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social studies test


What was the name of the United States first form of government The Articles of Confederation
Why was America's first form of government a failure not enough shared power between federal and states
What was the goal of the Constitutional Convention create a document to replace the Articles of Confederation
What was the New Jersey plan every state got the same amount of representatives
What was the Virginia Plan bigger states get more representatives
What was the Great compromise everyone gets two senates, house of representatives is based on population
What was the 3/5th Compromise 5 slaves counted as 3 people
Who was the main author of the Constitution James Madison
What was the preamble introduces the constitution
What does the word "bicameral" mean two houses
What is the primary role of the Legislative Branch make laws
What is the primary role of the Executive Branch control government
What is the primary role of the Judicial Branch explain laws
What are the requirements to be a member of the House of Representatives 25 years old, live in the United States for at least seven years, be an inhabitant of the state be represented
What are the requirements to be a senator 30 years of age, must live in United States for at least 9 years, must live in state they are representing
What are the requirements to be president at least 35 years old, born in U.S
What are the powers of the President commander in chief, negotiate treaties
What are the powers of Congress Authority to make laws, impeach president, approve presidential appointments, declare war
How long is a House of Representatives term two years
How long is a senator's term six years
How long is a presidents term 4 years
How many Supreme Court Justices are there 9
How long is a supreme court justices term for life
What is the main job of the Supreme court decide if it's constitutional or not
Why are supreme court justices terms so long so they aren't worried about getting fired for bad decisions
Who is the chief justice in the supreme court the 9th judge
What are the three levels of the federal court system district, court of appeals, supreme court
What does the word "appeal" mean to undo
What part of the government has to approve all supreme court justices federal government
What is judicial review power of the judiciary
What does the 1st amendment protect freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press, petition, assembly
What does the 2nd amendment protect right to bear arms
What does the 3rd amendment protect not have to house soldiers
What does the 4th amendment protect no unreasonable searches or seizures
The 5,6, and 7th amendments protect your rights in what court
What does the 8th amendment protect no cruel or unusual punishment
What does the 9th amendment protect rights not specifically stated in the constitution
What type of government does the 10th amendment protect state governments
What is the Bill of Rights first ten amendments of the U.S Constitution
Who is the president of the United States Barack Obama
Who is the vice president of the United States Joe Biden
Who represents Massachusetts in the U.S senate Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren
Who represents Wellesley in the House of Representatives Joseph P. Kennedy
Who is the Governor of Massachusetts Deval Patrick
What are two ways to amend the Constitution bill to pass both houses of the legislature, Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures
What does it mean to "amend" the constitution make minor changes in
What are the three levels of government in the United States Local, State, Federal
The first amendment protects the freedom of speech unless cause a problem for the public
What is another name for the executive departments the cabinet
What is the main job of the Executive Departments advise president
What does the Department of Defense oversee the army, navy, coast guard, air force, and marines
What does the State Department oversee represents the U.S in other countries
What does the Treasury Department oversee coin, currency, taxes
What does the Department of Interior oversee wildlife, national parks, forests, outdoors
What does the Department of Homeland Security oversee protects against terrorist attacks
What does the Justice Department oversee enforcement of the law and justice
Explain the Commerce Clause
Explain the elastic clause
What is federalism
What is the president in charge of as commander in chief
What is the president in charge of as chief diplomat
What is president in charge of as chief economic advisor
What is double jeopardy
What does it mean to plead the 5th
Created by: 19galleranij
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