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Vocabulary Lesson 2

English 11H

jocular joking
servile appropriate for servants
pious marked by religious reverence; commendable/worthy
aesthetic appreciating beauty and art; in accordance w/standards of quality in art
circuitous indirect
chicanery the use of deceptive action
insidious alluring but harmful
ominous threatening; sinister
tenet an opinion, principle or doctrine held by a group
contentious fond of controversy
visceral instinctive or intensely emotional
reticent reserved
hierarchy system of government organized according to rank
pugnacious quarrelsome
vanguard foremost position in a movement/trend
ambivalence contradictory emotions; uncertainty
avail use/advantage; benefit; assist
equanimity composure
equivalent equal in value
equivocal having two or more meanings; doubtful
evince to show plainly
iniquity unjust act
prevail predominant
valedictory bidding farewell at a formal leave-taking
vanquish to defeat
Created by: 1527243760
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