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SAT Vocab

Nasty thru Revolution is in the Air

Brusque Describing a rudely abrupt manner
Cantankerous Grumpy, disagreeable
Caustic Bitingly sarcastic or witty
Contemptuous Feeling hatred; scornful
Feral Savage, fierce, or untamed
Fractious Quarrelsome; unruly
Incorrigible Unable to be reformed
Ingrate An ungrateful person
Insolent Insulting in manner or speech
Malevolent Having or exhibiting ill will; wishing harm to others; hateful
Notorious Known widely and usually unfavorably; infamous
Obdurate Stubborn; inflexible
Repugnant Causing disgust or hatred
Unpalatable Not pleasing to the taste
Parsimonious Excessively deep
Itinerant Traveling from place to place
Remote Located far away
Transitory Short-lived or temporary
Unfettered Set free from restrictions or bonds
Harbinger One that indicates what is to come, a forerunner
Ominous Menacing; threatening
Portend To serve as an omen or a warning of
Prophetic Foretelling or predicting future events
Impromptu Not planned in advance; spur of the moment
Ambiguous Open to more than one interpretation
Ambivalent Simultaneously experiencing opposite feelings, such as love and hate
Arbiter A judge who decides a disputed issue
Inconsequential Unimportant
Ample Describing a large amount of something
Burgeoning Expanding or growing rapidly
Capacious Roomy; spacious
Copious Plentiful; having a large quantity
Permeated Spread or flowing throughout
Prodigious Enormous
Replete Abundantly supplied; filled
Candor Sincerity; openness
Frank Open and sincere in expression; straightforward
pragmatic Practical
Purist One who is particularly concerned with maintaining traditional practices
Terse Brief and to the point; concise
Insightful Perceptive
Curtailed Cut short; abbreviated
Arid Exceedingly dry
Conflagration A widespread fire
Nocturnal Of or occurring in the night
Temperate Moderate; mild
Clandestine Secretive, especially in regards to concealing an illicit purpose
Coup A brilliant and sudden overthrow of a government
Enmity Mutual hatred or ill will
Heresy An opinion that disagrees with established, dearly-held beliefs
Implacable Impossible to appease (make content)
Maverick One who is independent and resists adherence to a group
Mercurial Quick and changeable in mood
Pugnacious Combative; belligerent
Rancorous Hateful; marked by deep seated ill-will
Stratagem A clever trick used to deceive or outwit
Wary On guard; watchful
Thwart To prevent the occurrence of
Reclamation A restoration or rehabilitation to productivity or usefulness
Furtive Characterized by stealth; sneaky
Impetuous Characterized by sudden energy or emotion
Created by: jordanwj19
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