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Leon's Story


minority a group of people who differ racially or politically from a larger group of which it is a part
comical funny, humorous
opinion a personal belief or judgment
Jim Crow continuing or practicing discrimination against the segregation of Black people
qualified having the necessary special skill, knowledge, or ability that fits a person for a particular work or position
plantation a planted area; especially: an agricultural estate worked by labors
shuck to remove the outer covering of a nut, or Indian corn, or shell of an oyster or clam
debts money or goods or services owed by one person to another
decoys someone or something used to draw attention away from another
lantern a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, and typically having a handle by which it can be carried or hung.
routine a regular way of doing things in a particular order
automatically having the capability of starting, operating, moving, etc., independently
embankment a raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used especially to hold back water or to carry a roadway
bondage restriction: the condition of being controlled by something that limits freedom
inherited to receive (money, property, etc.) from someone when that person dies
evidently in a way that can be easily seen or noticed
traditional existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established
harvesting the season when ripened crops are gathered.
democracy an organization or situation in which everyone is treated equally and has equal rights
proclamation an official statement or announcement made by a person in power or by a government
Ku Klux Klan (KKK) a secret organization of White Protestant Americans, mainly in the South, who use violence against Black people, Jewish people, and other minority groups
balcony an area of seating raised entirely above the ground level in a theater, movie theater, or concert hall
janitor One who attends to the maintenance or cleaning of a building
uneducated lacking an education; poorly educated
destructive causing a very large amount of damage : causing destruction or harm
smother to conceal, suppress, or hide
approximately almost exact or correct
equal a person or thing considered to be the same as another in status or quality
cruelty behavior that causes pain or suffering to a person or animal
investigated to inquire into (a situation or problem, esp a crime or death) thoroughly; examine systematically, esp in order to discover the truth
rowdy A rough, disorderly person
prominent important and well-known
escort one or more persons accompanying another to guide, protect, or show honor
mauled (especially of an animal) to injure (a person or animal) usually badly
march walk or proceed quickly and with determination
demonstrations public meetings or marches in which people show their opposition to something or their support for something
official appointed, authorized, or approved by a government or organization
dedicated to address or inscribe (a book, artistic performance, etc) to a person, cause, etc as a token of affection or respect
practically almost: very nearly but not quite
recreation something people do to relax or have fun : activities done for enjoyment
broken-down in a bad or weak condition because of being old, not well cared for, etc
decent good enough but not the best : adequate or acceptable
proud pleased and satisfied: feeling pleased and satisfied, e.g. about having done something or about owning something
appointed To select or designate to fill an office or a position
modern belonging to present day: relating or belonging to the present period in history
participate take part: to take part in an event or activity
violent using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone or something : showing violence
chaos complete confusion and disorder : a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything
intermission a short interval allowing a rest between the acts of a play or parts of a performance.
miracle an extremely outstanding or unusual event, thing, or accomplishment
sic to urge (a dog) to attack
cruddy unpleasant: of poor quality
Created by: acoats1980
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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