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Geography - Intro

Intro chapter for extra-credit quiz

Geography is united by a perspective to all it's fields. This perspective is the ______________ perspective. Spatial
A classification system is known as a: Taxonomy
The area around a city is known as its: Hinterland
In regional geography, relative location: Is more meaningful and practical than absolute location
A region arranged around a central urban core is known as a: Functional Region
A function region: includes a core of activity and the surrounding hinterland
Which of the following statements is incorrect Functional regions are generally more static and immobile than formal regions.
The difference between “formal” and “functional” regions is: The nature of the unifying properties: static homogeneity vs. functional cohesion
All regions have all of the following except: Homogeneity
Which cartographic device, when deployed on a map, will tell you its scale? Representative fraction
A large scale map shows: A small area
The ratio of distance on a map to actual ground distance is known as: a map scale
Which of the following statements concerning map scale is false? A map with the fractional scale 1:103,000,000 has a larger scale than one of 1:1,000,000.
Which of the following statements is incorrect? The smaller the representative fraction the larger the scale of the map
Wegener's supercontinent is known as: Pangaea
Complicating the possibility of global warming is the possibility of: Glaciation
Water covers about _____ % of the Earth's surface. 70
The process by which water circulates from the oceans to the landmasses is known as: Hydrologic cycle
The process by which water returns to the atmosphere is known as: Evapotranspiration
Which of the following statements is true? Rainfall is least dependable in the drier portions of the world.
In the eastern hemisphere, the mountain chains generally run in a(n) direction. East-west
Which of the following statements about “A” climates is incorrect? In the Af climate, precipitation rates increase suddenly due to the arrival of the monsoons.
Rainfall patterns in humid tropical (A) climates are characterized by all but: Principally nighttime rainfall in rainforest (Af) areas, reducing evapotranspiration
Savanna environments belong to the general climate type known as: Humid equatorial
Which of the following environmental types is grouped with the B climates? Steppe
The Mediterranean climate is classified under which of the following Köppen‑Geiger letters? C
Which of the following statements about “B” climate is incorrect? B climates only occur in the low latitudes
Which of the following statements about “D” climates is incorrect? D climates are more common in the Southern Hemisphere than the Northern Hemisphere.
The prevailing climatic type in the southeastern United States, Western Europe, southern Brazil and northern Argentina, south coastal South Africa and Australia, eastern China and southern Japan is the mid-latitude or: humid temperate
Which of the following statements is incorrect? Most cultural traits are inherited.
Which statement below best characterizes the concept of culture? Learned patterns of thought and behavior characteristic of a population or society.
Which of the following is not one of the world’s three largest population concentrations? eastern Africa
Which of the following major rivers is not associated with one of the world’s great population clusters? Mississippi
Which of the following statements is incorrect? More than one-fourth of the world’s population presently resides in India.
The large cluster of population in the northeastern United States is known as: megalopolis
In 1999, more than ____ percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas. 40
A map which uses a special transformation so that the areas of states reflect population size is called a(n): cartogram
The system used in the United States to divide land is known as the: Township and Range system
States first began to develop: In areas where cities could begin to command their hinterlands
The European state model includes all of the following except: a high level of urbanization
The second world: is the socialist world
The World Bank divides the world into four groups. Which of the following is not one of those groups? urbanized countries
Which of the following is not contained within the European realm? the old Russian portion of the Soviet Union
Which of the following countries constitutes a geographic realm in its entirety? Russia
The islands of the Caribbean Sea belong to which of the following realms: Middle America
Which of the following regions is not located in the Southwest Asia/North Africa realm? the Ganges Valley
The gradual reduction of regional contrasts resulting from increasing cultural, economic, political, and other types of exchanges is known as: Globalization
Which of the following is a systematic subfield of geography? urban geography
The two perspectives on geography are: regional and systematic
Geography is concerned with providing a spatial perspective on the world. True
A classification system is known as a taxonomy. True
Transition zones mark the place where geographic realms meet. True
A region marked by homogeneity is known as a formal region. True
Besides location, a region must also have area. True
A region need not possess the geographic property of location. (F) False
Relative location has less relevance in geography than absolute location. False
A region arranged around a central urban core is known as a functional region. True
Map scale is the ratio of the distance between two places on a map and the actual distance between those two places on the Earth’s surface. True
A small scale map shows a large area. True
Alfred Wegener developed the hypothesis of continental drift. True
Pangaea is the name of Wegener’s supercontinent. True
Deserts are found on the western sides of the continents. True
The D climates are humid cold climates. True
More than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface is ocean. True
In the Köppen‑Geiger scheme, the world's drier climates are largely grouped under the letter A. False
In general, the eastern coasts of continents in tropical and mid-latitude zones receive relatively high precipitation. True
Highland (H) climates closely resemble the cold polar (E) climates. True
Culture is totally genetically predetermined; it is completely instinctive. False
Carl O. Sauer developed a school of cultural geography that had the concept of cultural landscape as its focus. True
A cultural landscape consists of a composite of human imprints on the surface of the Earth. True
Megalopolis is a multi-metropolitan agglomeration in the eastern United States. True
The world’s population is now almost 4 billion in total size, and is expected to be about 4.2 billion by the year 2010. False
Southeast Asia does not rank among the world’s four largest population agglomerations. True
The great majority of the people of East Asia are concentrated in the great cities including Beijing (Peking) and Shanghai. False
The three largest population agglomerations in the world today all lie on a single landmass: Eurasia. True
More than 50 percent of the world’s population now resides in urban areas. False
The European state model is gaining ground in the aftermath of the collapsed colonial and communist empires. True
A state constitutes a political region. True
Middle and South America together are sometimes called “Latin” America. True
The islands of the Caribbean Sea belong to the South American realm. False
Australia is included as part of the same region as Indonesia because of the cultural similarities. False
The Subsaharan African realm includes the entire continent of Africa. False
Created by: rorossonera
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