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&th Grade Math Terms

Math Terms, &th Grade

rational numbers numbers that can be written as a fraction
irrational numbers numbers that can not be written as a fraction, never terminates or repeats
scientific notation a small way of writing numbers whose abosolute value is very large or very small
radical sign the symbol used to indicate a square root
Pythagorean Theorem the formula between the lengths of the legs and the hypotenuse for any right triangle
ratio comparison of two numbers or quantities by division
rate of change a rate describing how one quantity changes in relation to another
percent of change the percent that an amount changes from its original amount
vertical angles opposite angles formed by intersecting lines
complementary angles where the sum of the measures equals 90 degrees.
supplementary angles where the sum of the measures equals 180 degrees.
reflection the mirror image produced by flipping a figure over a line
translation the movement of a figure from one position to another without turning it
radius the segment from the center to any point on the circle
diameter a chord that passes through the center
circumference the distance around a circle
complex figure made up of two or more shapes
function a relationship that assigns exactly one output value for each input value
slope the ratio of the rise,or vertical change, to the run,or horizontal change
direct variation what the relationship is called when the ratio of two variable quantities is constant
slope-intercept form the nonporportional linear function formula of y=mx+b
y-intercept the y-coordinate of the point where the line crosses the y-axis.
scatter plot a graph that shows the relationship,if any, between two sets of data
nonlinear functions functions that do not have constant rates of change
monomial a number, a variable, or a product of a number and one or more variables
lateral face any flat surface of a solid that is not a base
lateral surface area the sum of the areas of a solids lateral faces
total surface area the sum of the areas of all of a solids surfaces
quartiles values that divide a set of data into four equal parts
lower quartile the median of the lower half of a set of data
upper quartile the median of the upper half of a set of data
interquartile range the difference between the upper quartile and the lower quartile
outlier data that are more than 1.5 times the value of the interquartile range beyond either quartile
inequality an open sentence that uses the symbol <,≤,>,or ≥ to compare two quantities
Ratio A comparison of two numbers using division.
Rational Coefficient A rational number which multiplies a variable.
Rational Number A number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
Relative Frequency The ratio of the actual number of favorable events to the total possible number of events.
Right Prism A prism where the lateral faces are at right angles to the base.
Right Rectangular Prism A prism with six rectangular faces where the lateral edge is perpendicular to the base.
Right Rectangular Pyramid A pyramid that has its
Right Triangle A triangle that has one 90º angle.
Scale Drawing A drawing of an object or structure showing all parts in the same proportion of their true size.
Signed Number Positive or negative number.
Simulation Carrying out a simple experiment to collect data.
Spread A measure of how much a collection of data is spread out. Commonly used types include range and quartiles. (Also known as measures of variation or dispersion.)
Statistical Variability A variability or spread in a variable or a probability distribution. Common examples are the variance, standard deviation, and interquartile range.
Statistics The science of collecting, organizing, representing, and interpreting data.
Supplementary Angles If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180°. Two angles that form a straight line.
Surface Area The total area of the faces (including the bases) and curved surfaces of a solid figure.
Surface Area (cube) Sum of the area of all 6 sides
Surface Area (right prism) Surface Area = lateral area + area of two ends
Triangle A polygon with three angles and three sides.
Unlikely Event An event that will probably not happen. An outcome with a probability between 0 and 0.5.
Volume The number of cubic units it takes to fill a figure.
Volume (right prism) V = area of base • length
X-coordinate In an ordered pair, the value that is always written first.
Y-coordinate In an ordered pair, the value that is always written second.
Improper fraction A fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator, such as 7/3 or 4/4.
mixed number A number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction. 2 1/3
proper fraction A fraction that is less than one, with the numerator less than the denominator. 3/8
Is 9/9 improper fraction or proper fraction? improper fraction
Is 2/4 a proper fraction or improper fraction? proper fraction
How to change a mixed number to an improper fraction? Multiply the denominator by the whole number, add the numerator, place your total (sum) over the original denominator.
