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Impact Effect, influence or consequencia
Estimate Good guess or approximate amount
Accessible Avaiable, easy to get
Consequence Effect, result, impact
Effect consequence, influence, impact
Reveal show, make clear, unclear
Scarce Small amount, hard of find
Unsuitable Impossible to supported not apropriet
Consumption Use of something
Contain Stop, limit, try to control
Absolve To find innocent or blameless, to clear of guilt
Adamant Not giving in, stubborn,firm
Amoral Lacking ethical princilples, without principles
Eccentric Differing from what is customary, odd
Encounter A brief or an unexpected meeting
Epitome A perfect or typical example, a perfect model
Antagonist An opponent, one who opposes or competes, a enemy
Animosity Bitter hostility, strong dislike
Malign To make evil and often untrue statements about, speak evil of
Amiable Good-nature, friendly and pleasant
Elicit To bring out, to draw forth
Terminate To spot, to end
Methodical Orderly, systematic
Adjacent Close, near
Tangible Able to be touched, having form and matter, solid
Obsolete Extinct, no longer active or in use, out of date
Escalete To expand, to increase or intensify
Acclaim Great praise or applause, enthusiastic approval
Engross To hold interest for, to hold full attention of, absorb
Exploit To take advantage of, to use selfishly or unethically
Arbitrary Determined by personal judgment, not rule or reason, based on impulse
Mercenary Motivated only by financial gain, greedy
Allusion An indirect reference, a hint about
Syndrome A group of symptoms typical of a disease or condition
Euphemism A term that doesn't offend
Appease To calm, especially by giving into the demands of
Banal Unoriginal, overuse, commonplace
Taint To damage, to stain the honor of someone or something
Assail To attack physically or verbally
Altruistic Unselfishly concerned for the welfare of others, unselfish
Flagrant Shockingly obvious, outrageous.
Venture To dare, to take the risk of
Comprehensive Complete, including all or much
Rehabilitate To return to normal life, to restore to a normal life through therapy or education
Persevere To keep going, to continue with an effort or plan despite difficulties
Turmoil Disorder, complete confusion uproar
Calamity A tragedy, an event bringing great loss and misery
Fluctuate To vary irregularly, to go up and down or back and forth
Ponder To think about, to consider carefully, think deeply about
Conventional usual, customary, ordinary
Created by: julialima
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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