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acetaminophen; butalbital; caffeine : a SEET a MIN o fen; byoo TAL bi tal; KAF een Fioricet Tension headache
acetaminophen; hydrocodone : a SEET a MIN o fen; hye droe KOE done Vicodin; Norco; Lortab Pain
acyclovir : ay SYE kloe veer Zovirax Viral infections
adalimumab : ad a LIM moo mab Humira Rheumatoid Arthritis
adapalene : a DAP a leen Differin Acne
albuterol : al BYOO ter ol Ventolin; Proventil Asthma
alendronate : a LEN droe nate Fosamax Osteoporosis
alfuzosin : al FEW zoe sin Uroxatral Enlarged prostate
allopurinol : al o PURE i nole Zyloprim Gout
alprazolam : al PRAY zoe lam Xanax Anxiety
amiodarone : AM e OH da rone Cordarone; Pacerone Heart arrhythmias
amitriptyline : am mee TRIP ti leen Elavil Depression
amlodipine : am LOE di peen Norvasc Hypertension
amlodipine; benazepril : am LOE di peen; ben AZ e pril Lotrel Hypertension
amoxicillin : a mox i SIL in Amoxil Infection
amoxicillin; clavulanate : a mox i SIL in; KLAV yoo lan ate Augmentin Infection
amphetamine; dextroamphetamine : dex troe am FET a meen; am FET a meen Adderall ADD
aripiprazole : air i PIP ra zohl Abilify Schizophrenia
aspirin; butalbital; caffeine : AS pir in; byoo TAL bi tal; KAF een Fiorinal Tension headache
aspirin; dipyridamole : AS pir in; dye pye RID a mol Aggrenox Clot prevention
atenolol : a TEN oh lol Tenormin Hypertension
atomoxetine : at o MOX e teen Strattera ADD
atorvastatin : a TORE va sta tin Lipitor High blood cholesterol
azelastine : a ZEL a steen Astelin; Optivar Allergies
azithromycin : a ZITH roe MYE sin Zithromax Infection
beclomethasone : be kloe METH a sone QVAR; Beconase Asthma
benzonatate : ben ZO na tate Tessalon Perles Cough
bimatoprost : bi MA to prost Lumigan Glaucoma
brimonidine : bri MOE ni deen Alphagan P Glaucoma
budesonide : bue DES oh nide Pulmicort; Rhinocort Asthma
budesonide; formoterol : b-you DES oh nide; for MOT er ol Symbicort Asthma
buprenorphine; naloxone : byoo pre NOR feen; nal OX own Suboxone Opioid addiction
bupropion : b-you PRO pee on Wellbutrin; Zyban Depression-smoking cessation
carbamazepine : kar ba MAZ e peen Tegretol; Carbatrol; Equetro Seizures
carbidopa; levodopa : kar bi DOE pa; lee voe DOE pa Sinemet Parkinsons
carisoprodol : kar EYE soe PROE dol Soma Muscle relaxer
carvedilol : KAR vay dil ol Coreg Hypertension
cefdinir : SEF di neer Omnicef Infection
cefuroxime : sef your OX eem Ceftin Infection
celecoxib : SEL e KOX ib Celebrex Inflammation
cephalexin : sef a LEX in Keflex Infection
cinacalcet : sin a CAL set Sensipar Hyperparathyroidism
ciprofloxacin : sip roe FLOX a sin Cipro Infection
ciprofloxacin; dexamethasone : sip roe FLOX a sin; dex a METH a sone Ciprodex otic Infection
citalopram : si TAL o pram Celexa Depression
clarithromycin : kla RITH roe MYE sin Biaxin Infection
clonazepam : kloe NAY ze pam Klonopin Anxiety
clonidine : KLON ih deen Catapres Hypertension
clopidogrel : kloh PID oh grel Plavix Clot prevention
colesevelam : koh le SEV e lam Welchol High blood cholesterol
conjugated estrogens : KON joo gay ted ES troe jens Premarin Menopause
cyclobenzaprine : sye kloe BEN za preen Flexeril Muscle relaxer
cyclosporine : SYE klo spor in Restasis ophthalmic Dry eyes
dabigatran : da BIG a tran Pradaxa Clot prevention
darifenacin : dar e FEN a sin Enablex Overactive bladder
desloratadine : des lor AT a deen Clarinex Allergies
desvenlafaxine : des VEN la FAX een Pristiq Depression
