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Diseases and Conditions

agnoisa- (without/knowing/condition) inability to comprehend auditory, visual, spatial or other sensations even though sensory sphere is intact
asthenia-(without/strength/condition) weakness debility or loss of stength
ataxia- (without/order, coordination/condition) lack of muscle coordination in execution of voluntary movement
closed head injury injury to head in which dura mater remains in tact and brain tissue is not exposed
coma abnormally deep unconsciousness with absence of voluntary response stimuli
concussion injury to the brain, occasionally with transient loss of consciousness
convulsion any sudden or violent contraction of one or more voluntary muscles
dementia broad term that refers to cognitive deficit, including memory impairment
dyslexia inability to learn and process written language despite adequate intelligence
Guillian-Barre Syndrome autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of peripheral nerves, which destroys myelin sheath on axons to be destroyed. Loss of reflex response, and sudden muscle weakness
herpes zoster acute inflammatory eruption of painful vesicles on trunk or body (shingles)
Huntington chorea inherited disease of CNS characterization by quick involuntary movements, speech disturbances and mental deterioration
hydrocephalus-(water/head/condition) accumulation of fluid on the brain can be congenital (at birth) or acquire (after birth) as a result of injury or disease
lethargy abnormal inactivity or lack of response to normal stimuli
anencephaly (without/loss/ brain) congenital deformity in which some or all of the fetal brain is missing
spina bifida congenital deformity of neural tube which fails to close during fetal development
meningocele form of spina bifida where the spinal cord develops properly by the meninges protrude through.
myelomeningocele most server form of spina bifida where both spinal cord and meninges protrude through.
occulta form of spina bifida where one or more vertebrae are malformed and spinal cord is covered with a layer of skin
palsy paralysis, usually partial and commonly characterized by weakness and shaking
Bell's palsy facial paralysis caused by functional disorder for the seventh cranial nerve
cerebral-(pertaining to/cerebellum) paralysis that effects movement and body position and sometimes speech and learning
paralysis loss of voluntary motion in one or more muscle groups with or without loss of sensation
hemiplegia-(one half/paralysis) paralysis of one side body typically as a result of a stroke
paraplegia-(near, beyond/paralysis) paralysis of both lower limbs typically as a result of an accident or disease of lower spine
quadriplegia (four/paralysis) paralysis of both arms and legs resulting in bowel, bladder and sexual dysfunction
paresthesia sensation of numbness prickling, tingling r heightened sensitivity
poliomyelitis inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord cause by virus (polio) resulting in spinal and muscle deformity or paralysis
Reye Syndrome acute encephalopathy in fatty infiltration of the brain, liver and possibly pancreas, heart, kidney, spleen and lymph nodes
syncope brief loss of consciousness due to temporary decrease of blood flow (fainting)
epilepsy disorder characterized by seizures
microcephaly abnormally small head
anorexia nervosa abnormal desire to remain thin
bulimia nervosa binging and purging
multiple sclerosis disease of the myelin sheath
myelopathy disease of the spinal cord
catatonic inability to move or talk
encephalitis inflammation of the brain
psychosis major emotional disorder
anxiety psychological worry disorder
dystrophy poor development
Alzheimer's Disease progressive neurological disorder that causes memory loss and serious mental deterioration
Parkinson Disease aka shaking palsy. Progressive neurological disorder that effects the area of the brain that controls movement
asphagia inability to speak
tremor involuntary tremble of shake
tic involuntary spasmodic muscular contraction (usually with the face)
myelegia pain in the spinal cord
aura premonitory awareness of approaching physical or mental disorder (ie seizure)
idiopathic illness or condition that occurs without a known cause
Created by: amatt
Popular Medical sets




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