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Quiz Bowl

Musical Time Periods and Forms

Medieval 450-1400 Characterized by string instruments like the lute, mandore, gittern and psaltery; dulcimers and wooden flutes.
Renaissance 1400-1600 Characterized by Music based on modes. Richer texture in four or more parts. Blending rather than contrasting strands in the musical texture. Harmony with a greater concern with the flow and progression of chords.
Baroque 1600-1750 Characterized by using contrast as a dramatic element and known as the “age of the thorough bass.”
Classical 1750-1820 (1800) Characterized by its complexity and techinical execution. The symphony orchestra is the most widely known medium for classical music[10] and includes members of the string, woodwind, brass, and percussion families of instruments.
Romantic (1800) 1820-1900 Characterized by major improvements in the mechanical valves, and keys that most woodwinds and brass instruments depend on; a turn towards the mystic and supernatural, both religious and merely spooky.
Contemporary 1900-present Characterized by the emergence of 'crossover' - music that has a strong 'classical' feel to it but draws its inspiration from non-classical music idioms.
symphony a long piece of music that is usually in four large, separate sections and that is performed by an orchestra
sonata a piece of music written for one or two instruments that has usually three or four large sections that are different from each other in rhythm and mood
concerto a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements
opera a kind of performance in which actors sing all or most of the words of a play with music performed by an orchestra
concerto grosso a baroque orchestral composition featuring a small group of solo instruments contrasting with the full orchestra
basso ostinato a short, recurring melodic pattern in the bass part of a composition that serves as the principal structural element. Prototypical instances are found in 13th-century French vocal motets as well as in 15th-century European dances.
Lied (pronounced “leet”) songs that were written by German-speaking composers of classical music.
aria an elaborate melody sung solo with accompaniment, as in an opera or oratorio.
Created by: ltefft
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