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i am an arist

abhor hate
bigot narrow-minded person
counterfeit fake
enfranchise give voting rights to
hamper hinder
kindle to start a fire
noxious harmful
placid peaceful
remuneration payment for work done
talisman lucky charm
abrasive rough, coarse
bilk cheat, defraud. (Bilk of)
covert hidden
engender cause
hangar storage area for planes
nuance something subtle
plagiarism taking credit for someone else's work
knotty complex
renown fame
tangent off of main subject
enthralled amazed
pinioned tied down
encumbered burdened
eradicate wipe out
unanimity state of being unanimous. all
thwarted prevented
inculcate instill, integrate
esoteric obscure
germane relevant
incongruous not matching
ambience atmosphere
grandiose grand, pompous OR more complicated than necessary
haphazard random
foolhardy reckless
temerity rashness, reckless boldness
trepidation fear/hesitation
pellucid transparently clear
rancid stale, unpleasant taste/smell
dwindle grow less, waste away
atrophy pathological term- wasting away of a body pat
succinct short, to the point
laconic using few words
sonorous full of sound
voluble talking a lot
vacuous meaningless
sublime magnificently inspiring
abasement humiliation
billowing swelling, fluttering, waving
cower recoil in fear
enhance improve
harangue noisy, attacking speech
labyrinth amaze
nullify to counter
plaintiff person who accuses someone else ( in court)
replete full
abrogate deny, cancel, repeal
credible believable
enigma mystery
harbingers indicators, warning
nuzzle cuddle
plaudit statement giving strong praise
reprehensible shameful
absolution forgiveness, release, pardon
creditable praiseworthy
ensconce establish firmly in a position
obdurate stubborn
plausible believable, reasonable
reprieve postponement of a sentence
tawdry of little value
abstain go without, withdraw
blighted destroyed
credulous gullible
enshroud cover
lachrymose sad, tearful
obfuscate make something difficult to understand
plethora excess
repudiate shun
eschew shun
diabolical evil (diablo)
truculent savagely brutal
magnanimous generous in forgiving an insult/injury, big-hearted
fatuous silly
voluminous of many volumes (usually with encyclopedias and stuff) or of AMPLE SIZE, many
proclivity natural tendency
extol to laud, to praise
bombast n. pretentious speech adj. pretentious (bombastic)
abstemious self denying; refraining from indulging (babushka Yana lmao)
blithe free spirited, carefree
crepuscular active at dawn and dusk
headstrong stubborn
objective unbiased
pliable flexible
rescind repeal, retract
temper to soften, moderate
abstruse difficult to understand
blunderbuss 1. ancient weapon (type of gun) 2. clumsy person
envenom cause bitterness
hedonism self indulgence
oblique indirect
resignation acceptance of fate
tenacious stubborn, holding to a firm postion
finagle cheat, trick
swindle cheat someone out of money
overhaul restore to good conditions, make necessary repairs
winnow 1. drive/ blow out of small particles like dirt, chaff. 2. distinguish from a clutter of things
supplant take the place of another
spurn scorn, reject
copious abundant, plentiful
conflagration destructive fire
consolidate bring together in a unified whole
accolade tribute, honor
bolster to support, prop up
cryptic puzzling, enigmatic
ephemeral short-lived
obliterate destroy
tentative not certain
curtail cut short
epicure person who appreciates good food and drink
heed listen to
lampoon ridicule
tenuous flimsy and not solid
acrid sharp smell or taste
boorish ill-mannered
epistle a letter
heresy against orthodox opinion
poignant deeply moving
respite intermission, break
terse concise
acrophobia fear of heights
debility weakness
hiatus interruption, pause
epistolary concerned with letters; through correspondence carried by letters - "epistolary friendship"
obscured hidden
poised calm, collected, self-possessed
resplendent shining, glowing
acuity sharpness (mental/visual)
braggart someone who boasts
debunking exposing false claims/myths
epitomized characterized, personified
hidebound rigid in opinions
languish get weaker
obsequious submissive
polemical causing debate
adamant forceful, inflexible
brawny muscular
decathlon athletic competition with ten events
equivocate speak ambiguously without telling the truth
larceny theft
ponderous weighty, slow and heavy
retention preservation
timorous cowardly
adroit skillful
err make a mistake
largess generosity
obsolete no longer valid
pontificate speak pompously, opinionatedly
reticent restrained
tirade stream of verbal abuse
adulation strong admiration, worship
bristle to show irritation
decoy lure, trap, trick
histrionic exaggerated, theatrical
obstreperous noisy
portend foretell
retraction withdrawal
adversity hardship
broach start to discuss, approach
deference respect
hoary old
obtuse mentally dull
