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Vocabulary List

Word List 1

pulchritude great physical beauty and appeal
wary cautious, watchful; on guard
extant not destroyed, lost, or extinct
succinct clear, concise expression
sallow of a sickly yellow pigment/hue
intrepid fearless, resolutely courageous
pusillanimous lacking courage, cowardly
punctilious attentive to minute detail, precise
propitiate To render favorably inclined; to appease; to conciliate
propitious presenting favorable circumstances -- (2) kindly ; gracious
portentous pending omen, indication of something important or calamitous.
putative supposed; generally regarded as such ; reputed
intractable difficult to manage or govern
immutable not subject to change
redolent having or emmitning fragrance, acromatic -- (2) suggestive; reminiscent
noisome offensive to the point of arousing disgust ; foul -- (2) harmful or dangerous
hackneyed trite, over familiar through over use
fetid giving, possessing, or emitting an offensive odor; stinking; smelling very bad
fatuous 1. adjective: Foolish or inane, especially in a complacent and smug manner; silly; absurd; stupid. 2. Illusory; delusive.
complaisant desire to please
mein bearing or manner
lugubrious mornful, dismal, glommy, especially to an exagerated degree
pilgarlic A bald-headed man; a person looked on with humorous contempt or mock pity.
dissemble disguise; pretend; conceal behind a mask
incunabulum early printed books, especially those printed before 1501.
zuchetto skull cap work by a Roman Catholic clergyman varying in color with rank
antimacassar A small cover on the arms and back of a chair
muezzin crier who calls Moslems to prayer, usually from a minaret
Chimera fire-breathing she-monster in Greek mythology; 1. A fanciful fabrication; illusion. 2. An organism having genetically different tissues.
effulgence great brilliance; radiance; brightness
ephemeral short-lived
naiad nymph living in and by the water; female swimmer
contumacious insubordinate; disobedient ; obstinate; resisting authority;
mordant caustic; sarcastic; cutting
macerate to soften and break down by soaking; to break or tear; become lean by starving
sophist one who uses clever but sometimes misleading reasoning or arguments
potentate one with much power; a ruler
disparage disrespect ; to discredit; speak ill of; belittle; downgrade; minimize"
soporific inducing sleepiness, causing drowsiness
phantasm product of the imagination; illusion; fantasy
seraglio harem; section of a moslem's house where his wives live
pareve made without meat or milk or their derivitives; therefore, edible with meat or milk
parvenu one who has risen above his social or economic class but not yet accepted
kabuki popular Japanese play where men use dance, song, and movement to enact a tragedy or comedy
provenance place of origin; roots; source; derivation
odalisque a female slave or member of a harem; concubine
coterie close group of friends usually with a common interest, backgroud; clique
synod council, usually of church officials
Created by: Williaea
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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