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Oceanography Ch 10

Coasts, Beaches and Estuaries

Coast areas where the lands meets the sea
Shore strip of ground bordering any body of water and alternately exposed and covered by tides and waves
Beach an accumulation of sediment that occupies a portion of the shore
primary coast coastline shaped primarily by terrestrial processes rather than marine processes
secondary coast coastline shaped primarily by terrestrial processes rather than marine processes
fjord narrow, deep, steep-walled inlet formed by the submergence of a mountainous coast or by the entrance of the ocean into a deeply excavated glacial trough after the melting of the glacier
sill a collection of debris creating a shallow entrance to a bay…
moraine glacial deposit of rock, gravel, and other sediment left at the margin of an ice sheet
drowned river valley at lower sea levels, rivers cut v shaped channels along the shore which later became submerged when sealevels rose
Delta area of unconsolidated sediment deposits, usually triangular in outline, formed at the mouth of a river
fault bay a bay formed by faulting along a primary coast
sea stack isolated mass of rock rising from the sea near a headland from which it has been separated by erosion
bar offshore ridge or mound of sand, gravel, or other loose material that is submerged. at least at high tide; located especially at the mouth of a river or estuary or lying a short distance from and parallel to the beach.
barrier island deposit of sand, parallel to shore and raised above sea level; may support vegetation and animal life
sand spit low tongue of land, or a relatively long, narrow shoal extending from the shore
tombolo deposit of unconsolidated material that connects an island to another island or to the mainland
jetty structure located to influence currents or to protect the entrance to a harbor or river from waves
estuary semi-isolated portion of the ocean that is diluted by freshwater drainage from land
breakwater structure protecting a shore area, harbor, anchorage, or basin from waves; a type of jetty
Santa Barbara Story entrance to a yacht club that plugged up with sediment carried by longshore currents after a jetty was improperly installed
Longshore Current current produced in the surf zone by the waves breaking at an angle with the shore; the current runs roughly parallel to the shoreline
Created by: Permian
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