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Employer and Employee Relationships

Industrial Relations The term used to describe the relations between the management of a firm and its employees and how they co-operate and communicate with each other.
Trade Union An organisation representing employee’s in a particular trade or profession.
Shop Steward A spokes person elected by employees as their official union representative in the workplace.
Irish Congress of Trade Unions An Interest Group representing trade unions in Ireland.
Discrimination The treatment of one person in a less favourable way than another
Official Dispute Union seeks the approval of members through secret ballot. Dispute must be confirmed by ICTU. A minimum of one weeks notice must be given to the employer before industrial action can be taken.
Unofficial Dispute Workers take industrial action without a ballot and without approval of their union and ICTU.
Collective Bargaining A process of negotiations between employers and a group of employees aimed at reaching agreements. The interests of the employees are commonly presented by representatives of a trade union to which the employees belong.
National Agreements agreements are negotiated between the Social Partners.
The conciliator ....encourages both sides to meet and talk out their problems. He/she does everything to get them to reach a mutually acceptable, negotiated solution to their problem.
Mediation This is where a neutral third party acts as a go-between to the parties in a dispute.
Arbitration Is when the employer and employees ask an independent person, to investigate the dispute and make a ruling, like a judge, to solve the problem.
Trade dispute “any dispute between employers and workers which is connected with the employment or non-employment or terms or conditions of employment of any person”
Closed Shop where workers have only one choice of union to join. The management will speak only to that union.
Trade Union Immunity An employer cannot sue a trade union and its members for losses suffered as a result of a strike.
Picketing Employees walk up and down outside the workplace forming a picket line and carrying banners, informing the public, employees, suppliers and management that a strike is on.
LRC Promotes good industrial relations practice and helps solve industrial disputes.
Rights Commissioner Investigates disputes involving individual employees under the Unfair Dismissals Act and the Maternity Protection Act.
Codes of Practice ..a collection of generally accepted rules, practices and procedures to be followed when dealing with conflict prepared by an employer with the guidance of the LRC.
Labour Court Investigates disputes that could not be resolved by the LRC>
Joint Labour Committee These consist of representatives of employers and workers in a particular industry sector, e.g. agriculture, catering, hairdressing, etc..
Harassment any act or conduct which is unwelcome or offensive, humiliating or intimidating, including acts of physical intimacy, spoken words, gestures or the production, display or circulation of written material, pictures or requests for sexual favours.
Equality Authority ...aims to eliminate discrimination in the workplace
Director of the Equality Tribunal ...investigates cases of employee discrimination in the workplace.
Unfair Dismissals Act, 1997/2007 The Act operates on the principle that a dismissal is deemed to be unfair until proved otherwise.
Constructive Dismissal This is where the employer makes the working conditions for an employee so difficult or the behaviour towards an employee is so intolerable, e.g. bullying, harassment, that the employee has no choice but to leave the employment.
The employment Appeals Tribunal Hears claims relating to unfair dismissals, redundancy and maternity entitlements.
Reinstatement The employee is given his old job back with exactly the same pay and conditions. He is entitled to full back pay from the date he was unfairly sacked.
Re-engagement The employee is given her job back in a similar position. She is not entitled to back pay form the date she was sacked.
Compensation The employee is paid an amount of money by her former employer as compensation for the financial loss she suffered as a result of the unfair dismissal up to maximum of 2 years.
Data Protection Act, 1988 and 2003 Passed to deal with privacy issues arising from personal information that is kept about people on computer as distinct from manual files.
Official Strike Employees hold a secret vote to see if a majority wants to go on strike. If so, they then give their employer seven days notice of the strike.
Work-to-Rule Employees carry out their work following all rules to the letter. They do their basic job and nothing else.
Overtime Ban Workers refuse to do any overtime. This is especially effective way to put pressure on the employer when the business is very busy.
Unofficial Strike This is when workers go on strike without having a secret vote and/or without giving their employers a weeks notice. The union does not recognise the strike.
Political Strike Workers protest against the government by stopping work.
Sympathetic Strike A group of workers not involved in the dispute go on strike to show their support for the disputing workers.
Created by: bccns business
Popular Business sets




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