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Nervous system 1

Nervous system 1 and 2

Functions of the nervous system Coordinates and controls body activity, detects and processes internal/external info, formulates appropriate responses
Major structures of the nervous system Brain, spinal cord, peripheral nerves, sensory organs
PNS consists of what Cranial and spinal nerves
Cell body AKA: Soma. Maintains life of the neuron
Dendrites Receive impulses and conduct them toward the cell body
Axon Single process. Extends away from the cell body
Synaptic terminals AKA: Terminal end fibers. Leads the impulse away from the axon and toward the synapse
Synapse The junction where neural impulses cause a chemical release, called a neurotransmitter
Astrocytes Attach neurons to their blood supply. Help form the blood-brain barrier, in the CNS
Microglia Phagocytic cells that help fight infection in the CNS
Oligodendrocytes Form the myelin sheath in the CNS
Schwann cells Forms the myelin in the PNS and has phagocytic capabilities
White matter Has nerve fibers that are covered by myelin
Gray matter Does not have myelin covered nerve fibers.
Nerve One or more bundles of impulse carrying fibers located in the PNS
Tract Group of nerve fibers located in the CNS
Ganglion Mass of neuron cell bodies. Outside of the CNS
Plexus Network of intersecting nerves/vessels
Innervation Stimulation of a body part through the action of nerves
Nociceptive Pain receptors
Proprioceptive Perception of movement
Meninges Connective tissue that encase the brain and spinal cord
Cerebrospinal fluid Clear fluid that nourishes, cools and cushions the CNS
Cerebrum Largest part of brain, receives and processes stimuli, stores information
Cerebral cortex Made up of gray matter. responsible for thinking, perceiving, producing and understanding language.
Cerebellum Coordinates muscle activity for smooth muscle movement
Brain stem Connects the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord
Inter brain Regulation of thirst and body temperature
Mid brain Responsible for visual and auditory reflexes, posture and muscle control
Pons Bridge at base of the brain which allows nerves to cross over so that one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body
Medulla Oblongata Controls basic life functions
Spinal cord Pathway for impulses going to and from the brain
Peripheral Nervous System Cranial nerves, autonomic and somatic nervous, somatic spinal nerves and ganglia
Brachial plexus Nerves arise from the brachial plexus, to supply each forelimb
Lumbosacral plexus Nerves arise from the lumbosacral plexus, to supply each hind limb
Foramen magnum Opening that the spinal cord passes through
Dorsal root Carries afferent or sensory impulses from the periphery to the spinal cord
Ventral root Carries efferent or motor impulses from the spinal cord to muscle fibers or glands
Autonomic Nervous System Part of the PNS. Innervates smooth muscle. Consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic
Somatic Nervous System Voluntary
CT scan Computed tomography
CAT scan Computed Axial tomography
Obtunded Depressed
Neuroanastomosis Connecting nerves together
Vagus nerve Controls the heart, lungs, larynx, pharynx, esophagus and cranial portion of the intestinal tract. Damage causes difficulty in swallowing
Medical term for swelling Intumescence
Blood brain barrier
Created by: 561156282
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