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Adult Health Nursing

CH 10 pt w/ Urinary Disorder MEL

anasarca severe generalized edema
anuria urinary output of less than 100cc/ day
asthenia a general feeling of tiredness, listless
azotemia retention in the blood of excessive amounts of nitrogenous compounds
bacteriuria presence of bacteria in the urine(infection)
costovertebral angle on eof the two angles that outline a space over the kidneys
cytologic evaluation study of cells, diagnostic test that includes cystoscope to obtain tissue samples
dialysis medical procedure for removal of certain elements from the blood by virtue of the difference in their rates of diffusion thru extrenal semipermeable membrane, or in the case of peritoneal dialysis, thru the peritoneum
dysuria painful or difficult urination(infection/stones/tumor/prostate issues)
hematuria blood in urine
hydronephrosis dilation of the renal pelvis and calyces, may be congenital or develop at any time
Ileal conduit the mot common urinary diversion procedure. the ureters are implanted into a loop of ileum that is isolated and brought to the surface of the abdominal wall
micturition the process of voiding
nephrotoxin substances withh specific destructive properties for the kidneys toxic to kidneys, iv antiboitics/radiation drugs/alcohol- aminoglycocides-
nocturia excessive urination at night/ possible prostate cancer
oliguria decreased to little urine output , less than 500cc. min-30cc/hr
prostatodynia pain in the prostate gland, presents with neither inflammation or infection but demonstrates with other typical symptoms of prostatitis
pyuria PUS in the urine
retention inability to void even with a urge to void. it may be accute or chronic and pt may not be able to empty the bladded, creating urinary stasis and increasing the possibility of infection
urolithiasis formation of urinary calculi. can develop in any area of the urinary track, stones/UTI'S, mostly calcium
Created by: diamondgirljaz
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