
Interactive communication using video and sound transmitted over telephone lines in real time. Video conference
Electronic journal to share opinions and ideas. Blog
Created by: eblanchard
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