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Cerebral Blood

Cerebral Hemispheres and Vascular Supply

Main functional areas of the Cerebral Cortex = ? * Hand/Face are on the Lateral convexities.... * Legs are on the inter-hemispheric fissures
Where does Broca's area reside ? * In the DOMINANT, usu LEFT hemisphere, lies in the inferior frontal gyrus... * Just anterior to the articulatory areas of the primary motor complexes
Where does Wernicke's area reside ? * lies in the superior temporal gyrus, adjacent to the primary auditory cortex
Association Cortex = ? * in the NONdominant (usu Right hemisphere, esp. in the parietal lobe).... * it is important fr attention to contralateral body and space
Visual Fields = ? * Primary Visual cortex for the contralateral visual hemifield lies along the occipital lobe fissure.... * Optic Radiations = carry visual info from thalamus to visual cortex, pass under the parietal and temporal cortex
Terminal branches of the internal carotid arteries ? * ACA (Ant. Cerebral Artery) and MCA (Middle Cerebral Artery)
Provides Cirulation to the Anterior and Posterior portions of the brain ? * Anterior Circ. = by bilaterally paired internal carotid arteries..... * Post. Circ. = by bilateral vertebral arteries
Where these meet ? * Where these ant. and post. circulations meet = CIRCLE of Willis
The Basilar Arteries are made by the convergence of the vertebral arteries. What then comes off of the Basilar Artery ? * PCA (posterior Cerebral Artery)
Vascular territories for the ACA = ? * travels between the interhemisphereic fissures as it sweeps back across the corpus callosum...* Gives off the pericallosal and callosomarginal arteries...* supplies most of the ant-medial surface, from frontal to ant. parietal lobes,
ACA continued... * including the medial sensorimotor cortex
MCA = ? * turns laterally to enter the depths of the sylvian fissure, where it bifurcates in to a superior and inferior division.
PCA = ? * sends branches to the inferior and medial temporal lobes and over the medial occipital cortex
Superior Division of the MCA supplies = ? * the cortex above the Sylvian Fissure, which includes the frontal lobe
Inferior Division of the MCA supplies = ? * the cortex below the Sylvian Fissure, including the lateral temporal lobe and some of the parietal lobe
ACA in simple words ? * supplies most of the frontal and parietal lobes medially and superiorly
MCA ? * laterally, supplies some of the parieta and temporal lobes
PCA ? * Supplies inferior/medial and inferior lateral temporal lobes.... * Also supplies most of the occipital lobes
Deficits in Right ACA = ? * LEFT leg weakness and sensory loss..... * behavioral abnormalities due to frontal lobe affected.... * Can see left hemineglect or even left hemiplegia
Left ACA = ? * Same as Right ACA, except everything is on the RIGHT side
Deficits in Right PCA = ? * Left homonymous hemianopia, and can see left hemisensory and hemiparesis loss also
Left PCA = ? * Right homonymous hemianopia, Alexia, can see Aphasia, and Right hemisensory and hemiparesis loss
MCA RIGHT SUPERIOR Division Deficit = ? * LEFT arm/face weakness, Left hemineglect, and may see some left face/arm sensory loss
MCA LEFT Superior Division = ? * RIGHT arm/face weakness, RIGHT hemineglect, and may see some RIGHT face/arm sensory loss.... * Also Broca's Aphasia
MCA RIGHT INFERIOR Division Deficit = ? * Major Left Hemineglect, Left visual field deficit, have normal motor on the LEFT but just choose not to use LEFT side.... * often a RIGHT Gaze is present
MCA LEFT INFERIOR Division Deficit = ? * Wernicke's Aphasia.... * Right visual side defect... * Right face'arm sensory loss.... * Right side weakness and motor findings are absent
MCA RIGHT STEM Deficit = ? * Combo of Right DEEP MCA + left hemiplegia, hemianesthesai, homonymous hemianopia, and left hemineglect.... * usu a right gaze bc a deficit in the area that drives eyes to the left
MCA LEFT Stem Deficit = ? * Combo of LEFT DEEP MCA + Right Hemiplegia, hemianesthesia, homonymous hemianopia, and GLOBAL Aphasia. ... * See a LEFT gaze preference
MCA RIGHT Deep Territory Deficit = ? * Left Pure Motor hemiparesis... * if larger infarcts, can see left hemineglect as well
MCA LEFT Deep Territory Deficit = ? * Right Pure Motor hemiparesis... * if larger infarcts, can see Aphasia as well
What are the significance of watershed zones ? * don't need an infarct to cause issues, just need a drop in BP... * Are areas in between two arteries that are supplied by smaller branches... * Can have weakness, aphasia, etc. depending on what watershed areas are deficient
Venous drainage of the cerebral hemispheres = ? * has both superficial and deep veins.... * Superficial Veins drain in to the Superior Sagittal Sinus and the Cavernous Sinus.... * Deep Veins Drain in to the Great Vein of Galen... * Both eventually drain in to the Int. Jugular Vein
Sagittal sinus thrombosis = ? * usu due to a hypercoag. issues.... * high frequency in postpartum pregnant ppl, and causes an increase in intracranial pressure.. * See seizures, headaches, different lvls of consciousness
Simplified issues with ACA deficit = ? * contralateral leg, more than arm/face weakness
PCA = ? * contralateral homonymous hemianopia
MCA = ? * visual gaze towards the side of the lesion
Created by: thamrick800
Popular Medical sets




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