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LifePac LA GR5-2

LifePac Language Arts Vocab Grade 5 Unit 2

adjective a word that describes a noun
albatross a large, web-footed bird found chiefly in the South Seas, noted for its ability to fly long distances
analyze to examine carefully and in detail
barrier reef a long ridge of coral near and parallel to a coastline, separated from it by a lagoon
bonito a salt-water fish that can be eaten
christened baptized or named
classify to arrange in groups
consequence a result, what happens
contract draw together, make shorter
courageous fearless, brave, full of courage
destruction breaking into pieces, ruining, putting an end to
discussion to talk, to talk about reasons for/against
envious feeling or showing discontent or ill will, and wishing for something someone else has
falter hesitate, wane, not go straight on, lose courage
fledgling a young bird just able to fly
focus make clear
hurricane a storm with violent wind and heavy rain
impending likely to happen soon, threatening, about to occur
inseparable cannot be separated
lagoon a pond or small lake connected with a larger body of water
nondescript not of any certain kind
outrigger a framework extending from the side of a boat, keeps the boat from turning over
pandanus a bush found in the Pacific islands
pestering troubling, bothering
photographer a person who takes pictures with a camera
Polynesian a person born or who lives in Polynesia
pursuit an occupation
regularity steadiness or being regular
resentment a feeling resulting from injury or insult
scan look at closely, look over
sea urchin a small, hard-shelled sea animal
security freedom from danger, care or fear; feeling of being safe
sennit cord formed by weaving from plant fibers
serenely peacefully, calmly
summarize to give only the main points
sympathy sharing another's trouble or sorrows
thwart a seat across a boat on which a rower sits
violence rough force in action
warrior a fighting man, experienced soldier
Created by: bep62442
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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