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A&P Biolexicon

Vocabulary for BHS A&P - prefixes, roots and suffixes

a- , an- not, without
ab- away
acro- topmost
ad-, af- toward
ambi- both
ana- up
ante- before, in front
anti- against
arthr- joint
bi- two
bio- life
brachi- arm
cardio- heart
carni- flesh
cep(h)- head
chondr- cartilage
chrom(o)- color
contra- opposite
cort- tree bark
cut- skin
cyt(o)- cell
derm- skin
di- two
dia- across
dys- ill, bad
ecto- outside
en(do)- inside
epi- upon
ex-, ef- out, away
gastr- stomach
hemo- blood
hepa- liver
hom(e)o- same
hyper- above
hypo- below
infra- below
inter- between
ipsi- self
iso- equal
lat- side
lymph(o)- clear fluid
man- hand
medi- middle
mela- black
mes(o)- middle
morph(o)- shape
myo- muscle
nephr- kidney
neur(o)- nerve
oste(o)- bone
para- beside
peri- around
poly- many
prot(o)- first
pulmo- lung
rhin(o)- nose
soma- body
sub- below
syn-, sym- together, with
trans- across
tri- three
-bio- life
-brachi- arm
-cauda- back
-cep(h)- head
-cephal- head
-cer- horn
-chondra- cartilage
-cut- skin
-cyt- cell
-cyst- bladder
-derm- skin
-duct- to lead
-fer- to carry
-gastr- stomach
-gen- to make
-morph- shape
-myo- muscle
-neph- kidney
-oste(o)- bone
-path- suffering
-plas(t)- to mold
-pulmo- lung
-algia pain
-cep head
-cyst bladder
-lyse to break
-lysis breaking
-mer part
-oid like
-(o)logy study
-oid like
-scope to see
-septic rot, bacteria
-some body
-tom to cut
-tomy cutting
-vore eating
-zoa animal
Created by: pcafasso
Popular Anatomy sets




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