portent omen, warning sign
tome large book
brusque blunt, abrupt
defoliate cause leaves to fall off
espouse support, take up
hone sharpen, increase
lax careless, not strict
obviate avoid, make unnecessary
poseur someone who puts up an act
riddled full of (usually full of holes)
torpid inactive, lazy, stagnant
bulwark fortification, barricade, wall
defunct extinct, no longer in existance
posterity future generations
rife common
torpor inactivity
eulogy praise
legion in large numbers
officious intrusive
posthumous after death
totter to walk unsteadily
burgeon grow, flourish, put fourth new shoots
deleterious harmful
ogle stare at, observe in an obvious manner
postulate hypothesize, propose
tractable obedient, dutiful
burnish polish
euphony pleasant sounds
levity joking about serious matters
deliberate think over deeply
olfactory concerned with sense of smell
potable suitable for drinking
rotund round
delineation definition, explanation, outlining
libertarian someone who opposes tyranny
potent powerful
ruminate ponder, think over something
transcribe copy
allay lessen
byline line that tells you who wrote the article
demur hesitate, refuse
exacerbate make worse
ignominious shameful
liniment soothing lotion
omnipotent all-powerful
ruse trick, stratagem
cacophony loud noises
exasperated annoyed, frustrated
ignominy shame
lithe flexible, supple
omniscient all-knowing
saccharin falsely sweet
transient ephemeral, short-lived
aloof distant, cold
cajole coax, flatter/persuade
deplete lessen, use up
exceptionable something bad that we should object to
livid very angry
onerous burdensome
preamble introductory material
sacrosanct holy
traverse to move across
miffed put into an irritable mood
jaded dulled by overindulgence or worn out from overuse
surfeit surplus
modicum moderate amount
juxtaposition state of being side by side or the act of creating this state
penurious frugal, stingy
confrontational ready for confrontation
conciliate to win over, overcome distrust of something, to reconcile
confront face in hostility
ancillary subsidiary
deplore regret
exculpate exonerate
illusory deceptive, false, misleadaing
onus burden
precarious unstable, uncertain; risky
callow immature
depravity moral corruption
execrable very bad
immoderate excessive
lofty snooty, arrogant, haughty
sage wise person
deprecate criticize
exegesis scholarly explanation/interpretation
immutable not changing, permanent
longevity long life
precept guiding principle
salacious lustful, lecherous, erotic
candor frankness, openness
deride make fun of, ridicule
impartial unbiased, neutral
ordain 1. destine 2. confer holy orders on a priest
precinct district of a city
sallow yellowish
cantankerous bad-tempered, quarrelsome, irritated
derogatory uncomplimentary
impecunious having no money
ornate highly decorated
salubrious health-giving
truant someone absent without permission
shirker someone absent without permission
ambulatory able to walk around (used with hospital patients)
capacious spacious
desecrate to damage/pollute a holy place
impious wicked, profane
orthodox conventional or pious
precipitous done in a hurry or steep
lurid revolting
salutary something which teaches you a lesson
truncate cut short
capitulate surrender
lukewarm 1. unenthusiastic 2. neither hot nor cold
ossify 1. cause to harden like a bone or convert into a bone 2. become fixed and rigid in habits
preclude to prevent/make impossible
sanctimonious making a hypocritical show of holiness, falsely righteous
carping constant criticism
desist to stop, not continue further
lummox clumsy person
ostentatious showy
sanction give approval to
turpitude depravity, immorality
littoral pertaining to the shore of an ocean/ or a littoral area
ostensible outwardly appearing as something (pretended) or evident/easily seen
ramify to spread into branches
leonine resembling a lion
derisive mocking, contemptuous
ennui feeling of weariness and discontent
gargantuan giant
treatise writing of the principles of a subject
contour outline of a figure/body, edge/line that defines figure
despondent miserable with no hope
inadvertent unintentional
predecessor one who came before
sanguinary bloodthirsty, bloody
tyro noob, novice
amity friendship
castigate scold strongly, to punish in order to correct
destitution poverty, hardship
expedient convenient, practical, proper under circumstances
incantation chant, prayer
overt obvious, not hidden
predicament dilemma, difficult situation
sanguine optimistic, cheerful
ubiquitous omnipresent, found everywhere
peripheral pertaining to, situated in, or constituting the
febrile marked by fever, feverish
desiccate to dry thoroughly
whet to sharpen, to stimulate
raucous harsh, rowdy
amicable showing goodwill, characterized by
incontrovertible not arguable
indiscriminate not discriminate, or carelessly (indiscriminately buying groceries, clothes, etc.)
