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midterm college stud

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1. The Power process: Ideas are tools states that if you want to use an idea, you must believe in it? True or false? Explain your answer. False ideas are tools to be used they don’t need to be right or wrong
2. The first step technique refers only to telling the truth about your areas for improvement. True or false? Explain your answers False it allows you to make a balanced view of yourself
3. The four modes of learning are associated with certain questions. Give the appropriate question for each mode. Why, how, what and what if
4. List the types of intelligence defined by Howard Gardner. Verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logical, musical/rhythmic, visual/spatial, bodily/kin esthetic, interpersonal/intrapersonal
5. Describe three learning strategies related to one type of intelligence that you listed. Intrapersonal: can self motivate, look in themselves, reflection
6. What does the word kinesthetic mean? moving
7. According to the text, feeling discomfort is a sign that you’re failing to correctly apply your knowledge of learning styles. True or False? Explain your answer. False, it means you are going outside your comfort zone
8. List the six levels of thinking described by psychologist Benjamin Bloom. Remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, creating
9. According to the text, useful questions to ask when reading the Master Student profiles in this book include? Why is this person considered a master student? What attitudes or behaviors helped to create her mastery? How can I develop these qualities? What if I could use his example to create positive new results in my own life?
10. Psychologist now describe being smart as having an IQ? True or False? Explain. False, book smarts and high IQ scores aren't necessary to describe being smart
11. The power process: Be here now rules out planning. True or False? Explain your answer. False you should always plan
12. According to the text, everything written about time management can be reduced to three main ideas. What are they? Know exactly what you want, know how to get what you want, go for balance
13. Rewrite the statement ”I want to study harder” so that it becomes a specific goal I will study for x amount of time a day.
14. Define C fever as it applies to the ABC priority method Dropping A tasks to cross off more C tasks because they are usually simpler
15. You can rank your to do list items with the ABC priority method. Explain an alternative to this method. 80-20 system
16. Define the term multitasking and explain one strategy for dealing with it. Doing multiple tasks at once, unplug from technology
17. Define the term time boxing setting aside a specific number of minutes or hours to spend on a certain task
18. The text suggest that you do your most important task (MIT) At the earliest time of day as possible
19. According to the text, overcoming procrastination is a complex process that can take months or even years. True or false? Explain your answer. False the way to stop procrastinating is to simply stop
20. What are at least 3 of the 25 ways to get the most out of now study difficult or boring tasks first, be aware of your bet time of day, use waiting time
21. Briefly define the word love as it is used in the power process Love your problems unconditionally accept the fact that your problems exist
22. According to the latest research, memory is? A process rather than a thing, a process that consists of several stages, not something you have but something you do.
23. In the article about the memory jungle, what is the meadow? A place every animal must pass through, a representation of short term memory, a representation of the idea that one type of memory had a limited capacity
24. Give two examples in which you can organize a long list of items by category, and by chronological order
25. Memorization on a deep level can take place if you? Repeat the idea
26. The article 25 memory techniques suggest three ways to encode new memories. What are they? Escape the short term memory trap, encode it by thinking decode by recalling key information
27. Define the term graphic organizer and give two examples preformatted charts that prompt you to visualize relationships between facts and ideas. Topic point details and Venn diagrams
28. Define acronym and give an example of one words created by the initial letters or a series of words. NASA is National Aeronautics and Space Administration
29. Mnemonic devices are the most efficient ways to memorize facts and ideas? True or false? Explain your answer True mnemonics can be a fun way to remember certain facts.
30. List three techniques that can be used to remember the names of three specific people you’ve recently met recite and repeat the name in conversation, ask the other person to recite and repeat, admit you don't know.
