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# 18 Activity Sheets

MRx1 May repeat (x1)
APAP Acetaminophen
ASA Aspirin
BM Bowel Movement
H & H Hemoglobin and hematocrit
CP Chest Pain
DAW Dispense as Written
FA Folic Acid
MS Morphine Sulfate
MSO4 Morphine Sulfate
Dig Digoxin
Fe or FESO4 Ferrous Sulfate
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide
HL Heparin Lock
K Potassium
KCL Potassium Chloride
LR Lactated Ringers Solution
MOM Milk of Magnesia
LA long acting
ER Extended release
SR Sustained Release
CR controlled release
MVI multivitamin injection
NTG nitroglycerin
Supp suppository
WA While Awake
ECT Enteric Coated Tablet
SCT Sugar Coated Tablet
MPF Methyl-paraben Free
EPI epinephrine
DSS Docusate Sodium
DS double strength
DC or d/c discontinue or discharge
D5 dextrose 5%
D5W dextrose 5% on water
NS normal saline
HL Heparin Lock
CP Chest Pain
PRN As needed
mEq milliequivalents
PC after eating
PR by rectum
PPD purified protien derivative
q every
AC before eating
BID twice a day
CHF Congestive HEart Failure
COPD Chronic Obstrusive Pulmonary Disease
FUO fever of unkown origin
gtt drop
gr grain
HS at bedtime
MAO monoamine oxidase
MRSA MEthicillin resistant staph aureus
MVI multivitamin injection
NKDA no known drug allergy
OD right eye
OS left eye
PO by mouth
NPO nothing by mouth
R/o Rule out
sl sublingual
ung. ointment
NTG nitroglycerin
HCTZ hydrocholorothiazide
NTE not to exceed
PCN penicillin
AD right ear
AS left ear
AU noth ears
TPN total parenteral nutirition
NR no response
Created by: mstevenson
Popular Medical sets




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