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AH- CH 45

Adult Health I

an increase in nitrogenous wastes in the blood, marked fluid and electrolyte abnormalities, nausea, vomiting, headache, coma, and convulsions uremic syndrome
feeling of need to void immediately urgency
painful or difficult urination dysuria
voiding at frequent intervals (<2hr) frequency
difficulty urinary OP relative to intake (usually 400mL/24hr) oliguria
voiding one or more times at night nocturia
leakage of urine despite voluntary control of urination dribbling
involuntary loss of urine incontinence
blood in th eurine hematuria
accumulation of urine in the bladder, with inability of bladder to empty fully retention
volume of urine remaining after voiding (>100mL) residual urine
med that makes urine brown or black Levodopa
med that makes urine blue or green Amitriptyline
med that makes urine bright orange or rust color Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
excessive OP of urine polyuria
no urine is produced anuria
increased urine formation diuresis
Dysuria painful urination
normal urine color pale, straw color to amber
eating beets, rhubarb, or blackberries may change urine color to ___ red
dark amber urine is due to high concentrations of __ bilirubin
urine will be ____ with high protein concentration due to renal problems cloudy
urine is thick and cloudy when ___ bacteria and WBC are present
a sweet or fruity urine smell is due to ___ acetone ot acetoacetic acid seen with DM and starvation
collect during normal voiding from a cath or cup random
collection taken during urination clean-voided or midstream
sterile collection of urine through a cath port sterile specimen
urine may be collected -2, -12, or -24 hr periods--beings after pt urinates and ends with final voiding timed collection
the weight or degree of concentraion of a substance compared with a equal volume of water specific gravity
what is the normal pH range for urine? 4.6 - 8.0
what is the normal protein range for urine? 0 -8mg/100mL
what is the normal SP gravity of urine? 1.0053 - 1.030
Created by: TayBay15
Popular Nursing sets




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