True or false you may write 6 as an improper fraction (5 4/4 or 12/2) True
Is 3 4/4 a mixed fraction or an improper fraction? improper fraction
How to change 15/5 into a whole number? Divide the numerator by the denominator, and write down the number.
How to change the improper fraction to a mixed number? Divide the numerator by the denominator and place the remainder over the original denominator.
What is a whole number? A number without fractions; an integer.
How to round fractions to the nearest whole number? Check if the fraction value is less than ½ , then keep the Whole Number value same and it will be the round off value. Check if the fraction value is greater than ½ , then add 1 in the whole number and drop the fraction number , that will be the result value .
Find the perimeter of a rectangle whose length is 1/4 inch and whose width is 5/3 inch. You know that a rectangle has two pairs of equal sides, so the equation is: 1/4 + 1/4 + 5/3 + 5/3 = perimeter
acute angle An angle measuring more than zero degrees and less than 90 degrees
congruent Having the same size and shape
difference The amount that remains after one number has been subtracted from another
exponent A number that tells how many times the base is multiplied by itself
reciprocal The inverse of a fraction; when multiplied by the original fraction, it results in a product that equals one
vertex (vertices - plural) The point of intersection for two sides of a plane figure, three sides of a solid figure, or the endpoints of two rays that form an angle.
expression A combination of numbers and variables connected by one or more operations signs
polygon Three or more line segments in a plane that forms a closed figure. The line segments never cross but meet at their endpoints.
product The result of muliplying two or more numbers
hexagon A polygon with six sides.
range The difference between the least and greatest values in a set of numbers
scalene triangle A triangle with sides of different lengths and no two angles are the same
area Surface space that is measured in square units
perimeter The distance around a figure
circumference The distance around a circle (the perimeter of a circle)
straight angle An angle that measures 180 degrees
obtuse angle An angle measuring more than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees
complementary angle Two angles whose sum equals 90 degrees
diameter A line segment that passes through the center of a circle and has its endpoints on the circle
sum The total of two or more numbers being added
quotient The result of dividing one number by another; the solution to a division problem
dividend In a division problem, it's the number being divided
divisor In a division problem, the number that an amount is divided by
mean The sum of a group of numbers divided by the number of numbers; also known as the average
median A value found by ordering a group of data from least to greatest and choosing the middle value of the group.
mode In a group of values, the value that occurs most often
pyramid A solid figure that has triangles for its sides and a polygon as its base
quadrilateral A polygon that has four sides
parallelogram a quadrilateral with two pairs of congruent, parallel sides
rectangle A parallelogram with four right angles
reflection A mirror image of a figure shown over a line of reflection
rate A ratio that compares two different types of quantities
equation A mathematical sentence that uses an equal sign
scale drawing A drawing of an object that is different in size (usually smaller than the original) but keeps the same proportions
trapezoid A quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides
cylinder A solid figure with two congruent and parallel circular bases
octagon An eight-sided polygon
pentagon A polygon with five sides
percent The ratio of a number to 100 (per one hundred); the symbol %
similar figures Figures that have the same shape but different sizes; their sides are proportional, while their corresponding angles are equal
equilateral triangle A triangle that has three equal sides and three equal angles
radius A length that is half the diameter of a circle; the distance from the center of the circle to the circle itself
isosceles triangle A triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles
right triangle A triangle with one right angle
supplementary angles Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees
order of operations Rules that tell which steps to follow when solving an expression
rhombus A parallelogram with all sides equal and congruent
lowest terms A fraction with all common factors (other than 1) factored out of the numerator and denominator
square root A number that when multiplied by itself results in the original number
prism a solid figure that has two congruent, parallel polygons as its bases. Its sides are parallelograms.
