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ERP Week 3

Asst. Physical Exam - General Chpt.38 pg 428-446

Give the patient the opportunity to; Empty their bladders or bowels
Explain to the patient exactly; What will occur during the exam
When giving instructions to the patient about undress, gowning, or positioning; Be specific as possible
Encourage the patient to; Ask questions
If English is NOT the clients primary language; Provide a translator
Show the client how the gown; Is to be worn (opening in the back)
Assist the client if they are in; Pain or having difficulty ambulating
Clients should completely disrobe for a; 1.Physical exam 2.gynecological exam (pelvic/vaginal)
Partial gowning may be used if the complaint involves; Respiratory difficulties or examination of the eyes, ears, or throat
Use sheets, blankets and pillows to Provide comfort and privacy
The position the client should assume to MEET the doctor AND is used to preform an exam of the head, neck, chest, back, and arms is; Sitting; Sitting upright on the examination table with the legs over the side and the feet on a footrest
Lying flat on the back is called; Supine or horizontal recumbent
Sitting at a 90 degree angle with legs on the table is called; High-Fowler's position
High-Fowler's position is one of the best positions for examining patients who are experiancing Low back pain or SOB (shortness of breath)
Sitting at a 45 degree angle with legs on the table is called; Semi-Fowler's position
The position the client should assume for an exam of the abdomen is; Dorsal recumbent
Dorsal recumbent means The client lies in a horizontal recumbent (supine) position with both knees bent and feet flat on table
The position the client should assume for a pelvic (vaginal) exam is Dorsal lithotomy
Dorsal lithotomy means; The client assumes the dorsal recumbent position with buttocks at the edge of the exam table and feet placed in stirrups
Do not place the client in dorsal lithotomy position until; The physicians presence is imminent for the exam
The position the client should assume for suppository administration, enema, or rectal temp The Sim's position
The Sim's position refers to; The adult clients left leg is slightly bent, the right leg is sharply bent, and the left arm is behind
The position the client should assume for an exam of the back, spine, or posterior leg is; The Prone position
The Prone position refers to; Lying flat on the table, face down, with head to turned to one side
The position the client assumes for a rectal exam is; Knee-Chest position
The knee-chest position refers to the client; The client will be kneeling on the exam table with buttocks raised and the head and chest on the exam table.
In the KNee-Chest position a pillow is placed Under the chest and the arms are extended above the head with the elbows bent
Placing the client with their head lower than their legs is called Trendelenburg
Trendelenburg is used to treat; Shock
Signs(Sx) and Symptoms(SX) Of shock include; 1.Pallor or cyanosis 2.Feeble pulses and tachycardia 3.Disorientation, lethargy, stupor, and unconsciousness 4.Cool skin and diaphoresis 5.N+V 6.Hypotension
Respect the clients privacy by: 1.Always knocking before entering the examination room, and waiting for reply 2.Always close the door after entering or leaving the room 3.Keeping the client covered with a blanket or sheet
Created by: adrouillard
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