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Module K 102- Briscoe Maintaining Oxygenation- Calhoun

This is a process of moving gases into & out of the lungs... Ventilation
Active process stimulated by chemical receptors in the aorta... Breathing in
Passive process .. Breathing out
CV system pumping oxygenated blood to the tissues... Perfusion
Process for exchange of respiratory gases in the alveoli & the capillaries of the body tissue.. Diffusion
Hypoxia An oxygen deficiency in the body tissues, a decreased concentration of oxygen in the inspired air or oxygen utilization at the cellular level.
Early signs affecting oxygenation: Confusion, Increased Pulse rate, Respiratory rate, & Depth of Respiration.
Later signs affecting oxygenation: Cyanosis, Fatique, Gasping, & Anxiety
6 Causes of Hypoxia : 1.A decreased hemoglobin level/oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood 2.Decreased inspired oxygen(high altitudes)3. Inability of the tissues to extract oxygen from the blood(cyanide poisoning)4. Decreased diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli to the blood(p
Altered Cardiac Output: Insufficient volume of blood is ejected into the systemic & pulmonary circulation.
Disturbances in conduction of the SA node cause... dysrhythmias
This causes shallower breathing... Pain
Mucous membrane appears to have bluish tint... Central Cyanosis
Palpate feet & extremities to identify.... Edema rated 1-4, & arterial blood flow
Kussmaul's Resp: Abnormally deep, regular & increased rate.
Biot's Resp: Abnormally shallow for 2-3 breaths followed by period of apnea. (death really close)
Pressure difference between the mouth & the alveoli in relation to rate of flow of inspried gas. Airway Resistance
Spriometry: Measures the volume of air entering or leaving the lungs.(used postop)
This is the amount of air exhaled in a normal breath.... Tidal Volume
You see this in the digits.. Peripheral Cyanosis
This test determinds the lungs ability to efficiently exchange 02 & Co2... Pulmonary Function Test (PTF)
This test reflexs the changes in large airway sizes (asthma)... Peak Expiratory Flow Rate (PEFR)
This is a visual examination of the treacheobronchial tree through a narrow flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope...(Obtains:fluid, biopsy ect) Bronchoscopy
Rotate this per 2 hrs or stick on per 4 hrs... Pulse Oximetry
95%-99% Pulse Oximetry (oxygen saturation)
If alarm sounds check patient then... Transducer/electrode is properly attached on Pulse oximetry
This promotes deep breathing & prevents or treats atelectasis in the post-op patient.... Spirometry
Flu shots 6 months & up
Dyspnea Difficultly breathing
Airway management ensures... it is opened even if tracheal tube is needed
Best position for patients having difficulty breathing... Fowlers
This adds moisture & medications to inspired air by mixing particles of varying sizes with the air... Nebulization
This includes postural drainage & chest percussion & vibration.... Chest physiotherapy
Room air has what % of Oxygen? 21% 02
02 is consider a medication & must have a doctors.... order
Oxygen is.. physically addicting, drying to the mucous membranes, may cause corneal abrasions or even blindness.
02 is consider a medication & must have a doctors.... order
Oxygen is.. physically addicting, drying to the mucous membranes, may cause corneal abrasions or even blindness.
24%-44% of concentrated oxygen delivered at 1-6 Liters per minute... Nasal Cannula or Prongs
40%-60% of concentrated oxygen delivered at 5-8 liters per minute... Simple face mask
60%-95% concentrated oxygen at 6-10 liters per minute (has the bag) Reservoir mask
24%-60% concentrated oxygen delivered at 4-12 liters per minute (different colors mean different things- they tell what to set the flow rate at)... Venturi Mask
Compressed gas cylinders are... intermittent
Liquid Oxygen systems are... High volume
Oxygen Concentrators are... Cost effective, low flow
Oxygen Administration check for... Orders before set up (if you notice problems, call to get order), Assess respiratory status & response to 02, Document at least q 8 hrs & check the flow rate, 02 must accompany transport, Check for skin breakdown(ears, face, neck)
This is one of the best things for airway clearance is to remind patient to... Take deep breaths & cough
Gurgles, crackles, signs of distress, dyspnea, clogged air ways, sputum color, amount, characteristics... Assessment of airway
These two types of suctioning are used when the client can cough effectively but is not able to clear secretions... Oropharyngeal & nasopharyngeal Suctioning
This is the preferred route for obtaining a sputum speciment when the client can not cough to produce sputum... Nasopharyngeal Suctioning
This is used when the client is unable to manage secretions/can not cough... Orotracheal & Nasotracheal Suctioning
Used with an artificial airway... Tracheal
May be done without order only if patient is really in need of it (get order after)... Oropharyngeal Suctioning
This type should be ready for any patients that are... unconscious, have difficulty swallowing, coughing or clearing the airway... Oropharyngeal Suctioning
Oropharyngeal Suctioning Steps: Wash hands, gloves, mask, insert cath, move around, rinse cath
Nasopharyngeal Suctioning: 1st measure (mouth to ear), Assess for S/S of upper or lower airway obstruction/hypoxia, Explain the procedure, Gather equipment, Personal protective equipment, Position semi-fowlers, apply pulse oximeter, place towel on chest, hand hygiene, set up vacuum
Check your ABC's with this suctioning... Nasotracheal Suctioning
ABC's stand for... Airway, Breathing, Circulation
Created by: maliakaye5
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