ratio A comparison of the two values of two numbers
proportion An equation stating that two ratios are equal
simplify To make a fraction easier to work with by taking out common factors
unit ratio A ratio that shows the cost per unit of measure
quadrant One of the four regions formed by the intersection of the axes of a coordinate graph
x-axis The horizontal number line of a coordinate graph
y-axis The vertical number line of a coordinate graph
x-coordinate The value on the x-axis used to locate a point on the coordinate graph. It is the first value in an ordered pair.
y-coordinate The value on the y-axis used to locate a point on the coordinate graph. It is the second value in an ordered pair.
ordered pair Two numbers listed in a specific order; it describes a point on the coordinate graph
reciprocal one of a pair of numbers whose product is 1: the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2
metric a system of related measures that facilitates the quantification of some particular characteristic
mass a body of matter without definite shape
precision the quality of being reproducible in amount or performance
weight a system of units used to express the weight of something
vertex the point of intersection of lines or the point opposite the base of a figure
plane (mathematics) an unbounded two-dimensional shape
congruent Having the same size and shape
bisect to divide into two equal parts
line of symmetry a line that divides a figure into two halves that are mirror images of each other
rotational symmetry The ability of a figure to be rotated less than a full circle and exactly match its original image
similar figures figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
hypotenuse the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle
polygon a closed plane figure bounded by straight sides
parallelogram a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are both parallel and equal in length
scalene triangle a triangle with no two sides of equal length
ratio a comparison of two numbers by division
rate the relative speed of progress or change
equal ratios 2 sets of numbers that show the same comparison
proportion the quotient obtained when the magnitude of a part is divided by the magnitude of the whole
cross products rule ...
scale drawing A diagram of an object in which the dimensions are in proprtion to the actual dimensions of the object.
Counting Principle all possible outcomes (multiply the numbers to find.)
Compound Events in probability when more than one thing is happening, for example rolling a dice twice
Outcome A possible result of a probability experiment.
Complement 1. Something that completes 2. To make whole
Simulation A technique used for answering real-world questions or making decisions in complex situations where an element of chance is involved.
Experimental Probability The ratio of the number of times an outcome occurs to the total amount of trials performed.
Independent Event The outcome of one event does not affect the outcome of the second event
Dependent Event The outcome of one event does affect the outcome of the second event
Sample Space All possible outcomes of an experiment
Theoretical Probability Probability based on comparing the number of possible favorable outcomes to the number of total possible outcomes
Random Sample A sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion
Inference A conclusion one can draw from the presented details.
Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) The average distance between each data value and the mean.
Population All the cases in a group being studied, from which samples may be drawn.
Biased Question a question that encourages a particular response
Variability The extent to which the scores in a data set tend to vary from each other and from the mean.
Interquartile Range (IQR) the third quartile minus the first quartile, Interval between the 75th and 25th percentile
Line Plot A graph that displays data by using X's above a number line, a graph that shows the frequency of data along a number line
Proportion A statement where two fractions/ratios are equal
Sample A group of subjects selected from a population.
Frequency Table A table for organizing a set of data that shows the number of times each item or number appears.
Random Sample A sample that fairly represents a population because each member has an equal chance of inclusion
Hypotenuse the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle, the longest side of a right triangle
Leg of Triangle Either of the two sides that form the right angle in a right triangle.
Parallel Line Lines in the same plane which never touch
Perpendicular Lines Lines that intersect to form right angles
Solution A value or values which, when substituted for a variable in an equation, make the equation true
Statement a statement of a mathematical relation
Similar Figures that have the same shape but not necessarily the same size
Congruent Having the same size and shape
Complementary Angles Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees, two angels that add up to 90 degrees
Supplementary Angles Two angles whose sum is 180 degrees, two angels that add up to 180 degrees
Equation A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign.
Inequality A statement that compares two quantities using <, >, ≤,≥, or ≠
Inverse If p is q, the inverse of that statement would be if not p then not q.
