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Cardiovascular Spelling

anastomosis Surgical attachment of one end of a hollow structure to another end
angina Intermittent chest pain, usually of short duration
angiorrhaphy Suturing of a blood vessel
aorta Largest artery in the body which collects blood from the left ventricle, and delivers it to all parts of the body via smaller arteries
artery A vessel that carries oxygenated blood from the heart to body tissues and organs
arteriole A small artery
bicuspid valve A valve with two cusps, through which blood passes from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Also known as the mitral valve
bradycardia Slow heart action
bundle of His Specialized muscle fibers in the walls of the heart, between the ventricles, that carry the electrical impulses to the ventricles
capillaries Microscopic blood vessels connecting arterioles and venules
cardiomegaly Enlargement of the heart
cardiovascular system System composed of the heart, blood vessels and their function within the body
carditis Inflammation of the heart
conductive tissue Highly specialized cardiac tissue which initiates and continues contraction impulses
congenital septal defect Small hole(s) within the atrial or ventricular septums, which are present at birth
congestive heart failure Failure of the heart to pump an adequate amount of blood to the tissues and organs
coronary artery disease Any disease which alters the ability of the coronary artery to deliver the amount of blood that is required by the heart muscles
diaphoresis Profuse sweating
diastole The relaxation phase of the heart
dyspnea Difficult breathing
endocardium Innermost layer of the heart
epicardium Outermost layer of the heart
heart A hollow, muscular organ that pumps blood through the arteries, capillaries, and veins
inferior vena cava Large vein which collects and carries deoxygenated blood from the lower portion of the body and enters the right atrium
insufficiency Inability of valves to close properly
left atrium Chamber which receives oxygenated blood from the lungs
left ventricle Chamber which pumps oxygenated blood to the body via the aorta
myocardial infarction Life-threatening condition characterized by necrosis in the myocardium due to a lack of oxygen
myocardium Muscular layer of the heart
necrosis Destruction (death) of tissue
pallor Paleness
pericardium Fibrous sac which encloses the heart
phlebitis Inflammation of a vein
pulmonary artery Carries deoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to the lungs
pulmonary vein Carries oxygenated blood back to the heart from the lungs
pulmonic valve Prevents the backflow of blood into the right ventricle
Purkinje fibers Extend up the walls of the ventricles and transmit electrical impulses to both ventricles, causing them to contract
right atrium Chamber which collects deoxygenated blood from the body
right ventricle Chamber which pumps deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
septum Muscular wall which divides the right and left sides of the heart
shunt A passage between two blood vessels or between tow sides of the heart
sphygmomanometer Instrument for measuring blood pressure
stenosis Narrowing
superior vena cava Large vein which collects and carries deoxygenated blood from the top portion of the body and enters the right atrium
systole The contraction phase of the heart
tachycardia Rapid heart action
thrombophlebitis Inflammation of a vein which collects and carries deoxygenated blood from the top portion of the body and enters the right atrium
thrombosis Abnormal condition of a blood clot in the blood vessel
tricuspid valve A valve with three cusps, located between the right atrium and right ventricle, which allows blood to pass into the right ventricle
varicose veins Condition which develops when the valves of the veins are damaged. Characterized by enlarged veins and edema of the surrounding tissues
vein A vessel that carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the body organs and tissues
venule A small vein
Created by: DawnLangridge
Popular Medical sets




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