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Terms to Know for the English SOL Test

plot events in the story; beginning, middle, and end
conflict the problem in the story
theme the author's message; lesson learned
external conflict a conflict where a character struggles with another person or thing (outside)
climax turning point; point of most tension in the story
protagonist the main character; person who has a conflict
resolution how the problem is solved
characters people in the story
setting time and place
internal conflict the conflict that takes place in the mind of the character (inside)
cause and effect explanation of how/why something happens (as a result, consequently, because, since, so, then, if, therefore)
problem and solution gives a solution for a conflict or problem (use, fix, repair, get)
generalization a general statement about something (all, every, never, always, none, in fact)
compare and contrast shows similarities and differences between two or more things (similarly, on the other hand, both, same, like, different, contrast, opposite, alike)
chronological order/sequence order of events in which they happen (today, meanwhile, next, then, tomorrow, later, earlier)
process explanation of how something is done or how something works (begins with, in order to, the first step, the next step, the last step)
alliteration repeated consonant or vowel sounds at the beginning of words (The red rabbit ran.)
hyperbole an extreme exaggeration
imagery descriptive language that helps create mental pictures
simile compares two things USING the words like or as
metaphor compares two things NOT using the words like or as
personification non-human things are given human characteristics (the stars danced)
conclude or conclusion to think about the story and make a guess
inference or infer to make a guess by using the text and your brain
summary or summarize a short description of what happens in a story
main idea the point of a story; what it’s mainly about
in-, im- il-, ir- not
dis- and -un not
re- back, again
pre- before
post- after
co- or com- together
trans- across, over, beyond
anti- against
inter- between
dictionary used to find the meaning of a word
thesaurus used to find synonyms (words that mean the same thing)
almanac a book of facts organized by year
atlas used to find information about places; a book of maps
Internet used to find the MOST information or most CURRENT information
Table of Contents / Index used to find page number where a topic is located in a text
encyclopedia used to find detailed information about a person, place, or thing
glossary dictionary located at the back of a textbook
Created by: MrsBonini
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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