Reciprocals (mathematics) one of a pair of numbers whose product is 1: the reciprocal of 2/3 is 3/2
Quotient the answer to a division problem
Divisor A number by which another number is divided
Product the answer to a multiplication problem
Difference the answer to a subtraction problem
sum the answer to an addition problem
compound inequality Two or more inequalities joined together by "and" or "or"
solution of inequality any value that makes the inequality true
1 mile to measure distance, equal to 5,280 feet
1 pound to measure mass (weight), equal to 16 ounces
1 calorie The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius.
1 gram to measure mass (weight), equal to 1,000 milligrams
1 meter to measure distance, equal to 3 feet
1 inch to measure distance, equal to 2.54 cm
1 minute to measure time, equal to 60 seconds
1 second the base unit of time
variable A letter or symbol used to represent a number.
algebraic expression A mathematical phrase involving at least one variable and sometimes numbers and operation symbols.
like terms same variable raised to the same power
coefficient A number multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression.
inverse operations Operations that do the exact opposite of each other; they undo each other (addition and subtraction, for example)
solve find the answer to a mathematical problem
simplify to make the problem less complicated by combining like terms and reducing fractions
evaluate to solve
decimal A number with one or more digits to the right of the decimal point, such as $2.05.
terminating decimal A decimal number that ends or terminates; example: 6.75
integer All whole numbers (both positive and negative) and zero.,examples are -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3
Circumference The distance around a circle, (pi x diameter)
Area A measure of how much surface an object has
Volume A measure of the size of a body or region in three-dimensional space
Isosceles Triangle a triangle that has at least 2 congruent sides
Scalene Triangle A triangle with no congruent sides
Rhombus A parallelogram with four equal sides
Perfect Square a square of a whole number
Square Root a number that when multiplied by itself equals a given number
Pyramid A solid shape with a polygon as a base and triangular faces that come to a point (vertex or apex)
Prism A solid figure that has two congruent, parallel polygons as its bases. Its sides are parallelograms
Ratio shows the relative sizes of two or more values, Examples: 1:3 (for every one boy there are 3 girls) 1/4 are boys and 3/4 are girls 0.25 are boys (by dividing 1 by 4) 25% are boys (0.25 as a percentage)
Rate A ratio that compares two quantities measured in different units
Cone A three dimensional shape with a circular base and a vertex opposite the base
Cylinder A solid figure with two congruent and parallel circular bases
Face Any of the individual surfaces of a solid object.
Cross Section A view into the inside of something made by cutting through it.
Surface Area The sum of all the areas of all surfaces of a solid.
Pythagorean Theorem a²+b²=c²
Used for a right triangle (with a 90 degree angle) is composed of two legs and a hypotenuse (side opposite the right angle).
Vertices The point of intersection of two sides of a polygon. The point of intersection of three edges of a space figure.
Base The surface that a solid object stands on, or the bottom line of a shape such as a triangle or rectangle
Edges The intersection of faces of a 3-D figure
Vertical In an up-down position. Upright.
Horizontal Going side-to-side, like the horizon. Parallel to the horizon.
Polygon A 2-dimensional shape with straight sides.
Trapeziod a quadrilateral with exactly one pair of parallel sides
Acute Angle An angle that is less than 90 degrees
Obtuse angle An angle between 90 and 180 degrees
Pentagon 5 sided polygon
Hexagon 6 sided polygon
Equilateral Triangle A triangle in which all three sides are the same length.
Right Triangle A triangle that has a 90 degree angle.
Right Angle 90 degree angle
Radius of a circle is the line segment connecting the center of the circle to any point on the circle
Percent A ratio that compares a number to 100, %
Factor numbers you can multiply together to get another number
Discount A reduction in price
Mark Up Amount added to cost of merchandise to determine the selling price
Mode The number that occurs most often in a set of data
Median Middle Number, put numbers in order and find the middle number
Mean Average, Add all numbers and divide by the number of numbers
Commission A fee paid for services, usually a percentage of the total cost
Tip an extra cost paid for gratuity of a service. Typically 20% for a server in a restuarant
Scale Drawing A diagram of an object in which the dimensions are in proportion to the actual dimensions of the object.
