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YR 12 A

abenteuer adventure
abfall rubbish
abgase exhaust fumes
abhangen von to depend on
abitur university entry exam
absischt intention
abteilung department
abwasser sewage
achten auf pay attention to
achtung attention,caution
ahnlich like,similar
ahnung idea,knowledge
aktion campaign
aktuell current,topical
allerdings though; to be sure
allgemein general
amt office
anbauen to cultivate
anbieten to offer
anerkennung recognition
andern to change
angebot offer
angeln to go fishing
angenehm pleasent
angreifen to attack
angriff attack
angst haben to be afraid
anlage facilities, plant
anmachen to turn on
annehmen to accept; to assume
sich anpassen to adapt, conform
anpassungsfahig adaptable
anstandig decent,respectable,proper
sich anstrengen to make an effort
antworten to answer
sich anziehen to get dressed
arbeigeber employer
arbeitnehmer employee
arbeitslos unemployed
argerlich annoying
argern to be annoyed
asyl sancuary, asylum
asylbewerber asylum seeker
atomkraft nuclear/atomic energy
auf diese weise in this way
aufenthalt stop,stay
auffuhren to present, put on a play; to list
aufgeschlossen (sein) to be open minded
sich aufregen to get worked up
auftreten to appear
aufwachen to wake up
ausbuilding training, education
ausgang exit
ausgeben to spend money
aushalten to tolerate
auskunft information
ausnahme exception
ausser except
ausserdem besides
ausserdewohnlich extraordinary
aussicht view
aussprechen to pronounce
austausch exchange
auswahl choice, selection
auswandern to emigrate
ausweis ID card
sich ausziehen to get undressed
auszubildende trainee
Created by: thatgirllakshika
Popular German sets




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When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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