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Foreign Wds and Phrs

Foreign Words and Phrases

ad hoc “for this purpose”; for the present matter or situation; temporary
au courant up-to-date; contemporary
beau geste noble gesture
bona fide “in good faith”; sincere, genuine
bon mot clever turn of phrase
caveat emptor “let the buyer beware”; buyer takes the risk; no warranty
chef d'oeuvre masterpiece
chutzpah gall; daring
circa about; approximately
coup de'etat a sudden, decisive exercise of force in politics; overthrow of government
cum laude “with praise”; with honor
declasse fallen in social standing
de facto functioning or existing in fact, or in reality, but not in accordance with the usual legal process
de jure legally, according to the law
detente easing of strained relations
esprit de corps common spirit within a group
ex post facto after the fact or event; retroactive
fiat “let it be done”; a command; a decree
glasnost “publicity”; openness
haute couture high fashion
kvetch complain; gripe
magna cum laude with great honor
noblesse oblige honorable behavior that is considered to be the obligation of people of noble birth or rank
nom de plume pen name
nonpareil having no equal
non sequitur “it does not follow”; a response that doesn’t follow logically from a previous statement; fallacy
par excellence above all; superior
per capita “by heads”; for each one
per se “by, of, or in itself, oneself, or themselves”; of its own accord
pro rata proportionately
quid pro quo “something for something”; something given for something received
raison d'etre reason for being
reduction ad absurdum “reduction to absurdity”; disproving an argument by showing its absurd direction
savoir faire “knowing how to do”; ability to say and do the right thing
summa cum laude with highest honor
verbatim “word for word”; exactly as said or written
Weltschmerz “world pain”; world weariness
Created by: SPARTAN117
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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