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Easily disseminated/transmitted person->person, high mortality -> public health impact, panic/social disruption, requires action for preparation Category A (High priority)
Moderate dissemination, Moderate/Low mortality, Requires increase in CDC diagnostic capacity, Considered Biological Weapons Category B (Second priority)
Easily available,easily produced/disseminated, potential high motality/morbidity/IMPACT, Preparedness requires ongoing research into detection,diagnosis, treatment, prevention Category C (emerging organisms)
Anthrax A (inhalation)
Botulism A (inhalation)
Plague A
Smallpox A
Tularemia A
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola, Marburg) A
Brucellosis (Brucella) B
Food safety threats (E. coli O157:H7) B
Q fever (Coxiella burnetii) B
Ricin toxin (Ricinus communis - castor beans) B (percutaneous)
Influenza C
Multi-drug resistant tuberculosis C
Hantavirus C
Salmonella typhimurium B (oral)
gram + rod, soil w/ spores, farm handlers, cutaneous syndrome - skin papules form, rupture, and resolve, inhalation more serious (meningitis, shock)GI uncommon but serious (uncooked meat) vomiting + bloody diarrhea, fluid disreguated (edema, inflammation) Bacillus antracis
ds DNA virus, airborn, sometimes contact spread, incubation 12 days, red spots (enanthem) in mouth, macular rash on skin, micro- Guarnieri bodies in epithelium (pink cytoplasmic aggregates of virus), death unclear - many organs affected; pneumonia and cir Variola major/minor (smallpox)
Gram + rod, rodents,3 forms- pneumonic (cough, hemoptysis), septicemic (hypotension, delerium), bubonic (swollen lymph nodes), fatal w/o treatment or even with due to disseminated intravascular coagulation, endotoxic shock, pneumonia, meningitis Yersinia pestis (plague)
Gram - rod (highly infectious),(rabbit fever)contraction by handling dead bodies, ticks and flies (ulcers), inhalation (pneumonia)antibiotics effective Francisella tularensis
Gram + rod (product of Clostridium botulinum),improperly canned foods, infected wounds, inhibits ACh release (resp failure),Cellulits and gangrene if infected with live bacteriamicro- necrosis, bacteria, neutrophils Botulinum toxin
viral hemorrhagic fever, vascular damage then bleading, reservoir hosts or vectors transmit to humans, deer mice (Hantavirus) west coast,Evola, Marburg, Lassa (Africa)often fatal- disseminated intravascular coagulation RNA viruses (viral hemorrhagic fever)
Protein toxin in castor beans, blocks protein synthesis via ribosomes,diahrrea, organ damage, shock Ricin
Anthrax B-subunit protective factor
Anthrax A-subunit causing cellular water efflux by activating cAMP Edema factor
Anthrax A-subunit protease which destroys mitogen-activated protein kinase kinases Lethal factor
Lesion has necrosis, neutrophils and macrophages, large rectangular gram-positive extracellular bacteria in chains Antrax
Created by: petrocc
Popular Medical sets




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