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FLEX Vocabulary

SAT Vocabulary

fruition fulfillment; realization
insidious treacherous
mulct to obtain money by extortion
proclivity tendency
promontory piece of land that juts out
rapport a close relationship; harmony
sedulous hard-working; diligent
corrugated wrinkled; ridged; furrowed
effrontery shameful boldness
hubris excessive pride or self-confidence
libel a false statement in written form
passe old fashioned; out-of-date
promulgate to announce; to advocate
slough run-down; shabby
sordid dirty; filthy
turbid muddy; unclear
abet to aid; to encourage
allay to relieve or to calm
effulgent shining forth brilliantly; radiant
ersatz artificial
libertine one who leads an immoral life
occlude to close; to shut; to block out
proscribe to denounce; exile
rarefy to make less dense; to refine
tactile pertaining to sense of touch
torpid inactive; sluggish
turbulence wild disorder; violent motion
vignette hearty enjoyment
abeyance a temporary postponement
apprise to inform
burgeon to flourish; to grow rapidly
encumbrance hindrance; obstruction
fete to honor; to entertain
fugacious pertaining to the passing of time
maxim a proverb or saying
plaintive sorrowful; sad
solecism ungrammatical usage; an error or inconsistency
abate to lessen; to decrease
apocryphal doubtful; not authentic
approbation approval
egalitarian pertaining to belief in the equality of all men
fulminate to explode; to denounce
tractable easy to manage
abject miserable; wretched
conjecture to guess
countenance to face; to permit, tolerate, or approve
fulsome disgusting; sickening; repulsive
humdrum monotonous; routine
indelible incapable of being erased
interim meantime; period of time between
lieu in place of; instead of
mercurial changeable; erratic
turpitude baseness; shameful behavior
append to attach; to add
appurtenance something added to another more important thing
counterpart duplicate; copy
escarpment steep cliff
fetter to confine; to put into chains
fidelity faithfulness
furor rage; frenzy; fury
imdemnify to insure; to repay
interlocutor one who takes part in a conversation
meretricious gaudy; showy
offal garbage; waste parts
profligate shamelessly immoral; extremely wasteful
proselyte a convert
ratiocinate to reason
remiss negligent
resuscitate to revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness
sphinx person who is difficult to understand
tarn a small lake or pool
virile masculine; manly
abjure to give up
apprehensive fearful; anxious
apropos relevant; appropriate; fitting
bacchanalian wild with drunkenness
castigate to punish
diaphanous transparent
disputatious fond of arguing
escrow money deposited with a third person pending fulfillment of a condition
interminable endless
itinerant traveling from place to place
patrimony inherited; heritage
plenary full; complete
prospectus a report describing a forthcoming project
splenetic bad-tempered; irritable
tutelage instruction
visage the face; appearance
compunction uneasiness; remorse
esoteric for a select few; not generally known
fiat an official order
intrepid fearless; courageous
retrench cut down or reduce to expenses
sentient conscious; capable of feeling
spry full of life; active
covenant an agreement; a contract
fickle changeable in affections; unfaithful
alluvial pertaining to a deposit of sand formed by flowing water
dissertation a written essay
jaunt short trip; confident
transitory brief
absolve to free from responsibility
capricious erratic; impulsive
ensue to follow; to result from
peculate to steal
rebuff to refuse
ulcerious infected
filch to steal
recalcitrant disobedient; hard to manage
contiguous nearby; neighboring
penchant a strong liking for; an inclination
revelation something made known; a disclosure
dissolute immoral; unrestrained
Created by: 1527243760
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