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Eng. 2 Vocabulary

Glib ADJ. done in a smooth, offhand manner; easily spoken; speaking too smoothly to be sincere
Lugubrious ADJ. sad or mournful, often to an exaggerated degree; doleful
Finesse NOUN delicate skill; subtlety; VERB to bring about with skill; to evade
Nemesis NOUN an avenger; an unbeatable rival; a person who punishes another for evil deeds
Purloin VERB to steal
Banal ADJ. commonplace; trite; stale from overuse
Pseudonym NOUN a fictitious name assumed by an author; a pen name
Lampoon NOUN strongly satirical writing; VERB to ridicule or satirize
Nefarious ADJ. villainous; infamous; having a bad reputation
Bellicose ADJ. quarrelsome; hostile; inclined to fighting
Euphemism NOUN a mild expression used in place of a harsh, crude, or distasteful expression
Nebulous ADJ. hazy; vague; not clearly defined
Abject ADJ. hopelessly low; wretched; miserable; without self-respect
Propriety NOUN acceptable behavior; conformity with conventional standards
Revile VERB to attack with abusive language; to call insulting names
Distraught ADJ. in a state of mental conflict; agitated; crazed
Admonish VERB to reprove mildly and kindly, but seriously; to caution or warn; to urge
Prosaic ADJ. matter-of-fact; ordinary; commonplace
Phlegmatic ADJ. sluggish; indifferent; calm
Commensurate ADJ. in proper proportion; having the same scale, measure, or size; proportionate
Created by: yaj1999
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