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brownfield developments building on abandoned or reclaimed polluted industrial sites
city a differentiated community with a sufficient population and resource base to allow residents to specialize in arts, crafts, services, and professional occupations
conservation development consideration of landscape history, human culture, topography, ecological values in subdivision design. cluster housing, zoning, covenants, other design features, at least half of a subdivision can be preserved as open space, farmland, or natural areas
core region the primary industrial region of a country; usually located around the capital or largest port; has both the greatest population density and the greatest economic activity of the country
garden cities a new town with special emphasis on landscaping and rural ambience
greenfield developments housing projects built on previously undeveloped farmlands or forests on the outskirts of large cities
megacities an urban area with more than 10 mil inhabitants
new towns experimental urban environments that seek to combine the best features of the rural village and the modern city
pull factors (urbanization) conditions that draw people form the country into the city
push factors (in urbanization) conditions that force people out of the country and into the city
rural area an area in which most residents depend on agriculture or the harvesting of natural resources fortheir livelihood
shantytowns settlements created when people move onto undeveloped lands and build their own shelter with cheap or discarded materials; some are simply illegal subdivisions where a landowner rents land without city approval; others are land invasions
slum legal but inadequate multifamily tenements or rooming houses; some are custom built for rent to poor people, others are converted from some other use
smart growth efficient use of land resources and existing urban infrastructure
sprawl unlimited outward extension of city boundaries that lowers population density, consumers open space, generates freeway congestion, and causes decay in central cities
squatter towns shantytowns that occupy land without owner's permission; some are highly organized movements in defiance of authorities; others grow gradually
urban agglomerations an aggregation of many cities into a large metropolitan area
urban area an area in which a majority of the people are not directly dependent on natural resource-based occuaptions
village a collection of rural households linked by culture, custom, and association within the land
Created by: AlanaR
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