intransigent not capable of being persuaded
catharsis emotional cleanse
deter put off, prevent
expedite make faster
incarceration putting in prison
machinations plots and plans
overwrought worked up about
preeminent famous, outstanding
sardonic mocking
unalloyed undiluted, total
analgesic medicine that combats pain
caucus private political meeting
exposition museum exposition/ clear explanation
incessant without stopping
maelstrom whirlpool/storm in the ocean
palatable good to eat or agreeable to the mind/feelings
rapt deeply absorbed/engrossed
prerogative right, privilege
savant person with knowledge
unctuous oily or using excessive flattery
sycophant fawning parasite
analogous comparable
caustic burning
detrimental harmful
incipient just beginning
palisade fence made of posts
prescient having fore-knowledge of something
scale to climb
cavalcade procession of vehicles
extradite deport from foreign country to home country
magnate powerful businessman
palliative remedy that improves but doesn't cure
presentiment feeling that something might happen
underscore emphasize
maim to cripple
celerity speed
dexterous skillful/adroit in use of hands/body
incoherent not clear
maladroit not skillful; clumsy
scrupulous careful, diligent, painstaking
unequivocal clear, obvious
censorious disapproving, critical
dichotomy division into 2 parts
palpable easily felt, easily perceived
scrutinize examine carefully
unfetter set free
annex (n) building which is an extent to a building
didactic instructive
extrinsic irrelevant, on the outside
inconsequential unimportant
malediction curse
panacea remedy for all ills
prevaricate speak misleadingly, evasively
scuttle sink
unfrock to remove a priest from his position
cerebral intellectual
inconspicuous not easily seen
malefactor wrong-doer
paradigm 1. example 2. model 3. way of looking at things
seminary institution where priests are trained
unprecedented never happening before
anomaly irregularity, something that doesn't fit in
certitude certainty
falter waver, hesitate
indelible not able to be wiped out
malinger, malingerer to deliberately avoid work, shirk
jocular characterized by joking
paradox contradictory statement
antagonism strong opposition to something (not necessarily villainous or whatever)
sentinel guard
unwitting not deliberate, unconscious
paragon perfect example
chary wary of, cautious of
dilatory slow; falling back on your work
malleable can be shaped
paramount of supreme importance
prodigal wasteful, extravagant
sequester isolate
upbraid scold, tell off
antediluvian outdated, prehistoric
chastise punish
indolence laziness
mallet wooden hammer or stick used for polo
prodigious very large
serendipity fortunate coincidence, unsought discovery
uproarious hilarious
chicanery trickery
dilettante person who dabbles in a subject without serious study
inductee novice
parched dried up or thirsty
upshot outcome
anthropocentrism putting man at the center of a philosophy
chimerical unstable; changeable
pariah outcast from society
serrated jagged
antiquated old-fashioned
choleric easily angered
diorama model of a scene
fecund fertile
inebriation intoxicated
marshal to gather together
parity equality
servile overly submissive
usurp to take someone's position (usually by force)
chronicler person who records historical information
dirge mournful song
felicitous apt
ineffable unable to be expressed in words
utilitarian useful
martinet person who believes in strict discipline
circuitous indirect
apocryphal of doubtful origin, precarious
circumscribe limit
discord disagreement
finesse skill
parsimonious economical, thrifty, frugal
proponents supporters, promoters
smelt to refine an ore
circumspect cautious
discordancy cacophony; harshness
fitful not continuous, stopping and starting
inexorable restless
maverick a loner
parsimony stinginess
Smorgasbord Swedish buffet of cold dishes
vagrant person wandering without a home
circumvent avoid
flagrant clearly wrong
inexpedient not advisable/appropriate
partisan biased, committed to one group
proscribe forbid
solace comfort for grief
vapid dull
clairvoyant psychic, mystic
infallible perfect, cannot make mistakes
meander walk from side to side
prosody study of versification (composing verses)
solicit to ask/ seek for
variegated multicolored, speckled
arcane obscure; known by few people
clamor shout
discursiveness indirectness
flaunt show off
mellow soft, melodious, ripe
prostration 1.lying face down 2. be overcome by weakness
Somnambulist sleepwalker
flippant joking about serious matters
menagerie collection of animals
patronize condescend to, act ignorantly
soothsayer fortune teller
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