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Organiz. Assessment

DEOMI (test 5)

Define purpose of conducting an Organizational Assessment/Climate Assessment (OA/CA) Provide leadership a unit "snapshot picture" as perceived by members. Assist CCs (all lvls) in determining their climate.
Identify the basis to conduct an OA CC requested, Directed by higher authority, mandated by regulations
Identify the types of OA Formal & Informal
Give an example of a "Formal" OA Using assessment tools (DEOCS)
Give an example of an "informal" OA Doing a Walk about/out and about
Identify strategies associated w/ planning an OA Pre-planning (areas of attention), Leadership, Focus, Instruments/Tools, Sampling
What are determined in "pre-planning" CC expectations/guidance, resources available
What's covered under "Focus" as a strategy of planning an OA? Identify factors impacting climate & determine what can be controlled/what can't
Explain the "Sampling" strategy of planning an OA It can be used in all tools; common considerations are: sampling a diversity of people, sampling over period of time, sampling over space
State elements (variables/cntrl factors) to consider planning an OA. List control factors Time, Space, Personnel, Opstempo, Location, Accessibility, Paper v. Online, Survey team size, Other
State elements (variables/cntrl factors) to consider planning an OA. List variables What support's needed, desired outcome, scope/sequence of events, resources & time schedule, previous initiatives
Describe other climate factors associated with an OA Conditions under which OAs conducted/support needed, desired outcome (OA expectation), Scope & sequence of events, resources & time schedules, assessing previous initiatives,
Describe the purpose of an outbrief Relay info to ldrshp. Verbal briefing w/ supporting documentation that explains/clarifies findings.
Identify characteristics of an OA survey questions about issues that; may affect readiness; exposes in/formal policies/practices/procedures, improve comm thru anonymity, monitor/eval effects of Org change
Identify characteristics of an OA interview designed to gather info; good tool for clarifying info & cause/effect, CCs learn which events/activities induce un/favorable mbr responses, best used to refine/further explain findings
4 uses of interview 1-explain cause/effect relationship 2-assists interpretation unexpected results 3-validates interpretations 4-provides alternate interpretations
An interview is designed to do what 4 things 1-Generate data, 2-compare data, 3-increase prsnl ownership, 4-examine situations
What are the advantages of interviews 1-flexibility, 2-involvement (more direct/honest answrs), 3-clarity (less misunderstandings), 4-Intimacy, 5-time
what are the disadvantages of interviews 1-time, 2-sample size, 3-validity (may yield invalid data), 4-training
Identify characteristics of an OA observation watching people in their natural working environment & recording behaviors; focus on EO/HR an OE factors
What do EO, HR & OE factors include (but not limited to) Interpersonal comm, interaction, polarization, accessibility to ldrshp, public display items, wrkplc/dorm conditions (graffiti, prsnl pics/items)
What are advantages of observations? provides data about behavior (rather than reports of behavior), real time data, supports flexibility, removes respondent bias, reduces selective learning
what are disadvantages of observations? may never observe relevant behaviors, interpretation/coding required to use data, EOA must determine what to observe, traning, location
Describe use of records & reports for OAs... Used to identify "hard" unchangeable data. Used to prove/disprove, support/non-support & quantify perceptions
What types of records/reports might be used for OAs? retention rates, discipline rates, EO complaints, awards/decs, promotions, policies, traning, duty positions
Created by: tmjust4u
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