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Purple Review

Nervous System Review

TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
Function of the hypothalamus regulates activities of the autonomic nervous system
Describe the spinal cord located inside the spinal cavity, composed of inner grey/outer white matter, transmits sensory impulses.
dura mater outermost layer covering the brain and spinal cord
pain in the spinal cord myelangia
EEG records electrical impulses of the brain
relieve pain analgesics
weakness or debility asthenia
Which section of the cerebrum can only be seen on dissection? insula
circular opening made in the skull to relieve ICP trephination
convey impulses for voluntary functions somatic nervous system
conveys impulses to glands, smooth and cardiac muscles autonomic nervous system
disease of the spinal cord myelopathy
inability to comprehend sensations agnosia
inability to speak aphasia
incision into the skull craniotomy
inflammation of the brain encephalitis
involuntary tremble or shake tremor
involuntary, spasmodic muscular contractions tics
EMG Electromyography
CTA Computed Tomography Angioplasty
sudden muscle weakness, acute inflammation of the peripheral nerves Guillain-Barre Syndrome
acute encephalopathy and fatty infiltration of the brain Reye Syndrome
congenital deformity in which some or all of fetal brain is missing anencephaly
Conveys sensory impulses to the brain from different parts of the body and also transmits motor impulses away from the brain to all muscles and organs spinal cord
SRS Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Form of spinal bifida in which the meninges protrudes through the spine meningocele
a collection of nerve bodies ganglion
accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain hydrocephalus
4 major types of neuroglia astrocytes microglia oligodendrocytes ependymocytes
What is Alzheimer's Disease? A progressive neurological disorder that affects the brain causing memory loss and serious mental detoriation.
funtion of the thalamus receives sensory stimuli except olfactory
What is Parkinson Disease? A progressive neurological disorder that affects the part of the brain that controls muscle movement. Lack of Dopamine
What is CSF? A colourless fluid, contains proteins,glucose,salt, urea and some white blood cells, acts as a shock absorber, travels around the brain and spinal cord
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
ALS Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
BEAM Brain Electrical Activity Mapping
CP Cerebral Palsy
ICP intracranial pressure
Complex neural system located beneath the cerebrum that controls basin emotions and drives and plays an important role in memory limbic system
MEG Magnetencephalography
MSI Magnetic Source Imaging
MRA Magnetic Resonance Angiogram
network of nervous tissue found in the brain and spinal cord Central Nervous System
needle puncture of the spinal cavity lumbar puncture
measures the speed impulses travel through a nerve nerve conduction velocity
a spinal puncture at the base of the brain to extract fluid or inject medication cisternal puncture
excision of a ganglion ganglionectomy
excessive movement hyperkinesia
CT scan of the lumbar region after injection of a contrast medium to detect problems with the spine and spinal nerve roots discography
T12 thoracic nerves
SNS Somatic Nervous System, Sympathetic Nervous System
PNS Peripheral Nervous System, Parasympathetic Nervous System
PET Positron Emission Tomography
additonal myelin sheath external to myelin that is formed by schwann cells and found only on axons on the PNS neurilemma
a long, single projection that transmits impulses from the cell body axon
a large bundle of axons wrapped in connective tissue nerve
agents that relieve pain by inhibiting the passage of pain impulses analgesics
abnormal rhythm to the brain dysrhythmia
brief loss of consciousness also called fainting syncope
abnormal deep unconsciousness coma
abnormally small head microcephaly
brain injury causing transient loss of consciousness concussion
cavity of an organ ventricle
depress CNC functions to induce sleep hypnotics
disease of the myelin sheath Multiple Sclerosis
functions include sensory perception and interpretation, muscular movement and emotional aspects of behaviour cerebrum
innermost membrane of the brain and spinal cord pia mater
lack of response, sluggishness lethargy
major emotional disorder psychosis
moves away from a central structure efferent
moves toward a central structure afferent
congenital deformity of the neural tube which fails to close during fetal development spina bifida
branching cytoplasmic projections that receive impulses and transit them to the cell body dendrites
broad term that refers to cognitive deficit, including memory impairment dementia
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
NCV Nerve Conduction Velocity
facial paralysis bells palsy
LP Lumbar Puncture
CSF Cerebral Spinal Fluid
CVA Cerbrovascular Accident
EEG electroencephalography
L3 third lumbar vertabra
C1 first cervical vertabra
What is the brainstem composed of? midbrain, medulla and pons
Created by: shann77
Popular Medical sets




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