Percent of Change the percent a quantity increases or decreases from its original amount
Total cost Sum of the fixed and variable costs
fraction A part of a whole.
prime number a number that can only be divided my 1 and itself.
geometric figure any set of points on a plane or in space
mixed number a number made up of a whole number and a fraction
unit rate A comparison of two measurements in which one of the terms has a value of 1. Example: $3 per gallon
indirect measurement the technique of using similar figures and proportions to find a measure
equivalent ratios Ratios that have the same value.
cross products the product of the numerator of one fraction with the denominator of the other fraction.
inverse numbers reciprocals
rational numbers Any number that can be made by dividing one integer by another. The word comes from "ratio".
irrational numbers A real number that cannot be written as a simple fraction - the decimal goes on forever without repeating.
distributive property a way in which multiplication is applied to addition of two or more numbers in which each term inside a set of parentheses can be multiplied by a factor outside the parentheses, such as: a(b + c) = ab + ac
ordering Putting things into their correct place following some rule.
repeating decimal a decimal that repeats a digit or group of digits forever
commutative property The order of two numbers may be switched around and the answer is the same. Example: 8 + 3 = 3 + 8
Absolute Value The distance a number is from zero on a number line. ALWAYS POSITIVE
Additive inverses An integer and its opposite (for example, -4 and 4); -4 + 4 = 0
Less than
greater than >
Simplest form a fraction that is reduced completely
number line a line for representing and graphing numbers. Each point on the line corresponds to a number.
similar polygons Polygons that have the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. Corresponding sides of similar polygons are proportional.
midpoint A point that divides a segment into two congruent segments
diameter of a circle A line that passes through the center of the circle, connecting any two points
Sphere A solid shape that is perfectly round like a ball. No faces, edges, or vertices.
Expression a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement
even number A whole number ending with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 in the ones place.
odd number A whole number ending with 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 in the ones place.
solution set The set of all values of the variable that make the equation true.
regular price the amount you pay before taxes and if there were no sales or discount
total income total amount earned in given period
number cube A fair cube that has numbers on the faces (example.- dice)
average Mean, add all numbers, divide by number of numbers
approximate Not exact, but close enough to be reasonably correct
dimension the magnitude of something in a particular direction (especially length or width or height)
scale model A model of an object in which the dimensions are in proportion to the actual dimensions of the object.
retail price cost + markup or discount
manufacturer price Lowest price, Price charged by the manufacturer to the distributor.
intersect A point where lines touch
degrees A unit for measuring angles or temperature.
sales tax rate the percentage used to calculate sales tax
tax extra cost added to the retail price
equivalent Equal, same value
Volume of prism area of base x height
Volume of pyramid 1/3(area of base) x height
Area of circle πr²
Circumference of a circle 2πr
area of rectangle Length x Width
area of triangle 1/2 (base) x (height)
Surface Area of rectangular Prism 2lw+2lh+2wh
Absolute Value The distance from 0 on a number line.
Additive Inverse The opposite of an integer. The sum of an integer and its additive inverse is zero.
Box & Whisker Plot A graph that show the minimum and maximum values, the lower and upper quartiles, and the median of the data set.
Coefficient The numerical term in a tern of an expression.
Cube Root A number n whose cube equals n^3.
Function A relationship in which each member of the domain has a unique range.
Greatest Common factor The greatest factor that is common to two or more numbers.
Greatest Common Divisor The least common multiple of two or more denominators.
Histogram A bar graph that shows the frequency of data for intervals.
Interquartile Range The difference between the upper quartile and lower quartile in a data set.
Linear Equation An equation that can be represented as a straight line on a graph.
Perfect Square The product of a whole number multiplied by itself.
Scatter Plot A graph that shows the relationship between quantities
Scientific Notation A number written as the product in which the first factor is greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10 and the second factor is a power of 10.
