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Marketing Influences

HSC Marketing - Influences on marketing

Customer choice Buyer behaviour - refers to decisions of customers
Psychological factors Influences within an individual that affect buying behaviour
Perception process through which people select, organise, interpret information to create meaning
Motive Reason that makes an individual do something
Attitude Person's overall feeling about something
Personality Collection of all behaviours and characteristics that make up a person
Self Image How a person views themselves
Learning Refers to changes in individual's behaviour caused by information and experiences
Brand loyalty Occurs when a favourable attitude towards a single brand results in repeat sales
Sociocultural influences forces exerted by other people and groups that affect a person's buying behaviour
Socioeconomic status Refers to a person's rank in society based on education, income or occupation
Reference group Peer group - group with whom a person closely identifies
Economic influences Forces of boom and bust (recession) affect buying behaviour
Government Influences Policies, laws, regulations enforced by Government can affect buying behaviour
Australian Consumer Law A single national law applying to all consumers around Australia.
CCA Competition and Consumer Act 2010 - Most important piece legislation affecting marketing and business practices in Australia
Unconscionable conduct Any practice by a business that is just not reasonable and often illegal
Deceptive and misleading advertising Illegal under CCA - false information leads to faulty decisions by consumers
Bait and switch advertising Advertising a few products at reduced price but leading customers to more expensive items once they are in store
Dishonest advertising Claims that are untrue or intentionally vague.
Price discrimination Setting of different prices for a product in separate markets.
Greenwashing making misleading or deceptive claims about the environmental benefits of a product
consumer guarantees Set of rights and remedies for defective goods and services
Implied conditions Unspoken and unwritten terms of a contract
Acceptable quality Fit for purpose
Warranties Obligation or promise to fix or replace something if it is defective
Materialism Also called consumerism - person's desire to constantly acquire possessions
Product placement Inclusion of advertising in entertainment
Stereotypical images Images that place people into certain categories often negative. eg. all teenagers are lazy!
Advertising paid non-personal message communicated through a mass medium
Puffery Exaggerated praise or flattery used to sell products
Sugging Selling under the guise of research (unethical)
Unethical marketing Using words and images that are morally wrong to sell products
Advertising Standards Bureau Board that deals with consumer complaints about advertising
Self regulation System where industry controls its own activities
Viral marketing method of promotion that involves spreading of messages from person to person without involvement of the originator
Consumer exploitation Occurs when rights of consumers are ignored
Created by: CHSD12
Popular Marketing sets




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