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Chapter 7

Respiratory System

adams apple thyroid cartilage supportice structure of larynx
adenoids collection of lymphoid tissue in nasopharyxy; tonsils
alveolus air sac at end of each bronchiole
apex top of lung
base bottom of lung
bronchiole fine subdivision of brnochi made of smooth muscle and elastic fibers
bronchus 1 of two airways from tachea to lungs
cilia hairlike extensions of cells surface that usually procide some protection of sweeping foreign particles away
diaphragm membranous muscle between ab and thoracic cavities that contracts and relaxes with breathing
epiglottis cartilaginous flap that coers larynx during swallowing to prevent food from etering airway
exhlation breathing out
expiration exhalation
external nares/nostrils external openings at base of nose
external respiration echagne of air between body and outside environment
glottis part of larynx consisting of vocal folds of mucous membrane and muscle
hilum midsection of lung where nerves and vessels enter and exit
hypopharynx laryngopharynx
inferior lobe bottome lobe
inhalation breathing in
inspiration inhalation
intercostal muscles muscles between ribs
internal respiration exchange of o2 and co2 between cells
laryngopharynx below and behind larynx
laryngx organ of voice production in respiratory tract between pharynx and trachea; voice box
lung 1 of two organs of respiration when oxgenation of blood takes place
mediastinum median portion of thoracic cavity ; septum betwen two areas of organ
middle lobe middle section of right lung
nasal cavity opening in external nose where air enters body
nasal septum cartilaginous division of external nose
nasopharynx portion of throat above soft palate
nose external structure supported by nasal bones and contains nasal cavity
oropharynx back portion of mouth
palatine tonsils lymphatic tissue that works as part of immune system
paranasal sinuses area of nasal cavity where external air is warmed by blood in muscous membrane lining
parietal pleura outer layer of pleura
pharynx passageway at back of mouth for air and food; throat
pleura double layer of membrane making up outside of lungs
pleural cavity space between two pleura
erspiratory system bodys system for breathing
respirattroy tract ppassagways thru which air moves into and out of lungs
septum cartilaginous division
soft palate flexible musclular sheet that separates the nasopharynx from the rest of the pharynx
superior lobe top lobe
thorax chest cavity
trachea airway from larynx into bronchi; windpipe
visceral pleura inner layer of pleura
vocal cords strips of epithelial tissue that vibrate and play a mjor role in production of sound
adenoido adenoid
alveolo alveolus
broncho bronchio bronchus
bronchiolo bronchiole
capno carbon dioxide
epiglotto epiglottis
laryngo larynx
lobo lobe of lung
mediastino mediastinum
naso nose
oro mouth
oxo oxi oxy oxygen
pharyngo pharynx
phono voice sound
phreno diaphragm
pleuro pleura
pneumo pneumono air lung
rhino nose
spiro breathing
stetho chest
thoraco thorax chest
tonsillo tonsils
tracheo trachea
abg arterial blood gases diagnostic test
afb acid fast bacillus causes tuberculosis
a& p auscultation and percussion
ap anteroposterior
ard acute respiratory disease
ards adult respiratory distress syndrome
arf acute respiratory failure
bs breath sounds
cod chronic obstructive lung disease
copd chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
cpr cardiopulmonary resuscitation
dpt diphtheria pertuss tetanus (combined vaccination)
ent ear nose throat
et tube endotracheal intubation tube
fef forced expiratory flow
fev forced expiratory volume
fvc forced vital capacity
hbot hyperbaric oxygen therapy
imv intermittent mandatory ventilation
ippb intermittent positve pressure breathing
irds infant respiratory distress syndrome
irv inspiratory reserve volume
cta clear to auscultation
cxr chest xray
doe dyspnea on exertion
mdi metered dose inhaler
pa posteroanterior
pcp pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (pneumonia suscetible to aids patients)
peep positive end expiratory pressure
pft pulmonary function test
pnd paroxysmal noturnal dyspnea; postnasal drip
rd respiratory disease
rds respiratory distress syndrome
rll right lower lobe
rul right upper lobe
lll left lower lobe
lul left upper lobe
mbc maximal breathing capacity
sars severe acute respiratory syndrome
sids sudden infant death syndrome
sob shortness of breath
t&a tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
tb tubercolosis
tlc total lung capacity
tpr temp pulse and respiration
uri upper respiratory infection
vc vital capactiy
v/q scan ventilation/perfusion scna
arterial blood gases lab test that measures leevel of o2 and co2 in arterial blood
auscultation listening to internal sounds with stethoscope
bronchial alveolar lavage retrieval of fluid for examination thru bronchoscope
broncnial brushing retraival of material for biospy by insertino of brush thru bronchoscope
bronchography radiological picture of trachea and bronchi
bronchoscope device used to examine airways
endoscope tube used to view body cavity
laryngoscopy visual exmination of mouth and larynx using endoscope
mediastinoscopy visual examination of medistinum and all organs within it using endoscope
nasopharyngoscopy exmination of nasal passages and pharynx using endoscope
peak flow meter device for measuring breathing capacity
percussion tapping on surface of body to see if lungs are clear
pulmonary function tests tests that measure the mechanics of breathing