31. Briefly explain the problem with holding on to mental pictures, as suggested by the power process in this chapter. *They can stop us from seeing what’s really there
32. Name the acrostic that can help you remember the eight steps of muscle reading *Pry Out Questions, Focus and Flag Answers, Recite Review and Review again
33. According to the text, Muscle reading is a step by step procedure that cannot be changed. True or False? Explain your answer. *False Muscle Reading is an overall approach
34. Give three examples of what to look for when previewing a reading assignment *preview the entire assignment, look through the table of contents and text page by page, keep an eye out for summary statements, imagine what questions will be on the test
35. Briefly explain how to use headings in a text to create an outline *You can use headings to have specific meaning for you, even subheadings to list important parts to know
36. In addition to underlining and highlighting, there are four other ways to mark up a text. List three possibilities *Write summaries in your own words, circle key terms and words to look up in the dictionary, number each step in a list or series of related points
37. To get the most benefit from marking a book, underline at least 20% of the text? True or false? Explain your answer. *False, only flag the important material for review
38. Compare the steps of muscle reading with the approach described in ”Muscle reading- a leaner approach” how do these two methods differ? *Muscle reading includes preview, outline, question, focus, flag answers, recite, review, review again. While the leaner approach has you preview, question, read answers to questions, recite and review
39. Explain at least three strategies you can use when reading is tough *look for essential words, read it out loud, stand up, skip around, find a tutor
40. Define the term information literacy *Find information from appropriate sources, evaluate the information, organize it, and use it to achieve a purpose
41. Define the word responsibility as it is used in the power process: I create all *The ability to choose a response to any event
42. What are the three major parts of effective note taking as explained in this chapter? Summarize each step in one sentence. *Observe: pay attention in class, Record: Take notes, Review: Go over notes
43. According to the text, neat handwriting and a knowledge of outlining are the only requirements for effective notes. True or false? Explain your answer *False, you need to be an active listener and review the notes
44. What are some of the advantages of sitting in the front and center of the classroom? *You won’t fall asleep, you can see the board clearly, you can hear the instructor.
45. List the four A’s for taking notes at meetings *Attendance, Agenda, Agreements, and actions
46. Instructors sometimes give clues that the material they are presenting is important. List at least three of these clues. *They become excited about the topic, they repeat the idea, Watch the instructors eyes.
47. Postponing while taking notes means that you have to agree with everything the instructor says. True or False? Explain your answe *False, you just need to have an open mind.
48. Describe the two main types of key words. Then write down at least 5 key words from this chapter *Concepts, technical terms, names and numbers. Linking words, observe, record, review, the correll method visualize ideas
49. Graphic signals include which of the following? *Brackets and parentheses, underlining and connecting lines, stars and arrows, equal signs and greater-then and less-than signs
50. Describe at least three strategies for reviewing notes *edit your notes, use key words, create summaries
51. Describe how using the power process: Detach differs from giving up detaching is different because you are simply detaching your emotions from your work instead of giving up completely
52. According to the text, test scores measure your accomplishments in a course. True or false? Explain your answer false a test score is a measure of how you did on a test.
53. The text suggest a problem with the term study. Describe the problem and the suggested solution study doesn't have a clear definitions. See the test as a performance and a practice.
54. Define the term study checklist, and give three examples of what to include on such checklist making a list on what to study. Write answers for review, solve problems, rewrite your notes.
55. Study groups can focus on which of following? Comparing and editing class notes, doing research to prepare for papers and presentations, finding and understanding key passages in assigned readings, and creating and taking practice tests.
56. When answering multiple choice questions, the recommended strategy is to read all of the possible answers before answering the question in your head. True or False? Explain your answer. False you should answer the question in your head first and if you are confident, find the answer in the selected answers.
57. The presence of absolute qualifiers, such as always or never, generally indicates a false statement. True or False? Explain your answer. True because absolutes are rarely true
58. Describe three techniques for dealing with test anxiety. Accept your feelings, praise yourself, breathe
59. The text offers a three step process for solving math problems. Name these steps, and list a strategy related to each one. Prepare: read each problem a couple of times Compute: reduce the unknowns Check: plug your answer back in
60. According to the text learning from mistakes is so powerful that we should deliberately set out to make mistakes. True or False? Explain your answer. False, mistakes should be celebrated so you can bring them to life and fix them, not repeat them
61. What are the three muscle reading phases? Match their steps to them Phase :Preview Outline Question Phase 2: Focus Flag answersPhase 3 recit Revie Review Again
62. ABC daily to do list/5 steps/match each step to description Brainstorm Tasks- list all of the tasks you want to get done tomorrow.Estimate time estimate how long it will take - decide which to do items are the most importantCross off Tasks- Cross off activities .Evaluate- evaluate your performance
63. 4 major methods for note taking/ Match to examples he Cornell Method- Cue Column with Notes and then a summaryMind Mapping Determine the main process then create links to keywords.Outlining- List major topics with key pints and specifics fact General Techniques- use keywords, pictures or diagrams,
64. Memory jungle 4 visualizations/match to what they are The well worn path : the more you retrace the path the clearer it becomesA herd of thoughts : group together thoughtsturn your back: it makes you forget so review it quicklyDirect the animal traffic to long term memory
Created by: jenysis
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