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World History

The Byzantine Empire

European Kings Justinian's Code was a law code that was later adopted by: ___________ _____
Justinian's Code An organized collection and explanation of Roman laws for use by the Byzantine Empire
Constantinople A place previously known as Byzantium which became the capitol of the Roman Empire or "new Rome"; named after Constantine, who moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium.
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox When Christianity split into two groups in Europe, what were they?
Icons A painting of Christ or another holy figure, used as an aid to devotion in the Byzantine and other Eastern Churches.
Mosaics Picture made of colorful small tiles; in Byzantine culture, they were often religious images.
Hagia Sophia Most famous example of Byzantine architecture, it was built under Justinian I and is considered one of the most perfect buildings in the world.
Constantine Legalized Christianity in Roman empire; moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium, where it was renamed after him.
Onion Domes This was a form an architecture developed by the Byzantines. The some was smaller at the bottom and top, and largest in the middle. It was very popular for Orthodox Churches. Seen in Russia
Ivan the Great -First Czar; challenged the Mongols and freed Russia; united Russia
Justinian Byzantine emperor in the 6th century A.D. who reconquered much of the territory previously ruled by Rome, initiated an ambitious building program , including Hagia Sofia, as well as a new legal code
Cyrillic Alphabet An alphabet created by Saint Cyril; derived from the Greek alphabet and used for writing Slavic languages
Magyars Nomadic invaders from Central Asia who attacked Europe and established Hungary
Patriarch Head of the Greek Orthodox Church
Pope Head of the Roman Catholic Church
Tsar Title for the ruler of Russia
Greek Language used in Greek Orthodox church
Latin Language used in Roman Catholic church
Fourth Crusade Failed to recapture Jerusalem; instead the Christians attacked their own city of Constantinople
Vikings This group came from Scandinavia and settled in Russia.
Mongols This group came from Central Asia and invaded parts of China, Southwest Asia, and Russia; established an empire
Amber This gemstone was traded along routes between the Baltic Sea and Black Sea
Ottoman Turks In 1453, the Byzantine Empire fell to these Muslim invaders.
Created by: mrbayne



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