dexamethasone : dex a METH a sone Decadron Steroid
dexlansoprazole : DEX lan SOE pra zol Dexilant GERD
diazepam : dye AZE e pam Valium Anxiety
digoxin : di JOX in Lanoxin Heart failure
diltiazem : dil TYE a zem Cardizem Hypertension
donepezil : doe NEP e zil Aricept Alzheimers
dorzolamide : dor ZOLE a mide Trusopt Glaucoma
doxazosin : dox AZ o sin Cardura Hypertension
doxycycline : dox i SYE kleen Vibramycin Infection
duloxetine : doo LOX e teen Cymbalta Depression
dutasteride : doo TAS ter ide Avodart Enlarged prostate
efavirenz; emtricitabine; tenofovir : fa VER ens; em tri SIT a been; te NO fo veer Atripla HIV
eletriptan : el ih TRIP tan Relpax Migraine
emtricitabine; tenofovir : em tri SIT a been; te NO fo veer Truvada HIV
enalapril : e NAL a pril Vasotec Hypertension
enoxaparin : ee nox a PAIR in Lovenox Clot prevention
escitalopram : es si TAL o pram Lexapro Depression
esomeprazole : es oh MEP ra zol Nexium GERD
eszopiclone : es ZOE pi clone Lunesta Insomnia
etanercept : e TAN er sept Enbrel Rheumatoid Arthritis
ethinyl estradiol; drospirenone : ETH eye nil ES tra DYE ol; droe SPEER i none Yaz; Yasmin Birth control
exenatide : ex EN a tide Byetta Diabetes Type II
ezetimibe : ez ET i mibe Zetia High blood cholesterol
ezetimibe; simvastatin : ez ET i mibe; SIM va stat in Vytorin High blood cholesterol
famotidine : fa MOE ti deen Pepcid GERD
fenofibrate : fen oh FYE brate TriCor High blood cholesterol
fentanyl : FEN ta nil Duragesic Pain
fexofenadine : fex o FEN a deen Allegra Allergies
finasteride : fi NAS ter ide Proscar; Propecia Alopecia
fluconazole : flu KON a zol Diflucan Fungal infection
fluoxetine : flu OX e teen Prozac Depression
fluticasone : flu TIK a sone Flovent; Flonase Asthma
fluticasone; salmeterol : flu TIK a sone; sal MET er ol Advair Diskus Asthma
furosemide : fyoor O se mide Lasix Diuretic
gabapentin : gab A pen tin Neurontin Seizures
gemfibrozil : jem FIB roe zil Lopid High blood cholesterol
glimepiride : glye MEP ir ide Amaryl Diabetes Type II
glipizide : GLIP i zide Glucotrol Diabetes Type II
glyburide : GLYE byoor ide DiaBeta; Glycron; Glynase; Micronase Diabetes Type II
hydrochlorothiazide : hye droe klor oh THYE a zide Microzide Diuretic
hydrocodone; chlorpheniramine : hye droe KOE done; klor fen IR a meen Tussionex Cough
hydromorphone : hy droe MOR fone Dilaudid Pain
ibandronate : eye BAN dro nate Boniva Osteoporosis
ibuprofen : eye BYOO pro fen Advil; Motrin Inflammation
infliximab : in FLIX i mab Remicade Crohn's disease
insulin aspart : IN su lin AS part NovoLog Diabetes Type I
insulin detemir : IN su lin DE te meer Levemir Diabetes Type I
insulin glargine : IN su lin GLAR jeen Lantus Diabetes Type I
insulin lispro : IN su lin LIS pro Humalog Diabetes Type I
insulin NPH : IN su lin N-P-H Humulin N Diabetes Type I
ipratropium; albuterol : IP ra TRO pee um; al BYOO ter ol Combivent; DuoNeb Asthma
isosorbide mononitrate : iso so SOR bide mon O nie trait Imdur Angina
lamotrigine : la MOE tre jeen Lamictal Seizures
lansoprazole : lan SOE pra zol Prevacid GERD
latanoprost : la TA no prost Xalatan Glaucoma
levalbuterol : leev al BYOO ter ol Xopenex Asthma
levetiracetam : lev i tye RAS i tam Keppra Seizures
levofloxacin : lee voe FLOX a sin Levaquin Infection
levothyroxine : lee voe thye ROX een Synthroid Hypothyroidism
linezolid : li NAY zo lid Zyvox Infection
lisdexamfetamine : lis dex am FET a meen Vyvanse ADD
