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Urinary Elimination

What is the normal range of urine production? 1 to 2 Liters per day.
Urine is usually ___ water and ___ solutes. 95%, 5%.
Where are the kidneys located? The kidneys are level with the twelfth thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae.
What forms the glomerulus? A cluster of capillaries.
What is a sign of glomerular injury? Proteinuria.
Is urine draining from the the ureters to the bladder sterile? Yes.
What are terms used to say the expelling of urine from the body? Urination, micturition, and voiding.
An adult senses the need to urinate when the bladder has how many ml? 150-200 ml
A child senses the need to urinate when the bladder has how many ml? 50-100 ml
What is urinary retention? An accumulation of urine in the bladder because the bladder is unable to partially or completely empty
Children can not control urination voluntarily until? 18 to 24 months.
Urinary tract infections account for what percent of hospital-acquired infections in the United States? 36% to 40%.
What is bacteriuria? bacteria in the urine.
What is urosepsis? The spread of organisms into the bloodstream.
What is residual urine? urine that remains in the bladder after urination.
What is urinary incontinence? the loss of control over voiding, it is either temporary or permanent.
What are the 5 types of urinary incontinence? Total, Functional, Stress, Urge, and Reflex.
What are three common urinary problems? Urinary Retention, Urinary tract infection, and urinary incontinence.
What are three urinary diversions? Urostomy, infection control and hygiene, developmental considerations.
What do you do when assessing a patient for urinary problems? History, patterns, symptoms, and factors affecting.
During a physical assessment, what do you look at? Skin and mucous membranes, kidney flank, bladder, urethral meatus, I&O, Urine Characteristics.
What labs are done to determine urinary problems? Urinalysis, clean catch, sterile specimen, 24 hour urine.
What urinalysis values are looked at? pH, Protein, Glucose, Ketones, Blood, Specific gravity.
What are some non invasive diagnostic tests? KUB, IVP.
What are some invasive diagnostic tests? Endoscope, Arteriogram.
What is urgency? Feeling of the need to void immediately.
What is Dysuria? Painful or difficult urination.
What is frequency? Voiding at frequent intervals.
What is Hesitancy? Difficulty in initiating urination.
What is Polyuria? Voiding large amount of urine.
What is Oliguria? Diminished urinary output in relation to fluid intake.
What is Nocturia? Urination, particularly excessive, at night.
What is dribbling? leakage of urine despite voluntary control of micturition.
What is hematuria? Presence of blood in urine.
What is retention? Accumulation of urine in bladder, with inability of bladder to empty.
What is residual urine? Volume of urine remaining in bladder after voiding(volumes of 100 ml or more).
What is a key indicator of kidney function? Urine output.
How quickly do urine specimens need to be to the lab? Within 1 hour of collection or be refrigerated.
When collecting a 24 hour urine specimen, what do you always do with the first sample? Discard it.
Where is a suprapubic catheter located? It is inserted surgically into the bladder through the lower abdomen above the symphsis pubis.
Created by: Trinityc
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