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Jacob Hopkins

Chapter 17

mechanical wave disturbance in matter that carries energy from one place to another
medium the material through which a wave travels
crest the highest position of a wave above the rest position
trough the lowest point below the rest position
transverse wave a wave that causes the medium to vibrate at right angles to the direction in which the waves travel
compression area where the particles in a medium are spaced close together
rarefaction any area where particles in a medium spread out
longitudinal wave is a wave in which the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction to the direction the wave travels
surface wave a wave that separating two media`
periodic motion any motion that repeats at a regular time in intervals
frequency number of complete cycles in a given time
hertz frequency measured in cycles per second
wavelength the distance between a point on a wave and its same position in the cycle
amplitude maximum displacement of the medium
reflection when a wave bounces of a surface
refraction is the bending of a wave as it enters a new medium at an angle
diffraction the bending of a wave as it moves around another
interference occurs when 2 or more waves combine
constructive interference occurs when two or more waves combine to produce a wave with a larger displacement
destructive interference when two or more waves combine to make a smaller displacement
standing wave a wave that appears to stay in one place
node a point on a standing wave that has no displcaement
antinode a point where a crest or trough occurs midway between nodes
electromagnetic waves transverse waves consisting of changing electric fields
electric field a region of space exerts electric force on changed particles
magnetic fields a region of space produces magnetic forces
electromagnetic radiation transfer of energy by electromagnetic waves
photons packets of electromagnetic energy
intesity the rate at which a waves energy travels through a given amount of area
photoelectric effect light striking metal
electromagnetic spectrum a full range of frequencies of electromagnetic radiation
amplitude modulation the amplitude of a wave is varied
frequency modulation frequency of a wave is varied
thermograms colorcoded pictures
Created by: Jacob Hopkins
Popular Physical Science sets




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