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biz 101

performance behaviors work related behaviors that influence productivity
employee behaviors patterns of actions that influence productivity
customer relationship management focuses on building relationships with customers via an organized method of using information
logos the use of symbols to communicate qualities
cultural one strong influence on consumer behavior *why we buy)
geo demographic a young hispanic female who lives in the city
brand awareness a consumer's knowledge of a brand based on the brand alone
brand loyalty when we repeatedly buy a product from the same manufacturer due to our trust/love/respect for that manufacturer and/or their products
national brand when a company puts their own name ona product and sells it themselves
licensed brand when a celebrity sells the right for a company to put their name on a product
private brand when a company creates a product for a specific market/store
psychographic buying products based on your lifestyle and interests
behavioral buying specific products for a graduation party
market segmenting dividing people into different groups based on their perceived wants and needs
target the group of people to whom you sell specific products based on those wants and needs
product position the way in which you communicate your product to the market
brand competiotion offering the customer a better product based on your name
substitute competition offering the scustomer and alternative product
citizenship positive behaviors that do not directly inflyuence productivity
counter productive negative behaviors that detract from productivity
mission statement our purpose for being in business
job satisfaction the amoun of enjoyment i derive from my job
crisis management being able to manage in a time of emergency
vision our dream for our future as an organization
goals the thins we strive to accomplish as an organization
organizational mission my identification with an organization's mission
corporate culture our ways of interacting with each other within our organization
core values those ideals we believe so strongly in on which we have founded our business practices
organizational capacity the ability of an organization to continuously chane and act in puruist of competitive advantage
functional strategy a form of strategy that ensures alignment between all organizational strategies
change management being able to lead in the midst of unrest
competitive strategy a form of strategy that determines how we compete
contingency strategy having a plan b ready
corporate strategy a form of strategy that is based on growth, increased productivity, and the overall plan for the organization
situational leadership my propensity for leadership may change depending on the need
strategic leadership leadership based on the accomplishment of a goal
equal opportunity employment commision the organization responsible for monitoring discrimination complaints
motivation the forces that drive your behavior
psychological contract the unwritten understanding that as long as i do my job and doit well, i will receive safety, security, fairness from my employer
ethical leadership leadership based on making the right decision
equal opportunity employment giving all people regardless of race, gender or other factor, a fair and equal chance to succeed
differentiation providing something so unique and distinctive that customers don't mind paying for it
low cost strategy keeping your costs low in order to be attractive in the market
behavorial leadership either a task focused or an employee focused approach to leadership
transactional leadership people follow me becasue they trust me to get something done
trat leadership leadership based on my innate characteristics *intelligent articulate handsome)
charismatic leadership people follow me because they like me
transformational leadership people follow me because they want me to create some change in their lives/world
environmental scanning the systematic monitoring of the major forces that influence an organization
hr strategy the process of anticipating and providing for the movement of people into within and out of an organization
strategic hr management the pattern of hr activities that enable an organization to achieve their strategic goals
strategic planning a set of procedurse used to make decisions about the organization's long term goals and strategy
adverse impact hiring procedures that have an unintentional negative impact on members of a protected class
disparate treatment hiring practices that intentionally discriminate against members of a protected class
what leaders do motivate inspire influence
purpose of hr management attract develop maintain effective
purpose of marketing create communicate deliver value
management skills conceptual technical human relations decision making global time technological
management process planning organizing leading controlling
p's of marketing price product promotion placement
consumer buying process need recognition information seeking evaluate alternatives purchase decision post purchase evaluation
goals provide direction allocate resources define culture assess performance
swot analysis strength weakness opportunity threats
Change management 6 step plan awareness of the need, desire to participate, knowledge of how to change, ability to implement, reinforcement, communication
classical theory of motivation all people are motivated by money and only by money
hawthorne effect employees work harder when manager pays special attention to them
mcgregor's hr model all people are lazy and must be punished/rewarded or all are motivated and eager to work
maslaw's hierarchy of needs 5 categories: physiological needs, security, social needs, esteem needs, self actualization
erg theory growth, relatedness, existence
herzberg's 2 factor theory hygiene factors, only matters if need is not met, motivation factors-recognition responsibility
vroom's expectancy theory people are motivated to work towards something they want and reasonably expect they can obtain
adam's equity theory equity does not motivate but lack of it demotivates
skinner's behavior reinforcement theory rewards and consequences for behavior
Created by: michaelbull
Popular Business sets




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