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The Fight for NA

5th grade SS chpt 5

Proclamation of 1763 by king George III,said colonists weren't permitted to settle on land west of Appalachian Mts;hoped to prevent future Native American rebellions.Colonists weren't happy-they wanted more &more land to settle. Led to tension btween colonists & British.
hacienda large, self-sufficent community with gardens, workshops, & mills
Pontiac's Rebellion attacks against British forts by Native Americans
trading post place where trading occurs
presidio Spanish military forts
Pueblo Revolt Pueblo attacks against the Spanish
Quebec the capital of New France, key battle in the French and Indian War that the British won and helped the British win the whole war.
George Washington a young military leader in the army (soon to lead a small army to victory against the British Crown) From Virginia. He helped the British in the French and Indian War.
Jacques Marquette French missionary/adventurer who set out to explore the Mississippi with Louis Jolliet
Junipero Serra priest who founded some of the first Spanish missions
Florida a French settlement in the south
Pedro Menendez leader of a Spanish fleet who set out to find and conquer Florida
Saint Augustine Spanish colony started when the French left Florida
New Mexico place North of the Rio Grande
Sante Fe the capital of New Mexico
El Camino Real road used to carry goods from Santa Fe to Mexico City
Pope Pueblo leader
San Antonio new settlement founded so that the Spanish could keep control of the Southwest
Mississippi River river that the French took control of to build trading posts
Louis Jolliet a fur trader who traveled with Jacques Marquette
Robert La Salle 1643-1687, French explorer who explored the Mississippi River in 1681 and 1682. He claimed the entire Mississippi River valley for France, naming this territory Louisiana.
tributary a stream or river that flows into a larger river
Louisiana land named after King Louis XIV of France, became part of New France.
New Oleans place in Louisiana near the mouth of the Mississippi
Fort Necessity fort on a meadow in now southwest Pennsylvania
Metacom son of Chief Massasoit, he led several Native American groups into battle against the English settlers. His goal was to force the English out of New England.
King Phillip's War war between Native Americans & British. The English called Metacom "King Philip". after the war, the English controlled most of New England.
backcountry rugged stretch of land near the Appalachian Mountains.
Ohio River Valley a region of fertile land and thick forests along the Ohio River; source of tension between French settlers and Native Americans.
Fort Duquesne Fort built by the French in 1754 in western Pennsylvania, site of present day Pittsburgh.
French and Indian War War fought by the British against the French and their Native American allies in North America, which was won by the British in 1763.
Hendrick 1680-1755? Iroquois leader during the French and Indian War
Pontiac 1720-1769 Ottawa leader who led Pontiac's Rebellion, a revolt against the British in 1763.
King George III 1738-1820 King of Britain during the time of the American Revolution
What was the main source of tension between the settlers and the Native Americans? Settlers wanted more land to build towns and farms and they began moving west. Native Americans, who had been living on this land for thousands of years, resisted English settlement.
The battle for which fort was the first of many small battles in the long war called the French and Indian War? Fort Duquensne.
Who fought in the French and Indian War? The British against the French and their American Indian allies.
According to Hendrick, why did the Iroquois resist joining the British? Because he felt that all the land belong to Native Americas, regardless of who the tribe is. He said that "the British and the French were quarreling about lands which belong to us, and their quarrel may end in our destruction."
what was the cause of the Proclamation of 1763? Pontiac and his followers were rebelling against the British, but soon the British had to put down the rebellion. The British did not want to continue fighting Native Americans on lands won from France, which led to the Proclamation of 1763.
Why was New Orleans a good location for a trading center? ideal location near the mouth of the Mississippi River, still today it is one of the busiest ports in the United States.
small-scale map an inch on the map represents a very large distance on Earth.
large-scale map an inch represents a shorter distance on Earth, shows more detail than a small scale map.
Name two French settlements that are now major American cities Detroit and New Orleans
Why did the Spanish build new settlements in the Southwest in the 1700s? Spanish leaders hoped that these new settlements and missions would help Spain keep control of the Southwest from the Native Americans.
What was one effect of the Pueblo Revolt? The Spanish were driven out of New Mexico.
Created by: oberholzerfam
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