lisinopril : ly SIN oh pril Prinivil; Zestril Hypertension
lisinopril; hydrochlorothiazide : ly SIN oh pril; hye droe klor oh THYE a zide Zestoretic; Prinzide Hypertension
loratadine : lor AT a deen Claritin; Alavert Allergies
lorazepam : lor AZE e pam Ativan Anxiety
losartan : low SAR tan Cozaar Hypertension
meloxicam : mel OX i cam Mobic Inflammation
memantine : MEM an teen Namenda Dementia
mesalamine : mess SAL a meen Asacol Ulcerative colitis
metformin : met FOR min Glucophage Diabetes Type II
methotrexate : METH oh TREX ate Rheumatrex; Trexall Rheumatoid Arthritis
methylphenidate : meth il FEN a date Ritalin; Concerta; Metadate ADD
methylprednisolone : meth ill pred NISS oh lone Medrol Steroid
metolazone : me TOLE a zone Zaroxolyn Hypertension
metoprolol succinate : meh TOE pro lol SUX sin ate Toprol XL Hypertension
metoprolol tartrate : meh TOE pro lol tar TRATE Lopressor Hypertension
metronidazole : met troe NI da zole Flagyl Infection
mirtazapine : mur TAZ a peen Remeron Depression
modafinil : moe DAF i nil Provigil Narcolepsy
mometasone : moe MET a sone Asmanex Twisthaler; Nasonex Allergies
montelukast : mon te LOO kast Singulair Asthma
moxifloxacin : mox i FLOX a sin Avelox; Vigamox Infection
naproxen : na PROX en Aleve Inflammation
nebivolol : ne BIV oh lol Bystolic Hypertension
niacin : NYE a sin Niaspan High blood cholesterol
nifedipine : nye FED i peen Procardia XL; Adalat CC Angina
nitrofurantoin : NYE troe fyou RAN toe-in Macrobid; Macrodantin Infection
nitroglycerin : nye troe GLI ser in Nitrostat Angina
olanzapine : oh LAN za peen Zyprexa Schizophrenia
olmesartan : ol me SAR tan Benicar Hypertension
olopatadine : oh loe PAT a deen Patanase; Pataday Allergies
omega-3-acid ethyl esters : o MAY ga AS id ETH il ES ter Lovaza High blood cholesterol
omeprazole : oh MEP ra zol Prilosec GERD
ondansetron : on DAN se tron Zofran Nausea
oseltamivir : os el TAM i vir Tamiflu Influenza prophylaxis
oxcarbazepine : ox car BAZ e peen Trileptal Seizures
oxycodone : ox e CO done OxyContin Pain
oxycodone; acetaminophen : OX e KOE done; a SEET a MIN o fen Percocet Pain
oxymorphone : OX e mor fone Opana ER Pain
pantoprazole : pan TOE pra zol Protonix GERD
paroxetine : pa ROX e teen Paxil Depression
phenytoin : FEN E toe-in Dilantin Seizures
pioglitazone : pye oh GLIT a zone Actos Diabetes Type I
potassium chloride : poe TASS i um KLOR ide Klor-Con Hypokalemia
pravastatin : PRA va stat in Pravachol High blood cholesterol
pregabalin : pre GAB a lin Lyrica Neuropathic pain
quetiapine : kwe TYE a peen Seroquel Schizophrenia
rabeprazole : ra BEP ra zol Aciphex GERD
raloxifene : ra LOX i feen Evista Osteoporosis
ramipril : RAM i pril Altace Hypertension
ranitidine : ra NI ti deen Zantac GERD
ranolazine : ra NOL a zeen Ranexa Angina
risedronate : ri SED roe nate Actonel Osteoporosis
risperidone : ris PER i done Risperdal Schizophrenia
rivaroxaban : RIV a ROX a ban Xarelto Clot prevention
rizatriptan : rye za TRIP tan Maxalt Migraine
rosiglitazone : roe si GLIT a zone Avandia Diabetes Type II
rosuvastatin : roe SU va sta tin Crestor High blood cholesterol
sertraline : SER tra leen Zoloft Depression
sevelamer carbonate : se VEL a mer Renvela Hemodialysis
sildenafil : sil DEN a fil Viagra Erectile dysfunction
simvastatin : SIM va stat in Zocor High blood cholesterol
sitagliptin : sit a GLIP tin Januvia Diabetes Type II
Created by: mchugh100
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