Slope A number that shows how much a line tilts; the change in y over the change in x.
Square Root A number n whose square equals n
Unit Rates A rate in which the second measurement or amount is 1 unit.
Greatest Common Divisor The largest number that divides evenly into each of a given set of numbers
Intercepts Where a graph crosses either the x-axis or y-axis.
Least Common Multiple The smallest quantity that is divisible by two or more given quantities without a remainder:
Negative exponent the reciprocal of that power with a positive exponent.
Property "laws" that apply to arithmetic operations:
Proportional Relationships One variable increases, the other one increases accordingly
Quartile One of four equal groups, representing a fourth of the distributed sampled population.
Ratio A comparison of two; numbers using division.
Rational Coefficient A rational number which multiplies a variable.
Rational Number A number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
Relative Frequency The ratio of the actual number of favorable events to the total possible number of events.
Right Prism A prism where the lateral faces are at right angles to the base.
Right Rectangular Prism A prism with six rectangular faces where the lateral edge is perpendicular to the plane of the base.
Right Rectangular Pyramid A pyramid that has its apex aligned directly above the center of its rectangular base.
Right Triangle A triangle that has one 90º angle.
Sample Space The set of all Possible outcomes of a random process. Die {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
Scale Drawing A drawing of an object or structure showing all parts in the same proportion of their true size.
Signed Number Positive or negative number.
Simulation Carrying out a simple experiment to collect data.
Spread A measure of how much a collection of data is spread out. Commonly used types include range and quartiles. (Also known as measures of variation or dispersion.)
Statistical Variability A variability or spread in a variable or a probability distribution. Common examples are the variance, standard deviation, and interquartile range.
Statistics The science of collecting, organizing, representing, and interpreting data.
Supplementary Angles If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180°. Two angles that form a straight line.
Surface Area The total area of the faces (including the bases) and curved surfaces of a solid figure.
Surface Area (cube) Sum of the area of all 6 sides
Surface Area (right prism) Surface Area = lateral area + area of two ends
Triangle A polygon with three angles and three sides.
Unlikely Event An event that will probably not happen. An outcome with a probability between 0 and 0.5.
Volume The number of cubic units it takes to fill a figure.
Volume (right prism) V = area of base • length
X-coordinate In an ordered pair, the value that is always written first.
Y-coordinate In an ordered pair, the value that is always written second.
Exponent A mathematical notation indicating the number of times a quantity is multiplied by itself.
Base The number that is going to be raised to a power.
Order of Operations The order in which operations in an expression to be evaluated are carried out. 1. parentheses 2. exponents 3. multiplication and divison 4. addition and subtraction (PEMDAS).
Communitive Property of Addition States that changing the order of the addends does not change the sum (a+b) = (a+b).
Associative Property of Addition Changing the grouping of terms will not change the sum, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
Additive Identity OR Identity Property of Addition The sum of any number and zero is the original number
Communitive Property of Multiplication The order of the numbers in the expression does not change the product
Associative Property of Multiplication Changing the grouping of factors will not change the product, (ab)c = a(bc)
Multiplicative Identity OR Identity Property of Multiplication The product of any number and 1 is equal to the original number (a x 1 = a)
Distributive Property of Multiplication Multiplying a number by another number is the same as multiplying its addends by the number, then adding the products
Variable A letter that stands for a number that can vary or change
Evaluate Solve; substitute a number for the variable
Integer The set of whole numbers and their opposites
Absolute Value The distance a number is from zero on a number line
Prime A number that has only 2 factors: 1 and itself
Coefficient A number used to multiply a variable
Constant A fixed value. In Algebra, it is a number on its own, or sometimes a letter such as a, b or c to stand for a fixed number.
Factors Numbers you multiply together to get another number.
Composite A whole number that can be divided evenly by more than 1 or itself.
Operations A mathematical process. The most common are add, subtract, multiply and divide (+, -, ×, ÷ ).
