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acne vulgaris an inflammation of the skin, usually on the face and neck, that is caused by increased activity of the sebaceous glands at puberty
actinic keratosis a scaly skin lesion that is caused by too much sun and can lead to skin cancer
aqueous humor the liquid in the front portion of the eye
atopic eczema a chronic pruritic eruption of unknown etiology, although allergic, hereditary, and psychogenic factors may be involved; also called atopic dermatitis
basal cell carcinoma a slow-growing skin cancer that usually forms polyps and rarely metastasizes
beyond-use date the date after which a drug should not be used once it has been removed from the intact container
candidiasis a fungal infection (Candida albicans) most commonly involving the oral and vaginal mucosa
carbuncle a coalescent mass of infected hair follicles that are deeper than furuncles
conjunctivitis pink eye; inflammation of the membrane covering the inside of the eyelid and the outside of the eyeball
contact dermatitis an inflammatory reaction produced by contact with an irritating agent
dermatome area of the skin associated with one pair of nerves emerging horizontally from the spinal cord
dermis layer of skin below the epidermis
eczema a hot, itchy, red, oozing skin inflammation; also called dermatitis
emulsify to break a liquid that does not dissolve in water into small globules that can be suspended in water
epidermis the top layer of the skin
erysipelas a skin infection characterized by redness and warmth, local pain, edematous plaque with sharply established borders, chills, malaise, and fever; a form of cellulitis
folliculitis an inflammation of a hair follicle by a minute, red, pustulated nodule without involvement of the surrounding tissue
furuncle a boil; caused by a staphylococcal infection of a sebaceous gland and the associated hair follicle
glaucoma a chronic eye disorder characterized by abnormally high internal eye pressure that destroys the optic nerve and causes partial or complete loss of vision
impetigo a superficial, highly contagious skin infection; characterized by small red spots that evolve into vesicles, break, become encrusted, and are surrounded by a zone of erythema
keratoacanthoma an epithelial skin tumor that first grows rapidly and then regresses and heals
melanoma a highly malignant skin cancer formed from pigmented skin cells
otalgia earache
pediculosis an infestation of lice
petechiae minute red spots on the skin due to the escape of a small amount of blood
phototoxicity a property of a chemical that becomes toxic on exposure to light
photosensitivity an abnormal response of the skin or eye to sunlight
psoriasis a skin disorder characterized by patches of red, scaly skin that are slightly raised with defined margins; usually occurs on the elbows and knees but can affect any part of the body
retinoid a compound related to vitamin A that helps to regulate skin cell growth
ringworm a fungus that infects the horny (scaly) layer of skin or the nails; also called tinea
rosacea chronic dermatologic disorder involving inflammation of the skin of the face; also called acne rosacea
seborrhea a skin condition caused by excessive secretion by the sebaceous glands; gives the skin an oily appearance
squamous cell carcinoma a skin cancer that grows more rapidly than basal cell carcinoma but in which metastasis is uncommon
suppuration formation or discharge of pus
teratogenic causing birth defects
wart a virally caused epidermal tumor
Created by: softcrylic
Popular Medical sets




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