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Pain Assessment

Module D Louden 102 Pain Assessment

Pain is.. Subjective
Decade of Pain Control & Research declared by Congress 2000-2010.. Providing pain relief is a basic human right & is in the Pain Care Bill of Rights.
Gate-Control Theory of Pain Pain impulses can be regulated or even blocked by gating mechanisms located along the CNS.
The point at which a person feels pain. Pain threshold
Release of Endorphins is increased due to.. stress, exercise, & other factors.
Pain is.. Subjective
Decade of Pain Control & Research declared by Congress 2000-2010.. Providing pain relief is a basic human right & is in the Pain Care Bill of Rights.
Gate-Control Theory of Pain Pain impulses can be regulated or even blocked by gating mechanisms located along the CNS.
The point at which a person feels pain. Pain threshold
Release of Endorphins is increased due to.. stress, exercise, & other factors.
Low to moderate intensity & Superficial= fight or flight sympathetic
Continous, severe, or deep= The activation of the Parasympathetic nervous system
Acute Pain (lasts 24 hrs to 6 months) Has a identifiable cause, a short duration(<6 months), usually has limited tissue damage & emotional response. "Protective"
Chronic Pain (lasts over 5 days) May not have an identifiable source, last longer than anticipated, & leads to personal suffering. Cancer may or may not be the cause.
S/S of Pain: Fatique, insomnia, anorexia, weight loss, apathy, hopelessness, anger.
Pseudo Addiction "Doctor-shoppers"
90% of Cancer patients can... Have their pain managed with simple means
Somatic Musculoskeletal Pain
Visceral Internal organ pain
Neuropathic From abnormal pain receptors (Centrally or Peripherally generated)
Idiopathic Unidentifiable source of pain.
This is hard to separate... Anxiety from pain
Chararactics of Pain: Onset, Duration/Variation, Intensity, Location, Quality, Nonverbal indicators.
Referred pain Source is in one place but pain coming from another source.
Radiating pain travels
Classification of pain by location.. Superficial or cutaneous/ Deep or Visceral
Words to describe pain... Burning, Aching, Tender, Shooting, Tingling, Cramping, Radiating, Pressure, Numbness, & Throbbing.
QUESTT (Childrens pain scale) Question the child. Use a pain rating scale. Evaluate behavioral & physiologic changes. Secure parents' involvement. Take the cause of pain into account. Take action & evaluate results.
FLACC scale Infant pain scale
Universal Pain Assessment Scale for different cultures
FLACC scale Infant pain scale
Universal Pain Assessment Scale for different cultures
JCAHO standard: Patients have the right to appropriate assessment & management of pain.
Pain assessed on all patients when? Admission, Regular/routine, when patient asks for meds, Follow-up within 2 hrs, Discharge
What organization declared pain relief a basic legel right? American Bar Asssociation
This type of pain lasts longer than anticipated, may not have an identifiable cause, & leads to great personal suffering... Chronic pain
Pain is viewed as a... separate disease
One of the reasons many nurses avoid acknowledging a client's pain is... Afraid of addition
Cognitively this age-group is unable to recall explanations about pain or associate pain with experiences that can occur in various situations. Preschoolers
The client requested medication for her abdominal incision pain, which she rates 5 on scale 0-10. One hour after administration of her pain medicine, she was able to walk in the hall for 10 minutes & rated her pain as a 7. This indicated that the dosage f InAdequate
Approx. 30 minutes after administering a complementary treatment such as heat therapy or back massage, the nurse should... Evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment.
A preventive approach for acute pain relief means that analgesic medications are given: Before the pain becomes too severe
One of the reasons that PCA's are frequently used for postop. Pain management is to... Increase client satisfaction
To convert F* to C*? C*=(F*-32)times 5/9
To convert C* to F*? F*=C* times 9/5 + 32
Created by: maliakaye5
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