Grouping Symbols Symbols used to group operations and that must be performed first. ({[
Exponential Form A way to write an expression such as 8x8x8 in a compact way. (8 to the third power)
Standard Form Basic numerical way to write a number.
Perfect Squares A number made by squaring a whole number.
Zero Pair Created when a pair of numbers, one positive and the other negative, equals a sum of zero
Square Root A value that, when multiplied by itself, results in a given number.
Number Line A diagram that represents numbers as points on a line.
Ordered Pair A pair of numbers that gives the coordinates of a point on a grid in this order (horizontal coordinate, vertical coordinate).
Origin The intersection of the x- and y-axes in a coordinate plane, described by the ordered pair (0, 0).
Percent A special ratio that compares a number to 100 using the symbol %.
Percent Decrease New amount minus original amount divided by the original amount.
Percent Error Predicted value minus actual value divided by actual value.
Percent Increase New amount minus original amount divided by the original amount.
Plane Sections The area created by a plane cutting through a solid.
Polygon A closed figure formed from line segments that meet only at their endpoints.
Population The entire collection of items that is the focus of concern. Can be of any size and while the items need not be uniform, the items must share at least one measurable feature.
Prediction To state in advance on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason.
Principal The amount lent or borrowed.
Prism A 3-dimensional figure that has two congruent and parallel faces that are polygons. The remaining faces are parallelograms.
Probability The chance that a particular outcome will occur, measured as a ratio of the total possible outcomes.
Proportion An equation showing that two ratios are equivalent.
Proportional Relationship Relationship between two variable quantities x and y, where y is a constant multiple (k) of x. This can be expressed in the simple equation, y = kx.
Protractor A tool used to measure and draw angles.
Pyramid A polyhedron whose base is a polygon and whose other faces are triangles that share a common vertex.
Quadrants The four sections of a coordinate grid that are separated by the axes.
Quadrilateral A four-sided polygon.
Quotient The result of the division of one quantity by another.
Random Sample A selection that is chosen randomly (purely by chance, with no predictability.)
Rate A ratio comparing two different units. The car was traveling 65 miles per hour on the freeway.
Angles formed by two rays with the same endpoint
Area the number of square units needed to cover a flat surface
Base the number or expression that is used as a factor in a repeated multiplication
Coordinate Grid a plane formed by horizontal and vertical lines and used to locate points
Cubic Inches volume of solids is measured in these units
Cylinder a 3-dimensional figure that has 2 congruent circular faces (soup can)
Cylindrical having the form of a cylinder or tube
Dimensions measurements in width, length, and sometimes depth
Equation a mathematical sentence that shows that two expressions are equivalent
Equilateral having all sides equal in length
Equilateral Triangles a triangle with three congruent or equal sides and three congruent angles
Formula An equation that states a rule for the relationship between certain quantities
Gallons Per Minute The amount of water consumed by flow fixtures (lavatory faucets, showerheads, aerators, sprinkler heats).
Generator a machine that changes mechanical energy into electric power
Isosceles Triangles a triangle that has at least 2 congruent sides
Obtuse Isosceles One obtuse angle and the 2 legs are congruent
Rectangle a parallelogram with four right angles
Rectangular Prism A solid (3-dimensional) figure which has six faces that are all rectangles.
Right Isosceles This type of triangle has a right angle and 2 sides equal in length (congruent).
Right Scalene This type of triangle has a right angle and all sides are different lengths.
Square Inches the dimension in inch units for area of a square
Total Amount the whole amount, the answer from adding, subtracting, multiplying, and/or dividing
Best describes best explains, most suitable, or appropriate detailed account in words
Closest The shortest distance from a point; near or close to answer
Cost per Hour price paid for work done on an hourly basis
Evenly equally ; uniformly
Heights high places
Represents To stand for; symbolize
Side View a view from the side of something, shows depth and height,
Situation the way things are at a certain time, the state of what's happening
Created by: Desertprince
Popular Math sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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