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SAT Vocab #4

Put Your Affairs in Order thru Isn't That Special?

Catalog (v.) To make an itemized list of
Equanimity The quality of being calm and even-tempered; composure
Feasible Capable of being accomplished; possible
Apt Suitable; appropriate
Solvent (adj.) Able to pay one's debts
Facile Done or achieved with little effort; easy
Liquid Flowing readily
Plausible Seemingly valid or acceptable; credible
Biased Prejudiced
Incontrovertible Indisputable; not open to question
Jurisprudence The philosophy or science of law
Vindicated Freed from blame
Penitent Expressing remorse for one's misdeeds
Incumbent (adj.) Imposed as a duty; obligatory
Indigenous Originating and living in a particular area
Innate Possessed at birth; inborn
Inveterate Long established; deep-rooted; habitual
Parochial Narrow in scope
Pervasive Having the quality or tendency to be everywhere at the same time
Impinge To encroach in a way that violates the rights of another
Laconic Using few words
Lament To express grief for; mourn
Obsolete No longer in use; old-fashioned
Reticent Reluctant to speak
Sanction (n.) An economic or military measure put in place to punish another country
Suppressed Subdued; kept from being circulated
Surreptitious Done by secretive means
Truncated Shortened; cut off
Wane To decrease gradually in intensity; decline
Ephemeral Lasting for a markedly brief time
Obscure (n. or v.) Relatively unknown; to conceal or make indistinct
Tacit Implied but not actually expressed
Tenuous Having little substance or strength; shaky; flimsy
Timorous Shy; timid
Trepidation Uncertainty; apprehension
Immutable Unchangeable
Mundane Commonplace; ordinary
Prosaic Unimaginative; dull
Prudent Exercising good judgment or common sense
Tenet A principle held as being true by a person or an organization
Stoic Indifferent to pleasure or pain; impassive; lacking passion
Austere Somber, stern
Genre Describing a category of artistic endeavor
Staid Characterized by a straitlaced sense of propriety; serious
Archaic Characteristic of an earlier, more primitive period; old-fashioned
Emulate To try to equal or excel, especially through imitation
Naïve Lacking sophistication
Nascent coming into existence; emerging
Novice A beginner
Toxic Poisonous
Brittle Easily broken when subjected to pressure
Malice Extreme ill will or spite
Malfeasance Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official
Dilettante A dabbler in or one who superficially understands an art or a field of knowledge
Eclectic Made up of a variety of sources or styles
Intuitive Knowing or perceiving quickly and readily
Laudatory Expressing great praise
Novel Strikingly new, unusual, or different
Paramount Of chief concern or importance
Urbane Notably polite and elegant in manner; suave
Epiphany A sudden burst of understanding or discovery
Trenchant Keen; incisive
Whimsical Subject to erratic behavior; unpredictable
Created by: jordanwj19
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