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South Asia

South, Southeast, and East Asia

Himalayas Mountain range formed when subcontinent South Asia broke away from Africa & collided with Asia; has world’s tallest peak Mt. Everest
Monsoon Seasonal winds that carry moisture from ocean air and trigger heavy monsoon rains
Typhoon Violent tropical storm that forms in the Pacific Ocean in late summer when warm, humid air blows across land [similar to hurricanes in Atlantic]
Wet/Paddy Farming Flooded parcel of arable land used for growing rice often located near a river water source in East/Southeast Asia
Terraced rice fields Steep hillsides with multiple cascading levels where rice is grown in Asia
Arable land Land suitable for growing crops
Loess Fine topsoil made up of silt carried by the wind and good for agriculture (yellowish tint- gives the Yellow River (in Chine) its name)
Subsistence Farming that produces just enough food for a family or village to survive, done by animal power with simple tools
Subcontinent Large, distinct land mass that is joined to a continent [ex. South Asia is a subcontinent joined to Asia]
Alluvial Plain Area of fertile soil deposited by river flood waters [ex. Gangetic Plain is world's largest alluvial plain]
Ganges River Most important river in S. Asia, flows through India from Himalayas, revered by Hindus
Indus River Flows through Pakistan before emptying into Arabian Sea, important transportation route, cradle of ancient civilization in India
Tsunami Japanese term for huge sea wave caused by an undersea earthquake
Cyclone Damaging storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern [equivalent to hurricanes in Atlantic Ocean]
Khyber Pass Narrow pass that cuts through Himalayas & Hindu Kush Mtns. in Pakistan and Afghanistan
Pagoda Tiered tower with multiple eaves common in Asia
Mosque Islamic house of worship for Muslims
Minaret Pointed architectural feature on Islamic mosques
Great Wall of China Built to ward off attacks from Central Asian invaders and Mongolians in earlier centuries, now one of the Wonders of the World
Taj Mahal White domed marble mausoleum in Agra, India. Built when Muslims controlled India, and remains because of its value as a tourist attraction
Ideograms Pictures or symbols that stand for ideas used to form words and sentences in the Chinese language
Batik Specially designed patterns using colored waxes on cloth commonly made in cottage industries in Asia
Floating Markets Market where goods and crops are sold in boats Common in Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam
Mercantilism Economic system of using colonies for supplying materials and markets from the colony [ex. S. Asia] to home country [ex. Britain]
Industrialization Transition from an agricultural society based on farming to one based on industry and manufacturing
Imperialism Political & economic domination of one country over another [ex. British practiced imperialism over Indian empire "Raj" & introduced English language, customs, civil service]
Cottage Industry Business that employs workers in their homes [ex. villagers that make batik textiles] common in poor rural areas
Green Revolution Program begun in 1960's to help feed S. Asia's growing population by increasing crop yields through more productive strains of rice & wheat
Ecotourism Travel tourism that raises money to help the environment and endangered species and helps local economy
Interdependent When one country relies on & shares goods and services with another country to benefit both countries [ex. S. Asian countries struggle to be interdependent despite political rivalries]
Nuclear Proliferation Development of nuclear arms that spreads as each nation builds their arsenal in order to keep up with each other in an "arms race"
Total Fertility Rate Average number of children a woman has in her lifetime [ex. S. Asian developing countries have a high fertility rate]
Centrally Planned Economy Socialist style economy in which production is controlled by a central authority (Command Economy)
Polytheism Worship & belief in multiple gods [deities] usually grouped into gods and goddesses [ex. Hinduism]
Hinduism Dominant religion of Indian Subcontinent; Belief that every person must carry out his or her dharma (moral duty) and undergo reincarnation (rebirth) which is brought about by one’s karma (good deeds); main religion of India
Buddhism Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) who taught detachment from material things and to show compassion to all living things; Spiritual guide of Buddhism is Dalai Lama
Taoism/Daoism Chinese religious tradition that emphasizes living in harmony
Shinto Set of religious practices carried out by Japanese to connect present day Japan to its ancient past [respect for elders]
Confucianism Secular humanist teachings that focus on importance of family and wise, logical teachings
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations-a political & economic organization of SE Asian nations formed in 1967
Plateau of Tibet East Asia’s highest plateau region in China’s southwest corner; home to Tibetan monks
Kashmir Disputed territory between India and Pakistan that both countries have fought over and both claim as their own; both countries patrol the Line of Control border between the two countries
Former name of Taiwan Formosa
Typhoons = Pacific Ocean Hurricanes = _________ Ocean Atlantic
Flood plain is an example of ___________. Deposition - when sediment is deposited in an alluvial plain when flood waters carry it and deposit it
This country is linked by history and ancient cultures but divided by differences in political philosophies; ___________. Korea is divided into North Korea [communist] and South Korea [democratic]
An important aspect of Southeast Asian culture is respect for one's ________. ancestors
Largest communist country in Asia is ________. China [People's Republic of China]
3 major religions of Asia Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam
2 ways mountains in Asia impact people. 1-limit human movement/travel 2-impact population settlements
Asia's major crop is _______. Rice
When nations have limited natural resources and have to depend on other nations to import goods this is called ___________. Interdependence
When countries sign treaty agreements to trade with each other, they create ____________ with each other. Economic alliances
Early civilizations were located along ________. River valleys such as the Mesopotamia Valley at the Tigris & Euphrates Rivers [Middle East] and Nile [Africa]
Cities in non-industrialized developing countries [no modern technology] need _________ & ____________. Proximity to water & arable, fertile soil for growing crops
Earthquakes are caused by _____________. Movement of tectonic plates along a fault line in the Earth
A country with few natural resources but a thriving economy that exports many manufactured goods is ___________. Japan
This religion worships nature [animism] and is popular in Japan Shintoism
This religious philosophy is based on discipline and moral conduct Confucianism
An underwater earthquake that pushes water toward land with little warning is a disaster called a ____________. Tsunami
The climate of Southeast Asia is ___________. Tropical wet
The most popular religion in Southeast Asia is ____________. Buddhism
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are common in Southeast Asia due to proximity to ____________. Ring of Fire
ASEAN was formed to __________. Help Southeast Asian countries share economic and cultural issues
The Khymer Empire built the ____________. Temple Wat
Farmers in hilly or mountainous regions use ___________ to grow rice. Terraced fields
Angkor Wat 12th Century Hindu temple, later a center of Buddhist worship; largest religious structure in world built by Khymer Empire
Created by: poffmoore
Popular Geography sets




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