spirometer testing machine that measures the lungs volume and capacity
sputum sample or culture culte of material that is expectorated or borught back up as mucus
sweat test test for cystic fibrosis that measures the amount of salt in sweat
throat culture test for strep or other infections in which swab taken on surface of throat is placed in culture to see if cerani bacteria grow
adenoiditis inflammation of adenoids
anthracosis lung disease caused by long term inhalation of coal dust; black lung disease
apnea cessation of breathing
asbestosis lung disorder caused by long term inhalation of asbestos
asthma chonic condition with obstruction or narrowing of bronchial airways
atelectasis collapse of lung or part of one
bacilli type of bacteria
braadypnea abnormally slow breathing
bronchitis inflammation of bronchi
bronchospasm sudden contraction in bronchi that causes coughing
chronic bronchitis recurring or long lasting bouts of bronchitis
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease disease of bronchial tubes or lungs with chronic obstruction
cheyne stokes respiration irregular breathing patttern with period of apnea followed by deep labored breathing that becomes shallow
crackles popping sounds heard in lung collapse rales
croup acute respiratory syndrome in children or infants sel like coughing
cystic fibrosis disease that cuasese chronic airway obstrucution and also affects the bronchial tubes
diphtheria acute infection of throat and upper respiratory tract caused by bacteria
dysphonia hoarseness usually aused by laryngitis
dyspnea difficult breathing
emphysema chronic condition of hyper infaltion of air sacs oftern caused by prolonged smoking
emphyema pus in pleural cavity
epiglotitis inflammation of epiglotis
epistaxis bleeding from nose by trauma or rupture of blood vessels
eupnea normal breathing
hemoptysis lung or bronchial hemorrhage resulting in spitting of blood
hemothorax blood in pleural cavity
hyperpnea abnormally deep breathing
hypercapnia excessive buildup of co2 in lungs associated with hypoventilation
hyperventialtion abnormally fast breathing in and out from anxiety usually
hypopnea shallow breating
hypoxemia deficient amount of oxygen in blood
hypoxia deficient amount of oxygen in tissue
hypoventialation abnormally low movement of air in and out of lungs
laryngitis inflammation of larynx
laryngospams sudden contraction of larynx which may cause coughing and restrict breathing
laryngotracheobronchitis inflammation of larynx trachea and bronchi
mesothelioma rare cance of lungs associated with asbestosis
nasopharyngitis inflammation of nose and pharynx
orthopnea difficulty breathing especially while laying down
[ansinusitis inflammation of sinuses
paroxysmal sudden spasm or convulsion
pertussis severe infection of pharynx larynx and trachea caused by bacteria whoooping cough
pharyngitis inflammation of pharynx; sore throat
pleural effusion escape of fluid into pleural cavity
pleuritis pleurisy inflammation of pleura
pneumoconiosis lung condition caused by inhaling dust
pneumonia acute infection of alveoli
pneumonitis inflammation of lung
pneumothorax accumulation of aire in pleural cavity
pulmonary abscess large collection of pus in lungs
pulmonary edema fluid in air sacs iand bronchioles usually caused by failure of heart to pump enough blood to and from lungs
rhinitis nasal inflammation
rhinorrhea nasal discharge
rhonchi/wheezes whistling sounds hear on inspiration in certain breathing disorders especially astha
silicosis lung condition caused by silica dust from grinding rocks and glas or other material used in manufacutring
singultus hiccuping
sinusitis inflammation of sinuses
stridor high pitched croing sound hear in certain respiratory condition
tachypnea abnormally fast breathing
tonsillitis inflammation of tonsil
tracheitis inflammation of tracea
tuberculosis acute infectious disease caused by bacteria called bacilli
upper respiratory infection infection of upper portion of respiratoy tract
adenoidectomy removal of adenoids
bronchoplasty surgial repair of bronchus
endotracheal intubation insertion of tube thru nose or mouth pharynx and larynx and into trachea to establish airqay
laryngectomy removal of larynx
laryngoccentesis puncture of larynx
laryngoplasty reapir of larynx
laryngostomy creation of artifical opening in larynx
laryngotracheotomy incision into larynx and trachea
lobectomy removal of lobe
otorhinolaryngologist medical doctor who diagnoses and treats disorders of ear nose and throat
pleuroccentesis puncture of pleural space
pleuropexy fixing in place of pleua sugically in case of injury or deterioration
pnemobronchotomy incision of lung and bronchus
pneumonectomy removal of lung
rhinoplasty rapir of bones of nose
septoplasty rapir of nasal septum
sinusotomy incission of sinus
septostomy creation of opening in nasal septum
thoracostomy establishment of opening in chest cavity
thoracic surgeon surgeon who speciallizes in surgery of thorax
thoracocentesis puncture of chest cavity
thorcotomy incision into chest cavity
tonsillectomy removal of tonsils
tracheoplasty repair of trachea
tracheostomy creation of artiffical opening in trachea
tracheotomy incision into trachea
antitussives control coughing
bronchodilators dilate walls of bronchi
decongestants relieve mucus congestion of upper respiratory tract
expectorants promote coughing and expelling of mucus
nebulizers device that deliver medication thru nose or mouth in fine spray to respiratory tract
ventilators mechanical breathing devices
Created by: cs3516
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