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SAT Vocab

Various Words Lists 1-10

Irony what the reader thought would happen doesn't, a twist of fate
Verbal Irony sarcasm through dialogue; what the character says is not what he means
Genre types of writing: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, drama, memoir
Support give examples, details, reasons
Text features elements found in transactive writing to emphasize specific points or details
Literary writing that includes poems, plays, short stories, scripts, and novels
Fable oral or written storytelling that teaches a moral or lesson
Legend oral or written storytelling that may have some truth but focuses on exaggerated strength and courage
Hyperbole an exaggeration or overstatement
Cite evidence to show facts or proof
Argument written or spoken discussion offering different points of view
Relevant Reasons/Evidence the facts that support a claim
Sequence the order of events or steps
Research to find and share information
Quote to repeat from a book, speech or digital source
Tone the writer's attitude toward his/her subject
Impetuous behaving or speaking before thinking about the consequences
Intrinsic being a natural characteristic of someone or something
Abrasive being harsh, rude, or abrupt
Ambivalent having mixed feelings about a person or situation
Erratic being unsteady in behavior or habits
Incoherent rambling in speech or thinking
Dissent to have or express a different opinion
Falter to hesitate do to lack of courage
Haughty being snobbish in attitude
Succumb to give in
Apathy lack of concern or interest
Astute being shrewd in knowing how to gain an advantage
Callous being insensitive
Lethargic being without energy
Listless showing no enthusiasm; without energy
Roguish being pleasantly mischievous
Embellish to exaggerate a story or situation by inventing details
Impudent being bold in showing a lack of respect
Incompatible being unable to interact in a friendly manner
Indolent being lazy
Obscure being hidden from view; not clearly understood; not clearly presented
Rapacious being greedy, especially for money
Stifle to keep from happening; to keep someone from expressing him/herself
Stoic remaining calm and handling difficult situations without complaining
Antagonize to harass
Arbitration the process of having group decisions made by an outsider
Benevolent being kind and helpful; wishing to help others
Concur to agree in opinion
Disseminate to spread information widely
Furtive doing something in a devious way to avoid being seen
Instigate to provoke someone to do something
Integrity the quality of having honor, morals, and principals
Valor the quality of courage and bravery
Created by: sjprice
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